some race realism thing ive noticed is the straighter the hair the smarter they are
asians: super straight hair super intellegent
whites: wavy hair medium intellegence
blacks: nappy hair low intellegence
capoids: super nappy hair severely retarded
anyone else notice this?
Some race realism thing ive noticed is the straighter the hair the smarter they are
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That’s why I stick forks into electrical outlets, so people will think I’m smart
What about Abbos? They have wavey hair :^)
no pure ones have nappy hair just like africans
Asians, are not that fucking smart man. China can't even build proper housing, Japan is repressed and degenerate. 90% of all modern tech is invented not by Asians, but white society.
iq tests
Why I have noticed this, thank you for bringing it to my attention.
What about all the bald people?
Ashkenazi Jews have curly hair and are the smartest ethnic group alive.
What about jews eh?
check mate
>tfw wave hair
The only retarded thing retarded here is this thread. Hair and race have nothing to do with intelligence, I have a friend who looks like a fucking ape and works out and he can mop the floor with your dumb ass in a science competition any day
That logic is flawed, given that Native Americans have straight hair and are less intelligent than whites, yet are mongoloid like Asians.
>Hurr durr i have an anecdotal example of le baste smart nigger therefore statistics and averages don’t matter
What about the Down Syndrom race?
fucking retard, what about the indigenous south and central americans? straight hair but a subhuman race in terms of intelligence
>genes have nothing to do with intelligence
Everyday I'm learning something new here
Hispanics got their straight hair from Asia. It’s possible they lost the intelligence after moving to warmer climes.
Granted, their hair didn’t become more curly in kind.
Kek what statistics retard?
jews have dark curly hair and are most intelligent under the jewish created measurement of intelligence called IQ
>What are IQ studies across continents
>What are IQ studies based on racial identification
>What are twin studies
>What are intelligence based genome wide association studies
Thats because asians only let the smart people in cities take tests. Mongoloids do have a 1460 cranial capacity to caucasoids 1446 average. But they have a MAO-A rate of 54% to the 34% of caucasoids, and negroids have 59%.
She's gorgeous, why is she not doing porn?
>are most intelligent
Myth, from using tests of Jewish college students in place of a general sample
How the fuck can you be 99.3% Jewish? That's literally over 8 generations of uninterrupted Jewishness.
jews: curly hair twisted intelligence
Aboriginal Australians
Dumber than kola's
Your evidence?
Imagine believing you are smart because of your utter lack of morality
Inbred as fuck
Uhoh, I smell hypocrisy
probably focusing on the youth who goes through rigorous schooling. we are really fucked in the long run just because of how much more they care about education.
Hair is for suckers.
Go through this in its entirety
And before you pitch a bitchfit about muh citations, it includes the citations in the articles.
The funny thing is, they have the best eyesight and the most advanced geospatial IQ. Too bad it takes up so much space in their head they're retarded. Specialization, not even once.
The signals simply aren't strong enough for ethnic subgroups to end up with a result like that. The classification uncertainties are too high. It's either a shoop or the company deliberately mucks with the reported results in certain cases.
>Science competition
>Native Americans less intelligent than whites
Are you sure about this? They thrived through the very worst of the ice age and went on to populate the American continent, develop forestry, wildlife management, agriculture with originally inedible weeds (corn, tomatoes, potatoes, beans), civilization, writing, mathematics including the abstract concept of zero, astronomy, art, poetry, philosophy, …
Then why are porcupines not king of the jungle?
Straight hair comes from a missing protein in an amino acid, a side affect of the deficiency disease albinism. The elephant in the room.
Or rather that complex civilisations and agricultural societies select hard for intelligence.
LOL,that women in the pic is Khoisan.But it’s interesting that the Khoisan that /pol love to celebrate as being ‘not black’ and them being the first people in South Africa ahead of the Bantu,are now considered “nappy hair low intellegence
capoids: super nappy hair severely retarded”
Once again, Statistics for modern Native Americans show they range between 80 to 90 while Europeans range between 90 and 103, so yes, statistically speaking, whites are more intelligent.
jews, specially from Poland and Russia area. 120+IQ full blown afro, as soon as it gets a little moist.
they are non agressive from all I know?
The khoisan are obviously the father race of asians. The genes that cause their eyes to look that way is identical to oriental asians. Proving once again, life started in Africa.
you do realize the people the people there all have straight hair right?
you do realize melanin is a dye in order to reflect sunlight right? thats why niggers are vitamin D deficient in areas not the equatorial region. albinism is the complete brokeness of melanin producing genes, white skin is just lowered production.
It's bs those DNA companies also change Ashkenazi DNA to random European countries if you're a nigger
>An international team of researchers say the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans - the so-called Missing Link - in the Mediterranean region.
chinks are dumb as fuck. They copy white man inventions, thats all.
>much quoted, NEVER DOCUMENTED statistics
6 patients at an institution for the disabled a representative sample do not make.
Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Capoid, Negroid, Australoid.
Only Caucasoids and mongoloid's have neandrathal admixture, which gives their males the ARHGAP11B gene, which causes brain stem cells to form a bigger pool of stem cells brain development so more neurons can arise and the cerebrum can expand.
You do realize the people there are lost tribes of africa that traveled along the coast line right? That they themselves had albinos in their ancestry giving them their recessive genetics? You believe myths. You believe in false reality. Youre an ancestor cuck.
The photo alone proves you 100% wrong. According to your false knowledge, she should have red eyes and platinum blonde hair. You have no real arguments.
This has already been debunked. Oldest homo sapien was found in Morocco - dated over 300.000 years.
Various IQ test have different results like this one for example
IQ tests aren't really valid and in case you didn't know IQ changes
I'm Scottish and my hair is straight as fuck, not "wavy" as you amerigoblins have
False, black people are the missing link, hence why many africans features remind us of our ape ancestors. Narrow nose and thin lips came from natural selection later from homnids needing to survive winter without harnessing fire.
So,what you’re saying is that the Khoisan are black and therefore black people were the first people in South Africa not Dutch settlers.
Australoids have the same Neanderthal admixture as all humans outside of Africa, bruh. If you're going to talk shit at least make it look credible.
She cute! :3
you may thank your english and roman ancestors for that.
Africans low IQ High/very high creativity
Whites high IQ Very high creativity
Asians Very high IQ Low creativity
>Asians are intelligent
When will this meme end?
Have you never met Asians. They range from photocopying machines to straight up bimbos.
They are not the most intelligent people.
Proof. I didn't know that, but I guess that explains this earlier post.
agreed. As cute as this baby.
Asians and whites are neck and neck, but whites have them beat due to culture and a variety of other factors. Also I'm pretty sure Italy's iq is higher than average Asian.
A negro asian
>tips fedora
Khosians/Capoids where the first travelers, they went north and south.
Bantu/Negroids got there and ruined everything, of course.
Hair cells are the new brain cells
is that why african americans shave their foreheads into straight lines because it looks like that?
Bumping because topic of race and iq should be on the top always on Jow Forums forever. Make this thread again and any mod deleting is a faggot.
Ashkenazis often have curly hair.
>super intelligent
I think it’s more to do with the fact that Asian parents are more likely to beat their child with a shoe for not playing the piano at the age of 7
While it’s a good thing that Asian parents push their kids more, they just end up emotionally retarded husks by the time they reach adulthood. Just look at Japan, their kids get great results in tests but they’re a nation of autists. There need to be a balance between “lol do whatever you want” and “get an A or you’re fucking dead to me”
emotion are a problem anyway. you can be autistic and do great at work. They only confuse stuff.
>trusting commie government stats
Okay buddy
Hair = heat management = latitude.