Voters have unleashed on our political leaders in a landmark survey, venting their disappointment about the way our country is being run.

Woolworths have begun weighing items in the bagging area again at self-service check-outs

Controversial politician Fraser Anning has been slammed for a shameless attack on the family of a missing toddler.

Queensland’s youth detention centres are so full that children are being crammed into police watch houses intended for adult offenders.

Fraser Anning. Working for real Australians:

>AUS/POL Pastebins. 5NXqdmJFFgm/PvBusZeo7Y8mYLWtJQ/f

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>boomers crying about their pension

Thanks to you cunts we wont even see a pension you pricks

>Controversial politician Fraser Anning has been slammed for a shameless attack on the family of a missing toddler
Based Anning

Attached: based anning.jpg (660x794, 94K)

>Controversial politician Fraser Anning has been slammed for a shameless attack on the family of a missing toddler.

>that article

Fuckin top journalism cunt

Look how fucking hideous they all are

Disgusting inbred sand niggers

The woollies thing is obviously because of people nicking shit but fuck it’s hopeless. Slow and constantly fucks up.

No wonder they all fuck boipussy. Much more attractive than their "girls"


I love this musliming of Australia and New Zealand.


Because its karma.

Karma for being such staunch supporters of jolly old england.

Australians and New Zealanders deserve all they are going to get in the next few decades, and i wish them much more enrichment.

For centuries you have sold out your white bretheren world wide.


Tired of this election crap, when is it over and we know which batch of new cunts are in charge of fucking shit up?

Reminder to vote for The Greens

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Bruh, have you seen your country lately? You're literally run by niggers

>the dingo memes are real

>late 20s
>shitty job
>tfw fucked up so many times at work that everyone hates me
>cant go work for a competitor because ive become the laughing stock of that particular industry
>physical health JUSTed
>mental health JUSTed
>not enough savings to buy a house
>getting harder and harder to hold onto my friends everyday

and the obligatory

>tfw no gf

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Vote uap

Here, fren

Don't be a lazy cunt

Attached: 1447376536377.jpg (255x200, 7K)

>work 6 days a week on average
>do the odd 16 hr shift if need be

t-thanks, ill try harder for shekelstein

Maybe crying on the internet some more will fix it?

Vote Anning ya cunts

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Being present is different from being diligent
If you've fucked up so many times it's most likely from your lack of awareness, focus and paying shit off or taking shortcuts.
>6 days a week
>16 hours
Fuck off, I've been doing 12 hours on 12 hours off for the past week and did a 20 hour shift yesterday. A lot of people here probably work even harder but still don't fuck up at work.


I work as a full time neet for the Department of comfy

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is this a wagecuck pissing contest?

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Department of Xbox.

Remember, lads. You should bring a pen along with you to the booths. If you fill out your ballot with the pencils provided by the AEC, there's a good chance lefty uni students will modify your votes. This has been going on for decades.



Well, I got a call about an interview I attended. I didn't get the job. Oh well, guess I'll be a NEET for a little longer...

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.49_[2019.01.13_03.09.09].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

It's a
>Sort your fucking life out mate
Not ya fuckin mum, don't care about your sob stories because you're a shit cunt. If you can't be a real man you're on the same level as a neet in the department of comfy.

Fuck off were full

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Who >rich boi neet here?

What point do they even have being here, they serve no purpose

For the increased rape ofcourse

Attached: Rape in england and whales.png (1441x491, 59K)

>admits to breaking local labour laws
>"fuck off we're full"

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Take your money and distribute it to the migrants and environment, ya fuckwit. Ya gotta work all week but not take home enough to ever get anywhere because you get taxed heavily to support the Muslim women who want to sit home having 20 kids. Also we need transgender awareness programs in schools and turbines. Fuck the homeless and fuck the workers.

Ragie wagie my Centrelink came today
Guess what I bought

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you gambled it all again didnt you

Funny thing is the girl probably left because she was being forced into an arranged marriage or beaten and detained because she was going against the family's wishes.

it sure does

Should i buy a lewd dakimura of raven from teen titans

And we supported the end to apartide you sudo semen slurper.

>is this a wagecuck pissing contest?

Nah, this fag is just lying about how much he works, all boomer cunts try and force young people to work harder and longer and in order to justify the bullshit they come up with lies on how long they work.

Eg, A corporate boomer I know...

>user I work 80 hours a week and don't have time for this right now, maybe you should put in more hours?
>Look past him at his computer screen at his work
>His watching fucking cat videos
>In work time
>He follows my eyes and his face turns red
>"W..We...Welll I'm taking a break right now!"
>I laugh and walk away.

Lmao normies crying and killing themselves over got and elections fun times anons

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Never forget

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I didn't support anything of the sort you nigger.

Oi is the fag here who worked out only 11 million Aussies work and only about 4 million or so even pay tax?
The fuck are the other 10 million or so doing
5% unemployment my ass half the country isn't looking for work because there isn't any hahah burn in hell wagies mad max neets coming

Also this is a Reminder that Any Boomer telling you that they work/worked 80 hours a week along with their partner is lying and full of shit.

Anyway it's time for your Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and Everything wrong with Australia.

Another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.

I don't know what you're talking about.

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Not him, but Baka and Ross Griffin managed to confirm that 6/10 households pay no income tax.

Give up aus/pol/

Labor will win.

>Unchecked Immigration

>LGBTQ degeneracy
>Hate Speech laws
>White Genocide
>Chinese influence
>Muslim Enclaves
>English speaking optional
>"Punch Nazi's"
>Centrelink hike for Abo Drug and Alcohol abuses
>Manufacturing gone
>Unions protecting Incompetency
>Internet Censorship

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That's because you were still 10 years away from being born. We helped destroy thier country, I understand why the Saffa would be happy in our demise.

You'd get a lot of that under the Libs anyway. Country is fucked either way. You can't stop the slide whichever way you go. Only difference is that some things will regress more rapidly under one party than another.

Negative gearing works well for me and I only earn on average 80k a year.

It's the same in every country you dunce.

Hahah kek
Neither do I lol never able to get work thanks to fucking boomers and nobody taking on apprentices traineeships and the economy taking a shit since I entered the workforce a decade ago
Fuck them all to hell Fuck immigrants fuck visas and most importantly I wunna fuck daneryes

Give up hope user and become a truck driver.

>Its our fault the niggers run South Africa
>White guilt, user
Fuck off you pathetic, defeatist, boomer faggot.

1. Sustainable Australia
2. Affordable Housing Party
3. Anning
4. One Nation
5. Shooters
6. Australia First Party

I try to be nice, then i go white nat

T. Tradie who pays no income tax; get paid in cash and put it into XMR from a localbitcoins bloke; The only amount of $ I have is $1000 float - any extra goes into XMR and if worst comes to worst you can use living room of satoshi to pay AU bills.


They killed her and served her up at the kebab shop.

Your point?
Same here lul fat neet benneis cunt lerl fuck wagies
Nah I was a taxi long enough to know the hours and sleep are fucked lack of social interaction sucks as well since your driving all day and begin to hate it as well
Plus theres shit all job security and the pays shit not to mention looming automation

I guess acceleration isn't so bad

>Country is fucked either way
But why are you busy larping on Jow Forums user?
Why don't you sort ya life out?
Make babies?
Buy land?
Stake a perimeter?
Shoot intruders?
Reject degeneracy?

Whos on q&a 2nite?

ALA have changed their name to Yellow Vest Australia

i wonder if that will work for them
dumb cunts aren't even based, they are just liberals that don't like muslims

Some slut

I see a lot of anti "Greens" hatred from Australians and German posters on this site. Why? Aren't the Greens pro-environmentally friendly? I mean, sure they support rapefugees, but almost literally every political party does, and the ones that don't are controlled opposition anyways.

Even if the immigration stuff is a deal-breaker, why not hate some other political party that is also pro-immigration? Why focus hatred specifically on the Greens?

we really need to do something about the tradie jew

How do I get a qt Thicc incel gf to lose virgin with anons? Tindr and irl is beyond useless
Who's satoshi is he your trap?

we need to raise the gst so it can't be escaped by our plethora of white niggers


lots of love,
Green T909

Rob them blind when the riots start and we go full mad max my local one even has a mustang

Literally me except I'm in an even worse situation, just fucking LOL.

When the apocalypse comes, we will greet it with joy.

There is a long list I could rattle off for you, but the one primary reason is because they are anti-white males.

problery because greens are pro drugs like weed and shit and it just pisses people off generally


Found some old p plates

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we need lots of shitskin tradies

A green
A lib
A lab
Some independent

Just gonna be blahblahing about the election. Yawn

Nah my local disbanded and got ran out of town literally fucking cultists
Don't worry the bubbles already popped their properties are worth jack shit and soon the aud will be too.
I kinda hope the worst party wins be it greens and or libnats so we can crash into the fucking ground even sooner
Hit the gass

These two groups of people are part of my mortal enemies so Im not concerned with the wellbeing of neither thank you very much.

yeah i hope so, every nice house around here seems to have a ute out the front
they are being paid like they are doctors
while the rest of us get buried under curries and chinks

The woolies delivery slave is late

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How many seats will Anning win? Hoping for at least two. Hope everyone here did their duty and voted for him.

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He came

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I really can’t wait for the election to be over so the shills can fuck off and we can get back asking what’s for dinner, being racist and calling every politician a cunt.

I did. I hope he gets in

When even the environmental parties are shit you know it's time to pray for an apocalypse.

Apocalypse 2020.


When is this election shit done with? Sick of being blasted 24/7 with this crap.

Simplest answer, they are a communist front looking to push cultural Marxism.

Sorta like this thread.

>whats for dinner?
pizza from local italian pizza shop that does the don

Tfw the greens win more seats than Anning or any right wing meme party

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1 and 2 are labor/green sleight of hand parties

>I mean, sure they support rapefugees
all the Greens have asked for is to stop running internment camps.
it's really not that radical of a position.

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Why is Clive palmer spending so much on billboards all along the highway? This must cost millions. What if he does not win?