Why was the matrix allowed to be made?

Why was it so heavily advertised and allowed to succeed? Why did hollywood let it in?

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The Wachowski "brothers" fucked themselves up after making the Matrix

The movie obviously pushes multicultural crap, also making the antagonists white men in suits. But the fundamental premise of the movie is something I wouldn't think they would even want people to have in their head

i hear it was made by tranny jews
and that in it, neo's passport (or smth) expires on 9/11

They became trans after making the first movie

That just makes it even more confusing. I'm missing something, i'm missing what use they had in having people know the idea of there being more than this reality and the idea that the common narrative is a lie and so many other things

>obviously pushes multicultural crap
ESPECIALLY the second one.

Mr. Smith was the "One". Neo, Zion, and the awakening was all a part of the plan. It's described by the Architect in the 3rd movie.

These movies are made so the viewer inadvertently routes for the system/bad guy.

Another example: Yhanos wanted to preserve the lifespan of the universe in the MCU by cutting population and allowing resources not to dwindle elongating the existence of all things. Yet the propaganda is to route for the avengers that are in fact fighting for the hastened destruction of the universe.

So to route for "Neo" which was planned by the architect, you are touting for the elongation of the slave system.

They Live kind of already did it a long time ago though but look into the main actors death

Do people unironically think the matrix films are some kind of redpill?

Notice how everyone that made a stand 20 years ago turned into freaks? If kubrick was alive today he would be brainwashed into tranny.

That's a way the matrix found to punish them for exposing it.

(((They))) allowed The Matrix to be made because the simulation theory is a blue pill. 'Reality' is NOT a simulation, but 'reality' is LIKE a simulation. So basically, the red pill is that 'reality' is LIKE a simulation - that it's not 'reality' that's like a computer, but that a computer is like 'reality'. Technology mirrors 'reality' and technology imitates biology (and this is completely intentional).
The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of what we call 'meme magic'. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes. Things like 'mental illnesses'/depression/anxiety are basically ROGUE INFORMATION. Think of those things as being like a computer virus.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake

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>he roots for neo
>not rooting for agent smith

it's literally where the term 'redpill' is from, show some respect.

predictive programming as well as laughing at goyim too dull and numbed out to understand that the fiction they are showing is the reality they are creating.

are you brain dead you fuck.

pol is a meme. globalists don't have omnipotent control over the world.

wachowskis are literally trans faggots. they are useful idiots.

>No control over the world
You kinda sound retarded
Makes sense

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Cool VFX

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Thank you these are idea I was looking for

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Because they all betrayed me together a long time ago

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White Male bad guys, multicultural heroes, straight white Male champion of niggers political dreams, and savior of (((Zion))).
How can you be so fucking stupid not to see it?

Because most people would not see that Neo never left the Matrix. How else could he use magic to stop the squidbots in Zion, and when flying above the "real" Earth.

No it first came up in the movie total recall for similar reasons and after total recall came the matrix watch total recall they try to convince him he is in a false reality and needs to take the redpill to wake up

Stuff like this are the only legitimate evidence for the Holocaust.

They don't care if you know there is another reality.
They know you will figure it out eventually.
They want to beat you to it and shape your perception of what that alternate reality actually is or should be.

I do see it, I said I saw it in my second post. I didn't see why they would have the premise of red pill and having a lot of things that they wouldn't want us to know. Obviously it is still a hollywood film so of course that is also present. Goes without saying for anything made from hollywood

This makes the most senseI will thank you

Remember all the gifs of Jews fighting Jews to make you "pick a side" when you think about that question.
They are framing the debate. A good lie has just a fraction of truth in it to make it more believable.

For example, le 99% meme. Yes it is true, yes they bring up points that are valid, but they are led by the nose (pun intended) to be misdirected in their efforts.

TLDR but the part where you said computers are like reality and not the other way around made me happy. I read that part. God so annoying hearing computer nerds act like fucking microchips are God. I'm a nerd too. Just not a computer need. I AM MORE VALUABLE THAN A MACHINE GODDAMNIT!

The deception is that they lie, then they tell you the truth.

I was rooting for Thanos.

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They Live was about the trannies that run the matrix. Rowdy Roddy Piper used to wear a kilt. Kilts symbolizes trannies. It's a skirt.

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OP you should read this: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/182827066

Thanks for the kind words. To be honest, discussions like these are the only reason why I still post on this board (but very rarely these days).

I was rooting for Thanos too. I felt so bad when he was beheaded in Endgame (and when Past Thanos turned to dust in Endgame). Thanos could have made anime real using the Infinity Gauntlet.

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Wachowskis got MKULTRA'd as punishment, (((they))) literally turned them both into trannies. I mean what are the odds two brothers would both become trannies?

sweet thanks

This. The kikes MK-Ultra'd the Wachowskis to turn them into trannies just to flex on movie directors trying to redpill the goyim. They're trying to gaslight the goyim into falsely believing that just because The Matrix was a somewhat redpilled movie that being a trannie is also redpilled by association.

Like many other Jewish perversions they enjoyed dancing on the edge of the razor so to speak, all the while knowing they would hand defeat to the goyim at the end. For instance the end of Matrix 2 was poised to reveal the ultimate truth to the downtrodden goy. But the Judaic Trump card of mentally ill MKULTRAed tranny directors allowed them to swap out the 3rd movie with a mecha fagfest for the ages. Delivering the ultimate coup de grace to the simpleton goyim, who were cast back into darkness from the brink of victory. The Drumpfkin MIGA presidency is another example of this behavior.

The directors had to pay a heavy price and get the snip.

Pic related was better.

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I remember one became trans after being a slave to a dommintrax who I think they married, like for one of them the trainee thing was like, somewhat out of their BDSM life, very degen

But yea it was the Gnosticism that did them in
also being the center of the world stage
plus whatever happens behind the scenes

basically user, you don't wanna know

Something vaguely similar happened with the Deus Ex games.. 1 was great, 2 was meh, and the original 3 would have been really cool and similar to the world today. Warren Spector didn't become a trainee but he got hired by Disney. Close enough.
Deus Ex Human Revolution was okay but very dumb compared to the first game.

"We Can Remember It For You, Wholesale"

The bigger question I have is why didn't Thanos kill off 2/3rds of living beings and erase their memories so that they never remembered anything happening in the fisrt place? Oh welll

Ohhhh I thought I was just mistaken this whole time about them being brothers. Turns out they were just fucking gay.

The matrix was just a metaphor for Jewish mind control.

you misunderstand Satan's goals
he doesn't want you to be ignorant of spirituality, he wants you to embrace it casually, so that his own perversion of the Bible are both comprehensible and easy to accept
his purpose is not to hide his activity forever, but to culminate in your absolute spiritual destruction, by convincing you to worship him openly and willingly
this not only pleases him personally, but it forces God to punish you for committing a sin very similar to his own

don't believe in Satan or the Bible? you can believe that other people will create a false god for you, one that you will be enslaved to without even being aware of it

now its a metahor for gender disphoria

Well 3 people that made a stand ended up dead 1 in prison 1 executed and 2 shot themselves but they were more active in making a stand than most

Or, they only took a stand in the first place because they were freaks and hated society

This. I just wonder how (((they))) did it. Living or working in Hollywood wasn't a smart idea after you reveal your power level. Too many opportunities to be manipulated.

"Miga" You fell for their psyop trannie

This sadly. Think about the odds someone is trans. Then think about the odds that their brother is also trans. Then think about the odds that they made one of the biggest/most important movies ever made.

Stop being fucking retarded. There is nothing in the Matrix that Hollywood jews disprove of. It's just a movie about a guy who finds out that he lives in a simulated universe.
Just because people say ''redpilled'' doesn't mean there's anything actually redpilled about the movie. In the context of the movie being redpilled means knowing the truth that they live in a simulation.

Absolute fucking retards like OP is why you should never make references to make serious points. Never reference fictional media to comment on politics, or you will get retards like OP. These fucking morons are so braindead they can't even realize that the redpill vs bluepill is just truth vs the rejection of truth.

Because it's propaganda.

came to post THIS.

Look up what the red pill actually is. It's the estrogen that was prescribed to fags in the 90s (Primarin or something).

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fuck off.
pills come in every fucking color.

This is true. The tranny jews who made the matrix are such fucking hacks that there is absolutely nothing original or clever about their movie.
They straight up stole the red pill concept from Total Recall
They stole the bullet time from asian action films
They stole the entire concept of Matrix from fucking anime and comics
They stole edgy trench coats from Columbine

>some retard on twitter said so, it must be true
Imagine being this much of a retard.

Take your autism meds

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The guys who made it were forced to pay the toll for redpilling normies

>pic related

Now the Wachowski Sistahs YAASS

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This. The movie is nigger majority. Will Smith was supposed to play Neo; Keanu Reeves lucked his way into the lead. I do like the fact that the high council was majority white even though its leader appeared to a female.

Cause it was made by two faggots.

>Why was it so heavily advertised and allowed to succeed? Why did hollywood let it in?

because its a science fiction movie for people to watch. nothing more. nothing less.

The better question is: Why were you, with such low IQ and T, allowed to live? Why did Jow Forums let you post such horrendous, inane & irrelevant bullshit?

go back to blowing niggers, twink.

it's true though, look up premarin, they've been making trannies for decades now

Gnostics seem to like promoting gnosticism.

Are mentally ill? It's not true. You can right now google search ''total recall red pill'' and see a clip from a movie that came out 9 years before the Matrix which is where these talentless tranny faggots got their ''inspiration'' from.
Stupid twitter posts are not evidence. Being a mentally ill low IQ fag who suffers from confirmation bias isn't evidence.

Based and reality pilled


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Because Neo never actually left the Matrix.
Zion was just another level of the simulation.


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Matrix movie is the founder of the term redpill and bluepill


to switch everyone from vhs to dvd players.
>oh, wow! imagine watching this on dvd!

The matrix, will always be a redpilled movie for me. It lead to me questioning the system, finding out (((who))) controls the world at the age of 6 - 7. I would literally study the film, fight scenes. Then took up martial arts, eventually questioned my history teacher in the fourth grade trying to brainwash us on Nazi Germany.

this movie is literally Plato's allegory of the cave

Apart from the slow mo and badass CG, this movie was nothing special really

>Pic related was better.

Checked and yes it was. Everything was better in the 80s. This scene exudes the frustration of trying to give people a "dose of reality" later called the red pill.


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Good post.

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THIS WEBSITE uses the pill analogy to this day, the polarization of ideaologies worked like a charm.
divide and conquer
learn the meaning

also but less relevant the matrix is a bible analogy. neo is jesus. trinity was the hint you should have taken.



Does anyone else remember being young before 9/11 and this movie coming out seemed like the coolest shit ever? The PS2 was out around the same time, with those all black discs, everything just seemed more hopeful. It was like before 9/11 everything might just keep getting better and cooler. Then you grow up and realise there was no fucking chance and everything always was and will only ever be increasingly shit.

So that anyone even making a comparison to living in a 'dreamworld' can be laughed at and ridiculed.

It's like 1984 or any other dystopia.

Because it shills Luciferian gnosticism.

Checked, I dunno mate, I think we've reached a turning point of epic proportions and you're right the black discs were rock n roll

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no you faggots, they allowed the first movie because they had no idea what it was - that's a quote

Actually the wacowskis weren’t as based as people think. All their films have anti-white messages, including the matrix. The protagonist is a Hawaiian Asian white mutt. And all the antagonists are pure whites. Watch the matrix again from a racial perspective and you will see how anti-white it is.

It doesn’t matter what the message of the film is as long as they get whites to go extinct. That is why the matrix was permitted to be made. Neo is not white. He is a hapa Hawaiian mutt. All the wachowski films are like this.

>taking advice from someone who just finished watching The Matrix Trilogy in current year

it wasn't and it's a different topic

and they mashed it all up beautifully

shizos of a feather flock together