9/11 truth thread

Who was really behind 9/11?
What is the real agenda?
Is there any hope?

Personally I have never cared about the whole thing but I do acknowledge how it has affected society and humanity at large.
I'm waiting for this shit to end and for the wars in the middle east to cease so we can all return to normal and I can go back to watching Nickelodeon like back when I was 10.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jews (Synagogue of Satan).

Well yeah juden were involved but after reading that thread I'm thinking there is so much more to it than that.
Juden and the dancing israelis are just a distraction.

Jews wanting to lead the US into another war in order for the goyim to die whilst breaking down the Muslim world. Killing two birds with one stone.

i dont care whos behind it but it makes me happy to see bunch of MUTTs dead

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That narrative is to deter us away from the truth.

I was on top of Tower 7 when it got hit. I rode the roof down like a surfboard and then hopped off a foot above the ground.

reminder that trump was most likely involved in the planning and cover up of 9/11

guiliani as his personal attorney. they were very close before, during and after 9/11

hires john bolton to his administration. bolton was chief member of PNAC. the guy wrote the 9/11 script

very close friends with larry silverstein before, during and after 9/11

hires CIA head pompeo to his administration. pompeo knew it was coming

9/11 suspect louis eisenberg was his best man (melania wedding)

very close friends with bibi, prime suspect #1

trump was the king of NYC real estate.

trump's financial building re-became the tallest building in lower manhattan after the WTC came down. being the biggest is important to a guy like trump

marries his daughter off to the son of one of the planners

and that's just the beginning,

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Go on ...

trump's campaign manager michael glassner (worked for the port authority) was the one who placed the WTC into lucky larry's hands (lowest bidder)

>dancing Israelis
>Office of Special Plans
>WMD intel from (((them)))
>Urban Moving Systems
>Israeli fake fire suppression workers
>Anthrax letters
Yeah, who do you think did it? If anyone doesn't know anything, watch "The Empire Unmasked" by ryan dawson, or if you can't spend the 20 bucks for a 5 hours documentary, watch "War by deception", same guy. None of that energy weapon bullshit or thermite, just motive, opportunity and money.

Pics of the dancing israelis just got FOIA'd

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We have to assume they were manipulated/didn't know.
There must be some sort of secret society involved.

The towers were built in the 70s, whoever planned this wanted to associate the event with the turn of the century for maximum psychological impact.
What if this has nothing to do with the middle east or jews, but some sort of multinational "cabal".

You have to think of any possibility and be careful to not settle on a single one, especially if it seems to be the most likely option (israel).

FBI Director Robert Mueller quietly let ~200 Israeli spies leave the country. After making this report, FOX was pressured by Jewish groups to "shut it down", but thank God for the internet.

Sloppy job mossad


this video heads in that direction

I think the most important YouTube videos about 9-11 are:
1. The Force Behind the Motion
2. The Great Thermate Debate
3. The Mysterious Eutectic Steel

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that last video is good

>Who was really behind 9/11?
the dark occult. there was a fuck ton of symbology/numerology going on that day that most have no idea of

>What is the real agenda?
to enslave us all and pretend to be god on earth

>Is there any hope?
of course, it aint over till its over

>I'm waiting for this shit to end and for the wars in the middle east
dont hold your breath. this shit aint gonna stop unless their whole shit crumbles. the only way out is true education

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>ryan dawson
>locks info behind paywall
i knew this chump was a faggot

>None of that energy weapon bullshit or thermite, just motive, opportunity and money.
right, so he has no idea what happened and chooses to ignore uncomfortable evidence like normal "truthers", lovely

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>I think the most important YouTube videos about 9-11 are:
funny, ive never seen any of those/heard of them before

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lol. how does thermite cause this, my man?

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>the dark occult
here is a video going over much of the symbology/numerology of that day. first hour or so goes over symbolism in general, and starting at about 1:32:00~, he goes over the aspects of 9/11

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>actually thinking hijacked planes plays any role in the 9/11 story
cmon, bro. all this evidence that CLEARLY could not have been caused in ANY way by a plane/building collapse. planes are a massive distraction to get people arguing over bull shit

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flight 93 is 100% a meme

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clearly no plane hit the pentagon

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>passport papers
whatever happened on 9/11, it didnt pay any mind to paper at all.. literally cars melted in the street and mass amounts of paper right next to it

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what in gods name

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>building collapse causes cars to flip in place
excuse me?

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>all this destruction
>green tree
>paper all over the street
>rubber tires
mmhm, sure

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so much paper

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You're right, other types of explosions are notorious for leaving plastic and wood unbesmirched. Look we all know (((who))) did 9/11 but bad argument is bad.

>other types of explosions are notorious for leaving plastic and wood unbesmirched
like what? either way, just pointing out there's no way that was due to a plane

>we all know (((who)))
the vast majority of 4han has no idea, actually. the fact they want to pin it all on the jews is proof of this. sure there were jews/israelis involved, many have been exposed. it goes so much deeper than that. these people have no allegiance to any country, and they come from all over the globe. the world would not sit idly by and watch a small group of people fuck everyone over, they would murder them. especially not when psychopaths are running things all over the place, they dont like to follow orders. no, these people are all unified at the top level towards a common goal

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The fist part was a joke. Idk what it was. But explosions, whether controlled or not, leave a lot of shit melted and burned.
As for "those" involved, of course they have to allegiance to any country. They have no culture of their own at all. They arr vagrants and get kicked out of every county they try to inhabit. "The World" is controlled by these people, they wouldn't kill them as you say, they are subservient to them.

>they are subservient to them.
for what reason? psychopaths are not in it to be a slave to anyone. these people entire goal on earth is to become god.. the type of people drawn to this are not the type to play a good little slave, they will revolt. you think china, all of europe, america are all kept at bay and scared of a small group of people because... money? they have killed for much less, and they would not even give it a second thought had they not been party to it all. no, this goes so much deeper than "the jews".

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What is their goal?

they want to play pretend god on this earth

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>church of satan

Yeah sure right

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>church of satan
are very low on the totem pole, yes. did you even read the image?

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here's a big one, the fucking catholics are BIG time part of this shit show.

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Don't over think it. Insurance fraud.

and one of the more delicious ironies.. Jow Forums larping as nazis because they think they hated "the jews" when the very same nazis were in bed with the truly evil "jews" (himmler was the lowest hanging fruit dark occultist that i know of). rob all the little people, and the rich pieces of shit just got more rich

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>insurance fraud has kept the entirety of the world silent about the facts of 9/11
how fucking small minded can you be?

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Dr Judy Wood toasted cars

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>Dr Judy Wood toasted cars
this right here is the uncomfortable truth

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Jews and NeoCons. The whole narrative of the (((War On Terror))) came from Israel. Watch Ehud Barak on BBC in London the morning of 9/11. He spelt out exactly what would happen. How could this little kike from a desert shithole know that? By 2008 I gradually became aware that kikes control almost everything.

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More likely airborne nano thermite than some directed energy weapon.

>airborne nano thermite
and how on earth does that make more sense to you? look where FDR drive is on this map.. how would thermite make it all the way over there whilst not burning a single person? tons of green trees, paper all over.. why would the upholstery be untouched/the rubber molding not get fucked up? thermite doesnt make any sense whatsoever. over 1400 cars were destroyed, i suggest you watch this video
there's so many other anomalies, thermite begs more questions than it answers

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i gotta find that news clip. i saved a bunch of videos straight from this presentation and they look like shit. really blows the mind though

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He also let Isaac Asimovs son basically get off on child porn charges!

the dancing israelis

How does directed energy make any sense?

Judy wood is a fucking moron. there are a lot of unanswered questions, but Judy wood is bullshit.

>How does directed energy make any sense?
well, it doesnt really, its pretty fantastic. but when you look at 9/11, fucking NOTHING makes sense. clearly something is at play outside of modern understanding.

>but Judy wood is bullshit.
just because you dont understand it doesnt make it bull shit.. i dont know how you and this other user can just look at these pictures and write them off.. clearly SOMETHING exists that can do this. and nothing that we know of can achieved them all at once in the way the events played out. you know no one has ever refuted any of her work? people just make a mockery and leave it alone because they cant even explain it.. dont be like other "truthers" who ignore evidence if it is unpleasant or doesnt fit your narrative... dont be dishonest to yourself/others like that

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This is the dumbest shit I have seen in a longtime user.

>you know no one has ever refuted any of her work?
probably because its just evidence.. how do you "debunk" evidence? there is no theory involved. anyone who mentions space beams or satelite lasers or any of that nonsense has only heard 2nd hand info from sheisters. Dr Wood never tries to describe what the weapon might have been or how it was delivered, because that is pure speculation at this point. she does, however, go over similarities in other researchers work. one being John Hutchison, who has achieved much of what was seen on 9/11, but on larger scale, whilst mimicking Tesla's experiments

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i know youre not to cast pearls before swine, but i just cant help myself

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hollow towers fell 33 years after their construction. Mega occult ritual representing the the phillistines take over of the world and their ancient vengeance. You have to know the story of samson boaz and janchin, the two pillars the hero knocked down in order to kill all the phillistines as well as himself. Israel has a nuclear option called the Samson option. Basically the phillistines survived and infilitrated the jews. Thats why the blatant narrative at pol is blame jew blame jews! even though the last time that happened they were given israel. Theyre basically dark occulists who may or may not be larping and contact djinns. Most likely theyre just larpy primates like ourselves getting high on andrenochrome and being degenerate fags. The third eye bullshit is your asshole. The eye of Satan.

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They have to tell you what theyre doing and if you do nothing, they use it to narcassitically excuse their immoral behavior. Theyre just degens. Fight club and many other movies/shows has predictive programming for 9/11

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John Hutchison

>The Hutchison Effect

>Hutchison Effect

>the hutchison Effect and Free Energy - LightworksAV Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect - ParanormalTV Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect - Science Channel Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect: George Hathaway on Metal Jellification

>Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect

>The Hutchison Effect - UFO Direct Connect TT Brown Experiment #2

>The Hutchison Effect - Iron Bar Warping and Fuming from Directed Energy (Laboratory Experiment)

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>hollow towers
this is a retarded meme. hollow or not.. it was 500k pounds the each of them 200k tons of steel alone

> just larpy primates
couldnt be further from the truth =3

>The third eye bullshit is your asshole
youre bull shit

>The eye of Satan.
satan and jesus are the same person. much like with satan, much of it is, or very well might be, allegory. satan is the deceiver, but who is he deceiving? god? the god in the bible is a phony god masquerading as such to rule over earth. jesus was true christ consciousness, whether he existed or not doesnt matter, he was how all should strive to be. but this whole christian notion of heaven/hell, god/the devil is nonsense exoteric bull shit for the masses

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>Who was really behind 9/11?
Canadian intelligence
>What is the real agenda?
Payback for all the times US beat 'em in icehockey.
>Is there any hope?

Bump. Truth will eventually come out to the masses.

>They have to tell you what theyre doing and if you do nothing, they use it to narcassitically excuse their immoral behavior. Theyre just degens
spot on

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these people mock their henchmen openly, and in so many different ways

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medal of "honor"

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>right in the middle of the head
>surrounded by the checkerboard, the symbol of ignorance/base level knowledge

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back on topic

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on the topic of jumpers, quite peculiar how some of them decide to take their clothes off.. especially whilst dangling out of the ~100th floor of a skyscraper

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>The third eye
this is something i stumbled upon that is basically what "the third eye" symbolizes. christ was often portrayed with a halo, along with other holy figures, also symbolizing the third eye being awakened, "full of the light".

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straight from the horses mouth

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911 report and their models were full of BS. The three towers were brought down by controlled demolition.

TRUMP knew Truth on 911





The destruction of WTC was an occult ritual.
>the Twin Towers represented Boaz and Jachin, the columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon
>Boaz and Jachin represent the two key energies: ying and yang, male and female, strength and beauty, north and south, up and down (duality - like the Star of David)
>WTC builder, Rockefeller, says the buildings are the perfect combination of "utility and beauty"; he also owns Jerusalem museum housing remains from Temple of Solomon
>Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies
>Twin Towers destroyed in consciousness altering event at start of millenium to usher in this new era of transhumanism
>Replaced by Freedom Tower where both towers are combined, one up and one down, like a Star of David
>2001: Space Odyssey is about man's evolution to transhumanism - he touches the black monolith and transcends human form to a space baby
>9/11 happened in 2001, next to the Millenium hotel designed to look like the black monolith
>madrid bombing was 911 days after 9/11
>sept 11 is the first day of the coptic calendar, first month is named after Thoth
>2001 was the start of the new millenium not 2000 (there was no year zero)
>33 years from groundbreaking to destruction pentagon groundbreaking sept 11 1941


stop with these gatekeepers, thermite doesnt do the sort of damage seen in this thread


steven jones and alex jones able to talk about 9/11 (((truth))) on cspan???

birth of "muh space beams"

why is a (((truther))) attempting to cover up any sort of investigation/talk about such technology? interesting note that jones worked on EXACTLY this sort of technology privately with the fucking government
>Did Dr. Steven Jones help cover up Cold Fusion & now 9/11?

>Dr. Judy Wood - Thermite, Cold Fusion and Steven E. Jones

>Heavy Watergate - Cold Fusion Cover Up.

Richard Gage bombing an interview

why do so many people who consider themselves (((truthers))) spend so much time attacking someone whos actually bringing court cases to the likes of NIST? one of which actually made it to the supreme court, who apparently can deny overseeing a case if they dont feel like it...

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hmm Maybe not of interest but i took this picture in downtown Cancun 10 years ago. always kinda stuck with me

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