Asian woman hate thread

Why do (((white men))) push the meme that theyre feminine and based? They are ugly, loud, stupid and annoying. They also racemix the most. Plus OH GOD HAPA GIRLS LOOK EVEN WORSE. If youre a hapa guy though, cheer up at least u have social skills + IQ from huwite and asian side.

Attached: UglyAsianModel-1310262141.jpg (296x297, 13K)

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take a trip to japan faggot

Literally worked for a jap company and went to Tokyo for business trips. Only difference they have to the others are bigger tits

Women in asian countries have a much higher likelihood to be virgins and good wife material than western white women. Most asian women also absolutely worship white men so if you are a white man who is not attractive enough to get one of the few good white women then you still have a really good shot with Asian women.

Interesting new tactic, Jow Forumshapas.

What an amazing thread.

Knew this was coming... Yeah because only self hating virgins dislike asian chicks? More like the opposite. What a joke. Your kid will look uglier than a mullato

But they're ugly and not feminine unlike the meme would suggest

Seething pasty ass white jelly roastie

All race mixing is bad regardless of races involved. Closest genetic distance is the goal of parents who want healthy children.

Her eagle nose makes her look like one of those Kai Feng hybrids, but hey, look up the Tang Dynasty and the Radhanite Jews.

there you go then take your pick. ugly trad virgin
or 5/10 spoiled cunt


Attached: roastt.jpg (621x680, 99K)

They are like stick people. I dont know how you can find Asian women attractive.
I'd be afraid of breaking one.

Take the THICC pill.

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male hapas are hilarious.

Attached: TZQHFRGL6FBRJDUOXOZIJVF5JY.jpg (1200x675, 70K)

all of those guys are beta which is a reason they couldn't find a white woman. they chose a weak woman that makes them feel more masculine because compared to the local men they are. and the male offspring will look like pic related in most cases.
Two parents with very low testosterone can't have strong sons in most cases.

Attached: hapa son.jpg (680x453, 63K)

This guy just looks like a Chad Asian

Op has probably never fucked a girl, let alone one from Korea. They’ll literally do anything for you if you’re not a total fucking beta like most channers likely are. They never had feminism like the hard pedestalization given to muttwhites. but ooga boga something something jews

not really but if this resembles a Chad for Asians, there's a problem

The only Chad Asians live in Mongolia.

Attached: Battulga-Khaltmaa_lutteur-mongol.jpg (750x422, 64K)

Yes, no man wants a white woman, but that's because they are weak, otherwise they'd be all over the white woman. White Women don't have to change or adapt, they're already perfect. TV told me so.

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You sound like you're talking about american asians. American women are filth. Northeast asians are waaaaay better in many regards.