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That's how you make your AR fully automatic in minecraft
firing pin ? shouldnt you know this as an american ? every israeli field strips m16s at 18y/o
sewing supplies
You’re welcome
It's for circumcisions, right?
urethral dilators
also we call the small part at the bottom the shabbat pin because if you lose it while stripping you're spending an extra weekend at the bast.
nice digits, also they're excellent guns and comfy as fuck to shoot although personally i'd take our guns to an actual gunfight
at the base*
kind and welcomepilled
>in minecraft
>also we call the small part at the bottom the shabbat pin because if you lose it while stripping you're spending an extra weekend at the bast.
You're supposed to be smarter than that. Carry a spare one with you so that doesn't happen.
Ever notice how all these fucking kikes in the IDF take pictures with a shitty M-16, no magazine in it, no body armor, no spare mags around, no combat loads, it’s always retard kikes in shit green uniforms.
They are, from top to bottom, bolt cam pin, firing pin and firing pin retainer pin
Based, literally
I bent the living fuck out of my cam pin firing some slugs out of my ar10 shotty.
Don't shoot slugs from the UTAS XTR-12, it'll fuck that pin right up.
I can actually assemble/disassemble that shit with my eyes closed, but aside from the firing pin, I don't remember what they are called.
I have a .22 I use to shoot snakes and stuff. Can I be a gun person, too?
idk, but I want them in my butt ASAP!!!
Eye stabbers
the one on the bottom is a pin to hold the long bolt in place, and that hammer thing with the hole in it goes above the 2 things..
also i think there is a spring missing somewhere.
idk.. been a while..
my grandfather made me use those things all the time..
i dont remember what they were for..
but damn was i fast..
That chick is going to sweep errybody.
>i need full auto rifle for the war
if you think this you don't know shit
I live literally on the bayou. I've dated a lot of lefty girls, and they all end up very upset I have a gun. I try to explain to them it's a .22 for shooting snakes and scaring off hogs and gators and things that can kill you. They don't get it. It baffles me. They see no difference in a .22 and an AR.
That has nothing to do with full auto, Sven.
Nah, there is no spring in those parts. There are two springs in the bolt itself, but you don't usually take them out in your regular maintenance.
Is this for an AK-47?
That's weird, man. I wouldn't expect that out there.
I live in the Bay Area with lots of liberal girls, and they all have the typical gun range, "tee hee, I'm a bad girl shooting an AR" on all of their social media pages. They still vote like they hate guns, of course.
it's for any kind of semi-automatic weapon
or automatic*
its a bolt for firing the gun, right?
It might be because it's a lot more conservative out here, so the lefties take hardline stances when it comes to this stuff. My last g/f told me if we ever lived together I'd have to get rid of it because she didn't feel safe in a home with a gun. I was like bitch, you sleep over here every other night. I didn't say bitch, but it was implied. Still, I just don't understand it.
it's called an extractor, it grabs the back of the round by the rim and pulls it to firing position
doesn't the firing pin go inside it?
Paid for by us
I'd take the M16 over the Tavor any day. Longer range, more accurate, and lighter weight. Sure the Tavor is nice if you're clearing rooms in tight spaces in a Palestinian village so you can murder all the children and take their land, but the M16 is a better all around battle field weapon. And most importantly the M16/AR15 are cheaper and more customizable.
Yes. Comes out the hole in the front. The pin in OP's image goes in that top hole in the extractor in that other pic.
>Comes out the hole in the front.
That's what she said. I mean did.
Did you really say ”bitch” tho :O
> I said, I said * looks around * I said biiiiiiiiiitch!
Yes! Guns are fun for everyone.
>Is this for an AK-47?
No. It's for an AR platform. This is what AKM bolts look like.
One is to make gun full auto. One is removed from leaf clip so that it can be a burger clip. I seen it on a post the other day.
Random quads made me kek
Maybe I've been mistake, I saw a Bulgarian AK-47 (milled) and it kinda had a similar thing to that. Oh well, I was close
Assault firing pins need to be banned.
Wtf do you bigots need assault revolvers with high capacity clips for you nazis!!!!
>Bulgarian ak-47
every time
>a gun that fires
what the fuck?
Idk tell me
>le based and redpilled le conservative US Army will pwn libs XDDD
Guess what faggot, if an American civil war happens, the US Army will side with the far-leftists. We already got a sample of that recently: the National Guard being deployed against the alt-kikers in Charlottesville while allowing ANTIFAs to roam free and the Pentagon disobeying direct orders from Trump regarding both deployment to the US border and pulling out from Syria.
Based quads poster
I don't.. I don't have a boyfriend?
Holy fuck those digits of peace
Glocks don’t have a thumb-safety. That’s what the headline is referring to.
unfortunately no because i was still trying to fuck her.
Lol, Glock's trigger integrated safety feature doesn't really make any difference unless you do shooting sports where you are required to have the safety on when the gun is holstered.
Why do women have to be such drama queens about subjects they know nothing about..? The fucking level of retardation of women is unbearable.. Repeal the 19th.
*timed shooting sports
Sorta funny, we call it the jesus pin because when its lost you yell "jesus fucking christ" and your sunday wil be spent searching for it. For our greatest ally, you're not so bad when you're not bombing our ships and promoting our kids to become trannies.
>field strip
>pulling the firing pin
Nice try mossad
Why wouldn't you pull the firing pin if you're field stripping and cleaning it? It's not like it's hard to put back together and it gets dirty as fuck after a few thousand rounds.
i used something who looks like this at work for fill damper's military truck.
>fires if the trigger is pulled
eh close
She thicc
lmao faggot
Is that a FAMAS?
Actually kike, those are ourguns too. The Tavor series is just an AR-18 in a fish shaped plastic shell.
I laughed so hard I came
im not gay so i have a girlfriend, am confused by your pic.. wamens dont exist on the internet...
You'll find these in a purse of people with small penises.
Golem parts. Did I guess correctly?
Ding ding ding we have a winner.
BCG parts. Diamonds
WTF, they have a 12ga shotgun upper for an AR-10? Or is it some sorta Franken10?