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Brit/pol/ - early morning edition
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Sargon is part of the illuminati. He sacrifices babies to satan with John Travolta.
Are you implying cokeposter funds terrorism?
I hope you lads are ready for a fucking blowout
lmao I like how he's supposed to be two-stepping but he actually just looks like he's dislocated his shoulder
why do you envy me for my lack of consumer ethics?
yeah I was never sure if he was two stepping or throwing something
Well their "facts" also turned out to be wrong in fairness.
Wrong link
>Formerly CHUK's
How the fuck did they fuck up so hard with the dream team of Umunna, Soubry, Adonis and Campbell?
Start buying guns.
Nigel Farage is saying Sargon of Akkad is racist and sexist even though he ISN'T and it's a SMEAR. Vote UKIP not the brexit party.
how do we solve the croydon problem lads
why do you envy me for my freedom?
Sargoy of call center loses. COPE.
Sadly the uneducated cucks will follow Nigel and not UKIP, I used to like Nige but even back then I was incredibly fucking suspicious of his lack of criticism of Islam.
>go into town
>go to shopping center
>shops closed, no people
>generic house pop music playing in the background
Anyone else scared how the establishment has decided to destroy Sargon?
Fucking Sargon, hes as mild as they come. What hope is there for real change in England
the fat oaf destroyed himself over the last 2 years
Fuck the high street
cool ad hominem bro. Guess you don't have any argument against his ideas.
I was thinking today after seeing the Brexit party almost leading in Westminster intentions that maybe they'll enforce a change to proportional representation in a coalition. After that change will come much easier.
Anyone keeping up to date on /our/ Tommy's campaign? Does he have a chance of getting in?
Not the point, it could be anyone else, they'd do the same smear tactics
Not really
looking good. i recently gave up with ukip and went brexit, looks like plenty of others did. still plenty of conservatives to convert too, and labour.
I was born in Wheptien.
Brexit is bad because RTE says its bad
>Brexit party leads the poll for the European elections
It won't transfer to the general election, where the power to leave/remain and negotiate lies.
The more likely result is a split tory vote giving a Labour or Lib/Lab coalition government.
With red Jeremy in power you can expect the dregs of the world to be invited en masse to suckle off the teat of the white British worker. I know this is happening anyway under a so called right wing government, but it will go into overdrive under Corbyn.
It will be a golden era for Pakis, niggers, chavs, criminal scum and blue haired permanently offended twitterati.
Britain is in danger of becoming a second Venezuela
we already have crazy levels of immigration and state spending that even labour never managed, i don't think they'll be much worse. and loads of pc shit everywhere, and censorship/blasphemy laws. i really don't see the point of conservative party when you can have labour for all that, therefore i DO think Brexit party can be the new right wing party.
>Britain is in danger of becoming a second Venezuela
This is a serious concern and a real possibility
He's just completely out of his depth. A lamb for the media wolves. Douglas Murray consistently makes the same points as the likes of him, often taking even more Jow Forums tier positions, and nobody can smear him, because he's not politically retarded.
>Britain is in danger of becoming a second Venezuela
that took many years, i think labour gov would soon cause a nasty recession mainly because we're already due one (that debt never went away). they'd soon be voted out after that.
good. The sooner law and order becomes meaningless, the sooner we can curb stomp white traitors
>It won't transfer to the general election
Says increasingly nervous Paddy.
I don't care about the economic hit, I care about the fact our establishment politicians are all EU cronies. Hope it all works out well for you, the sooner the reich collapses the sooner we can get our sovereignty back
I think he means it won't transfer to seats at a general election
How do you wage war without food?
BXP is already overtaking the Tories in some Westminster polls. They're only a month old. This is totally unprecedented. On an general election campaign all Farage has to do is play that old Tory card against them in Tory seats. Vote Tory, get Corbyn. They will be the ones splitting the vote.
If Corbyn does end up winning sometime in the future, it'll only be a catalyst for even harder right wing backlash. If he kills the economy, increases immigration even further and fails to take us out of the EU - he'll have scored a hattrick on pissing off the electorate. Things have to get worse before they get better.
If Banaman ran for office, and he acted abrasive at a journalist, you can bet his deep dive excursions would be plastered everywhere.
Carl is a special kind of retard in terms of optics.
looks like ethnics are back on the menu
He's looking a bit like Alex Jones there.
Sargon practically went out of his way to sabotage his own chances. He continually put his foot in his mouth over and over again. The moment he pressed "send" on the words "I wouldn't even rape you" he ended any possibility of having a political career. It doesn't matter how charismatic or clever you are (and Sargon is neither of those things), once you publicly post something like that then the media will never stop hounding you for it.
Too tired for work, I want to go home.
Brexit is retarded because it decreases the amount of potential Europid gene inflow, meaning, it'll take longer to re-White formerly White areas, and there will also be a higher risk of bottlenecking. Dumb dumbs.
Once you start swapping places with the tories, then change becomes fast. BP is doing the hardest part right now.
conservative member here, and i'm fine with that outcome because it will kill off this shit party, or put immense pressure on us to get a brexit leader and totally change away from this lefty phase the party is in.
the fact that conservatives don't fear a labour victory is why this huge shift is happening; the "do what we say or labour wins" stuff won't work this time.
are you retarded or something?
only UKIP of Akkad is bravely making a stand to defend YOUR freedom to threaten middle aged women with rape.
NO OTHER PARTY is defending the right for YOU to engage in underage sex with boys whoare mentally mature enough, and UKIP is not only spreading this message throughout the mainstream media, they are reaching out to KNOWN PEDOPHILES like Milo 'Raping kids is fine' Yiannopolis to get more kids on board.
Farage is a sell out, all he cares about is breaking the bonds of servitude and freeing Britain to become a self governing sovereign nation once more, all he gives a shit about is taking back control of our laws, our fishing rights, our borders, our trade and our money. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Vote UKIP and be proud to fight for the right to threaten bitches with rape and bugger young boys today.
The comments on that Twitter are unreal, it’s like they have no idea what the fuck most of the country is talking about. Who the fuck are these dead heads?
Why did he decide to bring milo along? Has he ever been relevant here?
That's at least 2 remain tactical voting sites now.
no, just winning
Sargon is a special kind of idiot. It's baffling there are retards here still shilling for this unelectable clown.
>don't fear a labour victory
mate your party never did fear a labour victory, because your two parties had the game on lock
you fear newer parties coming in a fucking with the old order of the two party system
labour and tories are two sides of the same coin and so fuck conservatives and labour
both covered up the rape gangs
both sent us to go die over oil
both are ignoring the will of the people
both are cancer and the only debate we should be having is: which colour of rope should be used to drag their necks up the side of a fucking lampost?
A MASSIVE cheer goes up as Nigel takes down ambitions of a European army.
>"I'd rather put the future trust and security of this country with the 5 EYES, and America with NATO than any EU army led by Brussels."
Because he's a retard who genuinely believes he's a strategic genius. he's a fucking cringelord who still lives inside the 2015 internet, but I am LOVING the car crash shit show his life has become, his army of followers made up ENTIRELY of retards with lower IQ than him (I estimate he as at around the 112-115 mark) are cherring him on unironically as he sets about dismantling what was in fact a reasonably decent little life.
For me there is nothing more gloriously entertaining than a fool who thinks he's smart running rings around himself while crowing smugly at his enemies who are watching in desbelief this imbecilic display of self destruction.
You can never get too much of that, real life David Brent levels of unscriptable cringe-comedy gold.
>post yfw still voting ukip
>post yfw all nige has to say is "islam bad" and he'd get your vote
>post yfw never strategically voting ever again
>post yfw tories dying
>post yfw leftist spazzos will celebrate the tories dying but haven't realised they now have to battle legit non-racist patriots and a growing white nationalist threat
all except >>post yfw all nige has to say is "islam bad" and he'd get your vote
fuck nige
he's clearly toeing the politically correct line, and even Batten annoys me because he doesn't go far enough
>muh leftist tropes
And people call Marr a Tory.
There's a reason BNP doesn't exist anymore you mong
>he's clearly toeing the politically correct line, and even Batten annoys me because he doesn't go far enough
Trying anything else would kill the party immediately.
Oh look, it's the new character of Australian comedian Chris Lilley.
Farage will stab you in the back as well, in time.
what a piece of shit
he's not ill, he's drunk
he's too drunk to even wobble to his shofer driven car
rather than fight for the few principles that cunt has, he'll let you do all the busywork so he can swoop in at the last minute with a bottle of something, strut about like a peacock and claim all the credit
I disliked him for who he is, but now I'm finding out just how detestable he truly is
this fucker would be an obease empror of Rome who is walked about on a golden throne from palace to colosseum, spending his entire age entertained, while everyone else breaks their backs trying to justify his drunken pig existence
Fuck ukip and fuck their Israeli Zionists funders. Tommy and the rest can truly go fuck themselves.
Hail based Farage
Pls post this on his twitter post
Why is everyone so unhappy about Neil?
Nigel Farage interview: 'At the end of this campaign the Brexit Party will be a lot bigger than the Conservatives
PR will never ever happen. Any change which directly benefits those not in power, and which can only be implemented by those who are, is essentially impossible. There is no political solution to the problems we face.
the shapiro interview
Labour support finally tanking.
Fakin Ngubu
'ad one fookin job and he flunked it
wot a fakkin tosser. Taff F.C besmirchin' the name of the norf
bloodeh wankah
when we getting Bumpupu back from Souf F.C?
Can we set up some more and split the tactical vote?
>UKIP is filled with spergs
>BP is controlled opposition
>Everyone else are lefty shills
Who the fuck should I vote for?
Do you think Farage knew Sargon kills everything he touches and used him to pull votes without him being under the scrutiny?
The North Koreans are the only ones that will come out of this ok
You shit on the ballot paper.
English Democrats
Shut up reddit
Move to the north west and vote for tommeh
vote for the one your enemies most fear.