Previous thread Saskatchewan and Manitoba anons allowed. Easterners, Amerimutts and British Colombians not welcome. How do we meme the Alberta independence party next election?
Alberta Nationalism Thread Part 2 - No Americans This Time Edition
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What would this country be called? We need a name
Anybody got shitty prairie memes? Post em
Move to America, we don't want traitors
Prairies confederation or Prairie Republic
Move to ontario traitor. Fucking fag.
If you don't want us to leave, why treat us like shit?
Listen here fucko if you keep telling people to go to america they actually will
The traitors deserve to be put to work
Kenney-Harper-Homophobic-No Shit Skins-Land
What do you envision the new country to be like? Would there be any state/provinces, or would it all be one jurisdiction?
Add in crippling Debt and suicide by shotgun
No thank you
>Alberta Independence
Wouldn't it make more senses to take advantage of how white the northeast is and create an independence movement there? Quebec, Newfound &L, NB, PEI and NS. "North East America"
Checked and keked. That's the new name of our new superior country
Fuck off imperialist
Nice to see new bread. Glad to be here for epic Leaf bant night. Perhaps the apocalypse is nigh?
Independent land claims owned by private citizens bound together by a defensive alliance
>Thinks we're doing this for whites
>Doesn't know about ethnic Albertans
Jokes aside, it seems outsiders know absolutely nothing about our fighting.
Burn Ontario
Raze Quebec
Level the maritimes,
Give them heck!
Sack British Columbia
Vancouver, into the sea.
Oh bold Albertan warriors,
Through victory or death you will be free.
I'd be ok with this. Also I envision lynch gangs to purge the niggers and pajeets
Albertas calling me
It's where I'd like to be
You're literally betraying your country you don't get the luxury of calling me a traitor, cunt.
I'm treating you like shit cause you faggots are trying to inspire unrest in my country. The sole fact that you're threatening to leave shouldn't give you any more leverage otherwise we'd be having all of the premiers vowing the leave if they don't get what they want, then we get a balkanized north.
You guys are sowing the seeds of destruction in Canada.
What are you suggesting, we enslave the traitors after they lose the civil war?
This isn't about race, and more separatism isn't what we need. Besides Quebec wouldn't want to leave with any other provinces anyway.
I have to agree. Pissy boomers and their east vs west shit is what holds Canada back.
We're barbarians now? Let Ontario burn itself. They wouldn't last 5 years without equalization bux.
Canada is an illegitimate state attempting to wipe my people out. Fuck you outsider.
First things first. How do we partition the prairies between the major ethnicities. I suggest the Germans, Brits, Ukrainians, Metis, Cree, and other praire niggers get their own autonomous territory. All others will be exiled to Toronto and a wall built around it.
Fuck off Trudeau
>You guys are sowing the seeds of destruction in Canada.
Don't put all the blame on us. Quebec will be leaving too. The confederation is a disaster. Canada ending is a good thing.
Crawl to the barren frozen North, Wildling.
If you don't want to integrate you can freeze.
I'm suggesting that Ontario supporters are forced to do all the dangerous work in the fields
Tommy "sterilize the subnorman" Douglas (Saskatchewan)
Margarett "democracy is not for degenerates" Gunn (Alberta)
Looks vaguely like men’s underwear.
The Gotch Triumvirate.
Come make me ontarian.
>Indians have the right to land
Indians only exist by the charity of Whites.
It's only "your land" by our benevolence.
Anybody have decent prairie songs to feel patriotic? Music is a good way to motivate normal fags
Glynn "real estate paid in blowjobs" yuhaus
Unfortunately we need BC for the coast- we don't want Vancouver, though.
Has leaf pol sunk so bad we use names from TV shows now? Right in my feelers man
Im white. A white albertan. The one that matters here, fuck off.
Not sure about you but I have no desire to live near the Fliproach Autonomous State.
Bomb Vancouver into the stone age then put up a wall
Hey it makes sense.
What would you rather I call them, snow golems?
Churchill. Fuck BC.
We don't need BC. Churchill would be a fine port city.
Ice or snow nigger also works.
I remember when rats were found in med hat. Damn those boys were like the rat SS for a few months
kek. Maybe one of them wrote a diary
Can we throw all the Pilipinos out of Alberta once we separate?
Don’t forget leaf feminist icon Nellie “EugenicQween”McClung. They drag out her genocidal ass every few years to celebrate some cooze event and always seem to forget she advocated sterilizing subhumans. Fucking feminists. First ones up against the wall.
bc's worth having for all the coast, just trigger the fault line and sink vacouver into the sea
I'd much rather focus on the Jews
>Churchill river
It heads to the Northern Atlantic, though..
The northern coast with Prince Rupert maybe. But we couldn't attack until NATO dissolves. Let's focus on the prairies for now
>Alberta has no rats
This is such a dumb meme, surprised hasn't died.
I have personally seen WILD rats in CENTRAL/Northern Alberta.
Ah, never heard of her- not into feminism.
The very worst.
He's talking about the city...
Those are mice user
Prince George user here
Central and North BC would gladly join an alberta separatist movement; we despise the mainland. Vancouver needs to be excised
>can we throw out Phillipinos
>let's focus on the Jews
>british columbians not welcome
Fuck you asshole
Go ahead, leave. Right now there’s a long-term global oil glut, and declining demand. Especially for low quality sour Western Canada Select and bitumen that cant be refined by most refineries. You think China is going to buy? Only 4 ships have loaded up this year at the vancouver pipeline terminus. Even with a single pipeline there no demand. And What are you going to do 20 years from now when electric cars are norm and FF dependency is cracked.
BTW: you do know where all your electricity comes from, right? Maybe BC will cut it off just to make a point.
>Those are mice user
Must have grown big from the bitumen.
I think Northern Ontario is fine as well- honestly, Canada would be fine if the border was moved North 300km.
We will find other industries. Don't underestimate the Albertan people
We run off of coal you dumbass
Hey guy, thats nice but this is a discussion for albertans, not faggot Ontarians.
>refineries can't refine bitumen
Sure they can- just depends whether or not they want to.
Isn't sold to refineries as sour..
>Alberta gets its electricy from BC hydro
Have fun with that electric car's charge in winter.
>Have fun with that electric car's charge in winter.
What's wrong with a 30-40% reduction in charge?
Also, who needs heat!
I wonder what the range of an electric car is at -16C- the average temperature from Dec through Mar... if heating the interior, I imagine you'll get 50% range.
Not to get all fuckin maudlin but this may be a shit week and a shit month. I’m blackpilled already and the Middle East shit plus the asteroid has me even more jaggedy than usual. No fuckin clue if it’s real or just more Jow Forumslarp horseshit but if things go south and it’s a full Happening, then it’s been a blast Leafbros. This board shits all over us but we know we’re the best goddamned country on earth. Bitch all you want, it’s been a pleasure to live here. Cheers.
Im not worried about that 30% of -16. I worry about that 5% of -30
Sniff too much paint thinner, Crow Child?
This is simply NASA wanting to generate funds- they know the public doesn't see any reason to support them (SpaceX, a private company, is actually succeeding), and fear-mongering is their only option now.
Should have a prairies meetup to shoot and drink AGD poptops
Even with a gas engine, below -25C most heaters struggle to keep windows clean- makes me wonder if electric can do it.
>BTW: you do know where all your electricity comes from, right? Maybe BC will cut it off just to make a point.
And that’s when Manitoba kicks in with its powerful northern hydro dams and makes even more due to BC cuntiness. If Manitoba wasn’t such a loser province we could make water our oil and power half this fucking continent. So fuck you and your electric cars GasTown Chang.
Ya ya I know be cynical and above it all. I get it. But just in case....
Saskatchewan is probably the lased based province- it's all the farmers- you can't be a liberal farmer- you can be a socialist, but not a communist.
your first mistake was falling for the meme. Alberta uses coal for energy, not BC hydro. But yes, we could use Manitoba. I'm against accepting any part of BC because of retards like him
The infrastructure would be too costly for this- would need higher voltage lines in order to prevent the lines from melting.
I've been out of the loop, err working. Is there something that happened or been shilled for lately?
can we all just agree that british columbians and southern ontarians are just the fucking worst
Sask was smart and rode that potash boom very well. Saskatoon is a beautiful expanding city. That’s what smart provinces do. Manitoba could do that with water but it’s a loser province with zero vision.
>look at based Alberta
When is the last time an Albertan:
-flew a NAZI flag above his home?
-shot an Indian on his property?
-took Indian hookers out of the city to die?
-gassed his own (disabled) son?
If you go to most small BC towns you'll like the guys you meet. We smoke and drink and fuck around outside like the rest of Canadians. Most of us lift and are racist. I don't get why Albertans have an issue with us. BC boys are fine. Anyways I am buttblasted
Yeah, potash is growing here- new mines, lots of trains. Keeps wages high.
Still, good times foster degenerates- Saskatoon is now hosting raves and more concerts.
What the fuck are you going on about?
Everyone is racist, insofar as they notice differences.
It takes a coward to not act on them.
US moving ships to Middle East. Possible conflict with Iran. Saudi/Jew fuckery already going on. Potential asteroid hit May 25. Who knows? Prob LARPs and Sabre-rattling but haven’t seen this kinda dark cloud hanging over Jow Forums before. Do some digging. Strange shit afoot.
Change that to all Ontarians and I'll agree
>What the fuck are you going on about?
These are all things that BASED Saskatchewan men do, that 'based' Alb*rtans don't do.
I have a flag and anthem prepared.
>Manitoba anons allowed
Damn right, Western Brother.
>ships in middle east
Ah, I heard of this.
>dark cloud
I'd say it's been changing for many months...seems quieter.
Don't be like that. We're brothers. We have a real enemy to fight. Stop infighting