We are everywhere, growing stronger daily

Subject says it all.

Lefty/pol/ is very alive.

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The trigger finger is getting itchy

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All i have to is put a trash can in your way and you'll all attack it.

k. Start the civil war already then.

Uh huh

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>growing stronger daily
The flowers in my garden grow stronger daily too, they still present no threat to my boot though.
As pansies, they can't even grow big enough to trip me.

are you proud of yourself, faggot?

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Sometime you should remove the buttplug, so you will be more relaxed.

The image Warms my heart.

Gotta steal some flags to burn at the next rally.

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Fashie Larpers are cute.

Even cuter when they are screaming for milk for their eyes

How many time a day do you tuck your dick between your legs and dance around?

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the only thing growing stronger daily is your smell

Do you hear yourself talk sometimes?

I hear myself talking all the time, and other times I listen.

Either way, I'm a fan of physically harming fashies.

imagine the smell

You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag little guy.

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Fucking memeflag
Antifa used to exist in Romania as well.Some 8 years ago was the last time anyone saw them.
Now they just mostly cry on blogs that get 10 views per month

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Where is Antifa today?

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antifa is unstoppable and truly a force to be feared

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>Implying Mace, urine bottles and other ranged methods don't exist to hurt or destroy fasciscts
>not understanding Black Bloc tactics

We are pissing our pants.

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The reaction to Antifa, will always be the rise of the right.

The difference between the two will become less and less apparent, but for the willingness in the end, of the right to commit to a level of violence that the left, cannot or will not be able to meet.

Plus of course, the fact that they will all be marked, and known, and easily traceable due to their online activities and membership of such groups.

This makes for the future prosecution of the radical left, much easier than has been the case in the past.

Perfect spot to lob a frag grenade.

Murderous little psychos you are.

Women's weapons
>urine bottle
Proof you're a neat sir. You're no better than the fascists you claim to bash.

convicted child rapists need to stick together and cover their faces

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Just fucking shoot one of them,execution style..they will flee like roaches.Cold blooded.No mercy

After the beatings the Pantifags received from the neo-nazis and Ultras in Romania...they evaporated.

The only thing you fight is gay feelings

Put the meanest Shotgun to their head and pull the trigger,one is enough to send a message.

Fucking ANTIFA

nah, he gave up on that a long time ago.

Thanks for Playing and showing the kind of people We (Antifascists) oppose

In Romania killing communists is a national duty.
Not everywhere you can larp as the good guys.

Come to the Balkans so we can explain to you why.

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That's an oxymoron. Kill yourself.

The only acceptable fate for a Commie.

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Weird, you only win when 5 or more to 1 or when attacking peacefully gathered civilians, but when you come up against real fighters you get turned into vegetables. You ain't shit and your movement always ends in death, either we put you down or your regime ends in famine and civil war and you die either way. But hey, it's cool to play tough online where there is no risk.

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>Antifa protester tries to fit entire fire hydrant up his anus.
>Disastrous results

What's that thing Fashies like to say?

Molon Labe

I've got nothing to lose

KYS please

Oh you growing alright.

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Isn’t this what Poland did to Germany before Poland got gassed?

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In yo dreams you slimy little bastard

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Yes finally all the fucking pussies have come to scream REEEtarded in one place. What a bunch of spastics..

POL is a wealth of where to find examples of idiots, it makes a great example of the saddest people on the planet for work training. Our company benefits greatly from having this example. People usually laugh at how pathetic the racists are in here, so I'm glad you've all congregated.

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Every one of those effeminates would run like hell from battle and beg an American to save them.

Like someone gives a shit about your company in the first place.

>repression of dissent

Brainwashed fools all those commy globalists.




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Christian Exoo is a pedophile.

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i'm stacking ammo equal to their growth rate. lol. i'll be fine.

Gen Zyklon rise!

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Isn't it odd to you, that you are fighting against an enemy, that hasn't really existed in decades. That you use rhetoric from the past. That none of it what you think you are fighting against, isn't real, yet, you are convinced it's all real.
You are fighting ghosts. And you are a ghost yourself.
Don't you see anything strange here yourself?

You fool i pitty you why not just go to a non western country and live there?.


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They suffer from the Don Quixote illness.

Do you see what these people are trying to establish? Opposing LGBTQ rights, opposing minority rights. Imposing judaeochristian values on american laws.
Stirring up nationalism, Stirring up action against marginalized people.

That is what we are fighting.

Bunch of sad people wanting more out of life than they could possibly dream of, so to them revolution is the peak to their existence.

I'm sure he is. He is a leftist extremist afterall.

I want to fix my country?

Why is that hard to understand?

Nice try but your scare tactics won’t work on me, Ninja

So what's your goal. To use diversity and lgbt pride to defeat ZOG?

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Nobody wants your "fixing"
Move to venezuela.

>What's your goal

Make the streets unsafe for fascists. Doxx them, hurt them, slash their tires, break their windows, get them fired, fuck their women, whatever makes them more likely to shut their mouths.

It's not yours any more you hate everything about it the people the history there is nothing for you there.Just do yourself and every body else a favour and go?.

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Boot licking conformist, kill yourself

>fuck their women

It's never been mine. It wasn't built by people like me. I didn't choose to be born here. I'm here to change that

>fuck their women
no no NOOO!!!
that is not your job cuckold. that is your wife's boyfriend's job, tyrone

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also being leftypol is an oxymoron because leftist ideas such as those are taken into the arms of mainstream media all the time.

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It's only in your(s) head. Nobody really cares about these people. They oppose the loud and foul mouths of your "poor victims", and that too is pretty lame "opposing". But even if that would be true, how does your antic rhetoric about faschists from hundred years ago fit to all this? You know, faschists had a real political party, with an agenda and they themselves called them faschists. There's nothing like that around. Nada, zip, nothing.

What change? you just want to break things you where brainwashed to do so.The hate from you is crazy you are lost.

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So did the local Dick Sucking Alliance meeting let out early then or

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Back to r.eddit newfag.

>Was around on /b/ for the historic Mootban

It's really bizarre to see so many kids getting fired up in their battle against ghosts. Factually wandering around and seeing things that are not there. Repeating slogans from times past, against enemies long gone. And it's all real to them.
Very peculiar form of mass hypnosis and mass hallucinations.
There's so many of these delusional people, that to cure them all...
>FEMA camps should be converted to super mental asylums.

Islam is cancer and should not be considered part of revolutionary politics.

I think this could be jewish trauma. Jews are still living in the past, they are still fighting the WW2, hallucinating it is still ongoing. Then they enable and agitate people into their delusion and people prone to get deluded jumps on board and "see" it's "real" and get all exited and fired up.

if Jesus was alive today he would be leading an antifa cell

We have a name for people like YOU. Usefull idiots.


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Do you guys have any theories as to why it is Sub-Saharan Africans were unable to invent the wheel or any sort of written language even 2500 years after people in Asia and Europe were building empires and writing deep philosophy?

Additional question: why is it that the only African country to never have been colonized (Liberia) is also the biggest shithole in Africa? Why didn't "colonialism" fuck up Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand etc? Why is it only countries with black people that can never recover from being colonised?

I decided on my own accord to read marx.

I don't consume media other than music and comic books.

I was a libertarian before I read marx.

I've radicalized myself.

Who is brainwashing me?

have you ever read guns germs and steel? Do you understand how resource allocation works?

>I don't consume media other than music and comic books.

You are fucking retarded. What is music and books but media that led you where you are today? Congratulations, you played yourself.

Jared Diamond is a fraud.


No you did not decide on your own.you have to no every body is made by expiriences.Having a mind of your own is rare.

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How did maiden and king diamond influence me to be a communist? are you actually fucking dumb or just retarded?

You just need to understand, there are no fascists, no nazis. They are all gone. They will never return.
This doesn't mean that evil people doesn't exist. They do. In abundance. But you are never able to identify them, while you are hallucinating about ghosts from the past.
What I have said now, will remain in your head forever. You are unable to forget what I said. You will get out of your delusions and you do so happily.

Make sure you dilate before you riot.

Overview of lefty genius'...

DJT decides to run for president. Main stream news declares he's a racist xenophobic bigot, despite an obvious lack of evidence. Leftist tards go for it hook, line and sinker.

Young lefty morons join a group to fight against a made up narrative. They declare that white hate groups are everywhere despite the fact that there are actually very few, and said groups are shunned by both sides of the political spectrum.

Lefty genius'name themselves after their very core beliefs... "Anti-fascist". Promote violence against made up hate groups to try and get more people to agree with their ideaology.

Tons of non hate groups form in order to shut down and expose the idiots in antifa, and come together to expose the narrative of lies on the left.

Antifa shows up to public gatherings to incite violence and get hulk smashed. Which exposes their weak will and their poser claims.

Antifa not only failed to push leftist ideas, but made the right stronger and gave them the election because the vast majority of people can easily see how brain washed and pitiful these mongoloids really are.

What do you see wen looking these numbers?.

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Dog whistles

lots and lots of Dog whistles

You're allowed to be a piece of shit, but personally I think you should just hang yourself

Have you ever considered our system is stacked against people of color in america? You're a racist and a scum bag, and your mind will never change.

People like you are why we exist.

Waiting for the day a comrade snaps and mace turns into something more

Oh really? I didn't realize you retards try to ruin every single good thread

If your movement is that strong, then take off the masks. Why hide yourselves unless you FEAR.