Operation Infiltterate

Why don't you guys register on Twitter and rape the lefty turds?

Cancer won't kill itself. They take one account down we create 20 more.

Fuck the perpetual shills and zealots, redpill normies!

Attached: IMG_4644.jpg (306x213, 20K)

Not your personal army faggot

Who asked you to be my personal army?

Just trying to reason out with people here. Your time doesn't belong to anyone but yourself.

No one uses twitter anymore. Besides they'll just use it as a reason to crack down and make the platform even less usable. We can't beat them at their own game

>We can't beat them at their own game
What's their game?

It can work against them though. People are notorious for self-incrimination on social media. Jow Forums's reliable method of dealing with online faggotry has usually been pool closing or partyvan tip-offs.

>What's their game?
Making everything worse

Politics is a game, with winners and losers. We are losing
No matter how much stupid shit gets exposed, no one ever listens, they're too comfortable living in the lies the mainstream has created for them.

That's too vague. Explain.

Well, I think it will.

Wonder why Jow Forums doesn't like enemy territory. Lefty turds get triggered over everything rational. Jow Forums would eat them up.