Why do you hate us Jow Forums?

Why do you hate us Jow Forums?

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you have a mexican flag but posted an indian
Mexican: Because you guys are so proud of your people and country you flee it by the fucking millions and let cartels make the shots, cutting up people in the woods like retarded animals with no grace or higher ideal.

Indian: because, unlike the west(which suffers from symptoms of the behavioral sink) Indian males have no excuse to be effeminate and weak whiners, which most of them are. Also why do you fucking scum bags not know how to eat without letting every one in the building know? *SCHLAP SCHLAP LICK, MMM, SCHLAP SCHLAP*. You know your teeth are for chewing right? not your fucking tongue? Fucking idiots You guys smell like shit too. Good luck keeping civilization together after white people retreat from the international orgy.

Indians are the lowest form of life.

>t. wh*Toid
you haven't even met most Indian men. what you see in your country are the Computer Science graduates lol

imagine being a fucking leaf lol not even going to give you a (You). i hope a bunch of Sikhs rape your little leafy boipucci

good thread. bump

I know all about india, your food is all the same sour garbage, your kids are given servants and spoiled to the point they cant feed themselves or wipe properly, if you cant afford servants you fucking wash up in a fucking trash river, next to a bank covered in piles of shit.
Going any where and using any service in india that is not out the ass luxury, is shameful. I went to a gym in india, smelled like complete shit and ass, bunch of skinny fat whiners, weights and shit everywhere. Disgusting fucking people you are.
Sometimes i think people give the British empire too much credit for "civilizing" you disgusting retards.

I’m not Jow Forums by any means but I don’t hate anyone and I certainly am not angry with them

>plebian low caste American is shocked that people have servants
Not surprising. You probably come from peasant stock yourself, your ancestors left Europe because they were tired of wiping some nobleman's bottom. Also Indian food is extremely diverse, while you Americans can't even cook, and you eat processed garbage like frozen pizza rolls and chef boyardees canned food

Most Mexicans aren't like that. At least most hard-working 1st generation Mexicans aren't, it's the 2nd koolaid-drinking generation that are entitled cunts; they are millennials that have been told by boomers that California belongs to them (it doesn't, the original "Mexican" Californians were absorbed into the US with it's annexation).

Indians are what Westerners are one day going to become. The Bongs destroyed their tribal identities, and the globalists that took over their country corrupted their values, now they swing from caste to religion to politics with no sense of belonging.

it's impossible to actually hate every single member of a nation but it's easier to say than "if western countries let in immigrants those countries will go to hell"

Do you know how time consuming it would be to meet most men in India?
Ain't nobody got time for that.

Was machen sachen?


>pam box!
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Why do Indians poop in the streets? Legit question. Are their sewer systems not up to par? Or is it just the people themselves?

How far into the future will you take that meme with you?
at least they don't shit in the malls and parking lots, or their bae's face

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i hate you niggers because you go out in public smelling like dog shit all the time

beat me to it, leaf

>their baes face

well the chance that you would be simultaneously raping a 14 year old on the bus and also need to take a shit in front of your 20 closest friends is pretty slim

I've been to India.
Literally just assaulted an India harassing me three hours ago

You think the pajeet expats are bad, wait till you see pajeet in its native environment.

They form mindless mobs in seconds and start assaulting people, you even get this phenomenon where fake news gets spammed via mobile when crowds are assembled for an unrelated reason resulting in riots.

The caste system is alive and well, rich Indians are arrogant motherfuckers and have a lot of cognitive dissonance about the problems in India and in inrush culture (they still blame the British lol)

The lack of regard for human life, the rapes, murders, slavery.

They have no regard for the environment in a very broad sense, they litter in front of their own houses, always yelling, everything ugly and dirty, no respect for public places

They don't value productivity and see success only in terms of wealth and prestige

I could go on at length

Your society is so backwards you have predetermined castes, even if it may some genetic basis, it's incredibly depressing you are so against the idea of meritocracy, and here you are with your disgusting views of the proud American people who love freedom and competitivenes. Fuck India, fuck your people and fuck your culture.

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