How would you react if your child became a tranny Jow Forums?

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Nigga look like turbo yoda

I would kick him out at 18, would probably divorce too and simply start fresh somewhere else. It would be too much of a burden and shame to be known as a father of some mentally ill faggot so the best course of action I can see is simply pretend he never existed in the first place and move on, try again somewhere else with someone else.

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I'd ask " What child? " and stomp a mud hole in their head.

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I would get him to church to help cure him of his mental illness instead of feeding into his psychotic delusions.

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I've always wondered where that video originated from, was it like on twitter/facebook?

Why bother with the divorce? Sell everything, vanish WITH your money.

great point actually


I'd wait for it to blow over and deny them hormones and surgery. It's probably just a phase and you can be gay without mutilating yourself.

>that clenched fist

A gender grounding party. I'd buy all his clothes without him.

Fuck them to establish dominance.

I would be glad he will get a 6 figure salary working at Blizzard.

it gets more depressing every time I watch it.

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that guy's body language is all over the place
it really stuck him hard... goes to show that the story about them posted recently is likely to be true
no doubt he couldnt focus at his job

I can tell you what my parents did when my older brother went tranny. Now, he was 40 at the time in livong in a different country. It would have been different if he was a teenager living at home. Maybe. Anyway, dad opted to tolerate it. Mom told him she thinks it's a sin and cut off all communication with him. I initially attempted to stay in contact but i couldn't hold the farce together. We haven't spoken in three years.

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Give the little shit a black eye and disown the fucking queer.

I'd be there for them but urge them to be careful about making hasty decisions like SRS

>goes to show that the story about them posted recently is likely to be true

Which story?

something about how the guy had a really decent job and showed up to work every day after this just "stuck" with that expression on his face all day while sitting at his desk
where he went on to lose his job and him and his wife got a divorce
the tranny went off somewhere like colorado or california after coal burning and hasnt been seen since the family broke up

it went something like that

I think his sons boyfriend is also a nigger,and they filmed some porn together in their parents bedroom.

Same here, leaf. Bro is in 40s, went full stunning and brave, now a dilater. Parents still love him more than me, but they can't hold their shit together.

I have nothing to say, since I'm mostly estranged from them. I didn't see it coming. I hope he doesn't kill himself because it would destroy my mom, and make me her anchor.

I've totally checked out otherwise.

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I'd take him to church. Maybe get him a psychologist to help him with his mental illness

Cum in his bumpusy and be like there your a man now son don't forget to kill yourself like 50% of your ilk

Fuck her (his) boipussy


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I remember that thread. The guy said the tranny son filmed a gangbang porno in his parents bedroom, and got his anus prolapsed during it.

I'd fuck xym up the ass until xe reverts back to normal

i thought it said that the tranny vagina prolapsed during it so he had to have surgery on it and the family split after that
but other than that everything else is on point

How fucking low IQ do you have to be to become a tranny

Based bisexual lezbos
I'll save them

Late onset transgenderism isn't real. It's just a cry for attention.

jesus christ get over it dipshits trans people have existed for all recorded history it's not a big deal yes the current political landscape is using trans people to make a bunch of bullshit but it's no big deal there's such thing as conservative trans and it's not like they don't know what sex they were born as but they fit into the opposite of what society says you're supposed to be based on your genitals and who the fuck cares what shape your flesh is between your legs just be who you are and wear what you want and it has absolutely nothing to do with with sexuality or any of that degeneracy so just give it a rest what the fuck do you people care about liberty freedom and all that or just obsessed over what other people wear and how they look how fucking pathetic do you have to be? it's so fucking idiotic when pol gets 90% of everything right but then spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing about what other people wear or what they look like who cares just try to connect with people who believe in the founding father's of america and liberty you stupid fucks.

Maybe I missed the end. I was reading the thread in an airport lounge. I don't think I saw the part about the family actually splitting. I thought it was just assumed that was coming.

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>this post
not mentally ill btw

My only real reaction to those threads was this.

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Yea I remember they filmed the gangbang session and then uploaded it to pornhub and then sent links to all of the immediate family over facebook. I'll tell you what that tranny was determined to destroy HIS family, total psycho.

I can't tell if he's holding in rage or if he's on board with it. He may just start shooting people, then his son, then himself.

This can't be real

I would love and support my child. Can we get more men like this back in society?


You'll have to search the archive. I remember reading it at the airport during my last trip, so for you in Poland, I think the thread should be dated May 1st.

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Be a good person. I dont care about who you fuck.

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i dont even plan on having children. the world needs to depopulate anyways

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>when your son doesn't devote himself to being a qt trap

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Lol. I never noticed that before

We want actual evidence to these tranny gang bang videos, we want proof that one dude actually knew this family. These are seriously baseless claims.

while you are looking at the fist, look at how much he moves his eyes
although he might be forcing that smile, his eyes and fist show how much of a mental break the tranny thing caused

raise your kid on a high-test lifestyle from the moment they are born to the day they are 18 years old. don't expose them to estrogen mimicers and toxins in the environment, feed them a lot of test filled red meat and liver and such (no vegan shit, literally makes you have the hormones of a tranny). MAKE them play sports because it releases more growth hormone and test.

if you keep them away from the very real physical factors that TRANSFORM males into trannies, it is physically impossible for them to become a tranny. being a tranny isn't a choice. they are made by exposure to chemicals and certain lifestyles.

free will is not a factor in becoming a tranny. trannies are created by exposure to chemicals and a certain lifestyle or lack of exposure to testosterone promoting factors during childhood.

i think physical factors are overstated. it's cultural. don't live in faggot cities and don't let him watch (((netflix))).

Kys sodomite


my dad let my mom raise me with my sister around all the time and all it did was show me how much special treatment women get
it also made me deeply resent women from a very early age
its pretty easy to grow to hate the way they act after having to spend thousands of hours around large groups of them during your childhood

Yeah, people said the same thing in that thread too. I don't think any real evidence was ever given. If there was, I missed it.

my dad let my mom raise me with my sister around all the time and all it did was show me how much special treatment women get
it also made me deeply resent women from a very early age. im straight but i just cant rationalize enough good reasons for seeking out a relationship partner when i know how they truly act and think
its pretty easy to grow to hate the way they act after having to spend thousands of hours around large groups of them during your childhood

I hope it's all true because it'd be fucked and hilarious. But regards. It isn't probably true or if it is, it's stretched truth.

>I hope it's all true because it'd be fucked and hilarious
Me too, fren. Me too.

>How would you react

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>Thinks niggers will depopulate
user... I

I think he's gotta break the gas line to the stove, light a candle across the house, turn on the gas and leave.

spain ,argentina,sweden,canada and germany are trash, rusia best country.

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>resent women
why the fuck would you resent women how fucking sad

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I resent women to a actual extent of pure hatred and I've been laid and fucked and even probably had a kid somewhere. But modern women I have nothing but pure hatred for. They are the same every single last one.


based af

I would applaud for the awesome disappearing act: I have no child anymore - one minute the child was there and then.. like magic, some random tranny appeared.

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came out as tranny my child has,
drink myself to death i must

Tell him he can do what he wants when he's 18 and pay for it himself.
Kick him out of the house if he does transition.
Also disown him.

Sounds like you got issues buddy, you clearly need help.

when your country tries to be the most degenerate and most niggerest

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Instead of ripping on him we should put together a rescue mission to save the dad. Yeah. It's his fucked up kid, but he just needs a way out. Let's help him escape.

if you're actually white can you please just have at least one

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>mutt needs tips on how to come out as a mentally deranged faggot to his dad
O I am laffin, guv

>being a tranny isn’t a mental illness
>this fucking post

My child wouldn't become a Tranny because I'm not a beta male who would let that happen and I would bring him up right.

came to post this

I was in that thread and the poster never said they split just that the dad was fired from his contract and was going broke and every one was shunning them. The dad was going crazy and the shit about the porn vid/gore in the parents bed.

I'd organize a family vacation to some third world country, where the tranny would have an accident or fall ill to some fucked up tropical disease. Sadly he would not survive. We would mourn him, come back, and never mention again the transition stuff.

Would not let cut dick or take hormones.

I agree this would work for a boy, but I have a feeling derived from observation this would not stop a female chaotic brain from becoming a f to m tranny.

based and trappilled

what he does after 18 is his bissieness
I just wount associate and disown him if he takes the hormones in order to save face for my family

for anyone who is looking for the music

>Where is kashmir
>why 68???
>maybe because we consider trannies as gods gift or something but it is only to original trannies not change of gender

Found the source for this, seen people asking.


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U gay
Who said this?
U gay

I would hold them in my custody and waterboard them until any notions of being a tranny are eliminated.

>Cute and awkward at the same time.

Same as early onset transgenderism then.

>it's so fucking idiotic when pol gets 90% of everything right, but not the one thing where I absolutely did the right thing and did not make a mistake at all

Lmao @ your life.