What would a world with an unchallenged China look like?
What would a world with an unchallenged China look like?
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likely will see sec dems ever get whitehouse back.
"cultural preservation"? They were doing a lot of that during the great leap forward. seriously though They'd probably just export their totalitarian policies across the globe
Another Europe
They would end the identity politics crap.
>What would a world with an unchallenged China look like?
Has anyone challenged them lately?
And redpilled
More polluted, less gay. And looking at how incompetent western ecological thinking is, i am having doubts about the polluted part.
This is now a China hate thread.
This. All the time. Always.
Just shit like this all day.
And this
And this.
Based and Redpilled
Just shit exploding....
Everyone is doomed all the time
I mean really doomed. Fucked. God hates everyone kind of doomed.
Cannibalism. Lots of cannibalism.
China's biggest challenge for the last 1000 years has been China itself. Big blob country that shouldn't exist.
A giant sweatshop
And we all would grow used to be doomed. Like it's normal. Look more doom. So what....It's okay.
We'll all have our doom in the end.
Very, very, very mongrelized.
Totally doomed. You're never safe. Ever.
Karma is a bitch
And this is because they are bug people.
You may notice this adult bug man mistakes this small bug child for an actual large insect which he proceeds to try save the city from.
He wins.
No 56 percent face? Alright I'll give a A for creativity.
The sheer the level of fuck you that even physics has for China here makes this one of my favourite hate gifs to see
This one looks fake tho
Also all our pets would go away somehow.
this hit me harder than kids getting run over
god i hate chinks
That's because typically the people die quick. One minute you're alive? And the next? BAM!
It's not even violence. It's just sheer fucking unhindered mad chaos.
If you're a quite fuzzy animal though.
Well. You might have to suffer. A lot. In a pot.
Or maybe just on a plate. As you're slowly eaten alive. Eaten aliiiive. Eaten aliiiiiiive.
Unrelated, here, we can see a bug baby take flight for the first time. They can't take the skies from him.
What were they doing running into that ally. And this is kek lol
I dont know but morality is way to big jn that picture. It should only be viewable with an electron microscope.
Look at those two cyclists
And they would call you on the phone, and scream at you, and tell you to go to work.
Just as the factory you work at explodes outside the window.
Ultrarich oligarch cutting open pregnant women out of curiosity while 21st century peasants lose lives and limbs constantly in mandated factories and mega projects. Animals abused until extinct and in the end you're living blade runner, with acid rain and toxic air as synths replace humans and animals and become more human than the world of soulless bug men around them.
And all this children, is why the Prime Directive is so important. It is the FOUNDING PRINCE A PLES of the Federation, to which we hold so dear.
You should not give advanced technology to brown people. We were very foolish.
Look at those poor poor Mexicans....
Imagine getting caught as prisoner by chinese troops. Better not start any war with these psycho chinks
just stack those fucks 5 high, use them for sandbags
lil man bug really tanked some hits. you'd really expect his head to be pancake-shaped after those blows
Natural selection.
You mean? x3 the population yet 1/3 the GDP and horrific environmental population? Suicide nets to prevent foxconn workers committing suicide? Inflated economy that requires constant government intervention where all businesses are owned by the same corrupt one party state. Most of the country living in squalor and/or like serfs?
Everyone is equal when they're peasants.
>Technology and Science
Chinks have to go aboard to receive education and steal technology that they don't even invent.
>Family Values
You mean being fined for having more than one child?
>Cultural preservation
Did the cultural revolution not happen? What is there left? Automatons for economic production?
>lil man bug really tanked some hits
Oh they can. They're punchy little punchers and biters.
Chinese shills everywhere today.
It starts with the destruction of religion, because China wants the state (through the courts) to be the moral authority.
Then is the undermining of soverignty through corruption, unsustainable belt and road debt.
Then the mass movement of Han Chinese into everywhere, and then the government of China pressuring them to cuck the countries they move to.
Then a military invasion of strategic ports, troop corridors and a massive expansion of air defence rings
The triad carrying out assassinations abroad
Then a purge inside China in a wave of nationalism to kill the Muslims and ethnic minorities who would otherwise flee, take up arms and mount an eternal soveriegnty challenge to China's west, south west and west south west
>You mean being fined for having more than one child?
Here we see the standard Chinese dating ritual, and soon she will be happy pregnant wady and wife to happy Chinese man. Also, flawless victory.
Looks like a juvenile prison
That looks more like a doll tho
Harvested Organs for days
Same like China now. Islands of wealth created by the exploitation of foreign markets and resources, surrounded by oceans of poverty. Eventually the lack of adult supervision will cause economic and social collapse, and it will all become Best Korea.
isnt the woman in OP pic wearing japanese garb?
Like shit
Might is right anyway
Only the European race can build another Europe ie USA
Which country has teh best waifu?
Based and redpilled
The artist had really shit tastes
chinese flee their homeland to live with whites, so obviously the world would turn into the sewer the rats are currently abandoning
Bad taste man, Puck is god tier.
Sucks to be Chinese. Despite me being a while Christian, and having most of the evil world despise me for existing, I hope that they are free from their horrible government and control, I would never want anything like this to happen to anyone.
Like it looked before western influence.
A giant place isolated from other cultures.
>Tariffs with china are suddenly a chilling effect on the economy
>It will somehow benefit the american companies at the detriment to the public to increase taxes on chinese goods.
Maybe but he was probably a faggot
I meant shit tastes in women
Yaaaayy my favourite
That is beyond the pale. I'll watch humans get fuck all day long but why people got to do that to an animal
Entire planet covered with pollution, everyone getting cancer, complete abandonment of human decency and morality. I wish I could kill every man woman and child in China with my own two hands.
I really hope we can convince them to just learn to ACTUALLY join the first world. If they dont we (meaning the Western world) will have destroy them. The conflict seems enevitable.
They must waste so much energy and political capital on controlling their own citizens instead of innovating, growing and actually being happy.
Subhuman assholes thats who.
Can we train them to be better?
Or should we crush them economically (Fucking boycott cheap plastic bullshit that doesnt work)?
>wake up
>pray to winnie the pooh for not dying in workplace
>take out dog pelvis soup from fridge
>no meat left, wife ate our son's meat yesterday
>wife stuffs 118 year old mother into microwave
>microwave explodes killing whole family
>mix their meat with gutter oil for dinner, save thousands of yuan
>drive to work
>run over 29 children, -29 citizen points bring me down to 1781
>bus bulldozes me
>see organs fly in highway
>hungry dogs rush to eat my intestines
>hungry bus driver and passengers step out to feast on dogs
>bus explodes killing us all
>police and media report the event as faulty japanese car accident
>furious winnie the pooh launches another nuke to tokyo
>ICBM malfunctions and lands on our city for the 62nd time
>long live china
Funniest fucking post ive ever read
Chinese people wouldn't be able to invade and purchase superior Nippon baby formula and cosmetics. Everything would be F tier garbage that breaks after a week.
An anthill subjugating other anthills.
kek saved
>What would a world with an unchallenged China look like?
The incels from r/hapas would be ruling over a world a dark peoples.
All white people and Japanese people would be killed. Black women put into concentration camps to be used as cock sleeves for sex starved eurasian men. Hispanic women would also be forced to be cock sleeves and gang-raped by Asian rape gangs from r/hapas. Indian women also. All south east asians would be killed too since r/hapas hate them so much. Only the Chinese and Koreans get to live.
an overcrowded urban shithole
so much mutt jealousy
To eat? Killing animals is not so bad when you get used to it. I stopped getting shivers going up my back after like 2 weeks spent working at slaughterhouse.
Have you ever been in China?
Is Animal abuse, aborting girls and destroy the environment part of this morality?
>cultural preservation
They literally destroyed thousand of years of cultural heritage thanks to a book written by a German meet
>science and technology
Copy paste western inventions doesn't count
Literally an Incel country