I'm 28 and my hair line has receded so much in the past year...

I'm 28 and my hair line has receded so much in the past year, I have 12 months max left before I have to buzz it constantly.

What the fuck am I going to do bros.

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Buy a wig like a black woman

You hit the wall


he will unironically be posting as an incel within the year

Get a hair transplant. Or some artificial hair. Or wear a hat. Or just don't be a faggot who cares what normie dipshits think of his bald head.

You don't have to buzz just because you're balding.

Get your biotin (vitamin H) to help keep your hair thick, and take care of what you have the best you can.

There are enough shaved-head dudes out there, already. It's okay to be a lil' bald.

>Don't grow beard to compensate
>Alternate the part in your hair to give what hair you have left some body (comb left one day, comb right the next, ad infinitum)

Lift. You can still be attractive if you're built and fit, otherwise you look pathetic.

Fellow hairline cuck here, mine is starting to recede pretty hard. I think I'll just kill myself when it gets too bad.

grow a beard and just embrace your manly high test genes. dont be a metrosexual globohomo. you DO have kids already right?

>What the fuck am I going to do bros.

Well, Finasteride is your friend. It’s how Trump kept his hair and how actors keep theirs.

>tfw 28 and thick lustrous hair with a perfect tinge of gray since high school
>I'm ugly, short and fat with a bad personality
if being bald is the only thing that ails you then you are a lucky man

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try finasteride

>inb4 testosterone obsessed pol manchildren

anti depressants and hats make you go bald like crazy.

I was taking anti-psychotics or whatever because a bunch of family and friends died, I started going bald really fast, within a year it started receeding. So I stopped taking the jew pills and my hair is coming back.

No one will miss you shitskin

>Or just don't be a faggot who cares what normie dipshits think of his bald head.
I have always hated this mentality. I don't care what others think of my balding. I care about it. I want to look good for me. Not others.

Just shave it faggot. Nobody except maybe vapid teens and early 20s women who are too young for you anyway will care as long as you hit the gym and otherwise are good looking and well put together. And if you're ugly and/or out of shape, more hair wouldn't have helped you much anyway, so it's moot.

Damn buddy, I knew a indian guy that started going bald in middle school.
He's still alive and bald.

Just become liberal.

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It's unironically unsafe. I would rather go bald than lose function in my penis
My advice to OP is just rock being bald, getting fit is the only option


shave your head and grow a beard. stop bitching like a woman

>vapid teens and early 20s women who are too young for you anyway will care
So the only women actually worth fucking before they hit the wall? Baldlets on suicide watch

Then fucking get a hair transplant like Matthew did.

Does that mess with your libido?

Honestly I had odd feeling erections and watery cum and shit but after a while its 100% over. In Australia its like 70 cents per day, maybe 300+ bucks a year to pretty much not go bald 0_0

Buy a dermaroller and use twice weekly. Combine magnesium oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary oil and apply to scalp a few times a week. Read up about it on this website hairguard.com/how-to-use-magnesium-oil-for-hair-loss/

I'm just gonna buzz it faggots. Finasteride is for gays and idiots. Yeah I'm going to take some weird fucking pharmaceutical to block a natural process, suck my dick while yours certainly can't get hard. I mainly wanted to make a thread about going bald.

Contrary to what faggots says, Rogaine DOES work....It won't grow your old hair back, but it retains the existing hair and makes it slightly thicker....The only problem is you have to use it for the rest of your life...But the generic kirkland brand is a lot cheaper.

Started thinning in my 30s, from the crown. I've stayed relatively fit and do fine. It's probably worse from the front but Statham is still a good looking rascal.

You have one option.

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Go to Turkey, hair transplant surgery is pretty cheap there

Go nazi style.

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Man up and shave it.

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get a beanie if you want to look cool

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>It's unironically unsafe. I would rather go bald than lose function in my penis
Yes, one of the potential side effect is erectile dysfunction and loss of libido. Double blind placebo trials, however, suggest these side effects are in the 3-5% of patients range.

The question of permanent loss of libido or ED even after disuse is still out there. We don’t know whether Fin causes permanent problems, especially because men post 30 have a high chance of developing loss of libido and ED without Fin... so without double blind studies that look at placebo and Fin cohorts for many years, we really cannot know.

Personally I find it kind of odd that the alleged permanent effects came up only around 3yrs ago after 25yrs of Fin on the market... and only in the US where class actions are possible.

>My advice to OP is just rock being bald, getting fit is the only option

It’s good advice to be honest. Going bold isn’t so bad. I personally told myself I want to be in my second year of marriage to go bold so I take 1 x 5mg Fin tab broken up in 7 pieces per week. No libido or ED problems in the past 4yrs.

bold = bald

I shaved my bullshit off around 30. Read about hair transplants for days until I realized it's just a way of coping and won't give you ideal and perfect results no matter how much you going to pay for it.
Bald looks better than balding and I feel pretty confident about it

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Every glass of water you drink, every bit of food you eat, believe it's medicine for your hair. Believe, BELIEVE your hair is ready to spurt and become thick and healthy. Doesn't matter how realistic it is. Don't get attached to the belief. Just believe, and if you think it is ridiculous and it wont happen, thats fine, just believe, because it takes nothing and can only help trigger a placebo effect for what its worth.

Take cold showers. Get Jow Forums. Meditate.
Cold showers, meditation and exercise will help you mentally. Also getting fit will help you with low self esteem.

If you fall for the (TAKE THIS SUPLEMENT FOR ONLY NINENINENINENINTEYNINE AND GROW A FULL HEAD OF HAIR!) Hoax then you might as well believe it because any real success from any of that stuff came from placebo.

It fucking sucks and to pretend you dont care "just stop being a pussy brah! Ur like a waman!" posts are annoying and not helpful because people do care and calling OP a pussy wont stop him from caring.

Thats all I can say

>Bald looks better than balding and I feel pretty confident about it

True, but depends on the person. A friend of mine went bals mid-20s and now 5-6yrs later he is an utter mess. He was a good guy, but he is a weird loner now. Not sure if it is ll caused by going bald, but it might have been part of the transition.


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>using tim poole as an example of looking cool

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He probably has mental issues that keep them down. Also, it helps a lot to look fit and confident to pull bald look off. Having a good style helps as well. You losing points of attractiveness after losing hair, so it's your responsibility to get better at every other aspect you can improve to restore the balance.
Also, other men respect you more for having enough balls to shave your head.

Yeah, it can crush some guys. That's why I say make sure to look strong and fit. You no longer have the advantage of great hair. Adjust to the circumstances.

Nothing worse than being bald and weak.

Idk, when I see men shave their head after their hairline recedes a centimeter I think they are pussies. I respect them more when they just go bald.


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This friend was athletic, but has neglected his body. I have tried to nudge him towards lifting and going to the gym, but he really seems to have given up.

Really sad sometimes how life can fuck up people.

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What do you mean? I discussed the potential side effects above.

>What the fuck am I going to do bros.

Try growing a pair of bollocks.

Okay, time for truth bomb for all n00bs here.

>Why men lose hair?
Because of Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT slowly starts killing hair following as you grow older and when your body is producing the peek amount of Testosterone and DHT.

>How to stop DHT from killing hair follicles?
Start consuming DHT inhibitors from an early age or whenever you want your hairline to stop reducing.

>How effective and easy is this?
When you start taking DHT inhibitors your body stops producing DHT at high levels and thus your hair follicles don't die as rapidly or aat all in some cases.
Take 2/3 pills everyday.

You're welcome, pathetic morons.

*follicles, not following

Wow you're a fag

>Get sunlight (Vitamin D)
>Work out
>Fap less frequently
>Cut out alcohol
>Cut out processed sugars
>Fulfill any vitamin deficiencies
>Scalp massage

If it's not 100% your genes fucking you over, a combination of all of the above will help your hair get a little thiccer again.

Hopefully you can grow facial hair by now too

Welcome to man hood faggot

Im 41 and have a full head of blond hair, no wrinkles and I fuck the woman every night still.

>blonde hair on men

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You're welcome, nigger.

I dont go outside
I lift in my basement
I don't fap
I drink A LOT
I don't eat like a fat fuck
I don't take artificial vitamin sups
Idk what a scalp massage is
>I'm 30

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Just be glad you have a chin,,you do have a chin right

Go outside, lack of sunlight is one of the biggest things when it comes to hair loss that isn't genetic. Also cut back on alcohol, that'll just fuck you over all around in the long run. Vitamin sups aren't necessary if you eat healthy.
Scalp massage is exactly what it sounds like. Massage your own scalp to get blood flow to the area. Your head can't grow new hair if there is poor blood flow.

Get it seeded. Simple enough. Go to Turkey for it and it’ll cost you $5g all inclusive.

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Smile more.
This is the only cure for baldness.

I'm 42, have a full head of thin silky hair and still get carded every time I go to a casino or bar

finasteride will ruin your face and redistribute fat

>Going bald course of action ranking:

1. Sean Connery/Terry Bradshaw route. "What are they gonna do, make fun of me for my male characteristic trait?"
9001. Buzz cut cope
9002. Hair transplant
99999. Using chemicals that fuck up your hormones in desperation to have it grow back. (might as well go on estrogen and become a tranny at this point)

if you're unattractive without hair, then you were unattractive with hair

It's making your balls fall off already

So how long would one have to take that shit for it to start to effect?

looks kinda like Trevor in gta 5. you cannot unsee this resemblance

have you considered /fa/ instead of asking offtopic questions on unrelated board? sage

Does anyone have any experience with nanoxidil? I just started using it a couple weeks ago, no side effects so far.

This is like women who say they wear makeup for themselves, and not to look good for others. You have a literal womans mentality.

Read this fucktard. ==>

finasteride and minoxidil literally saved my life
I'm still norwood 3 with huge forehead (didn't notice I'm balding before that), but at least I won't run out of hair for transplant

once your hair is gone it's gone mates
pills aren't gonna regrow what you lost
also stop giving a shit about your hair
if you didn't get a gf when you had hair you won't get one bald either niggers

not true, hair cloning is coming very soon, although will be expensive at first


Not true. It’s can cost £30,000 jeered to get your bonce seeded but everyone’s going to Turkey. The same procedures cost £3,000 there plus maybe a grand travel. Do that if it doesn’t suit you.

Welp, I might be having symptoms of liver disease, heart failure, or kidney disease.

fuck this gay faggot shit.

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save up for a hair transplant

I'm just gonna leave you this bros. It's some advice from a Jow Forumsizen posted around december/january-ish. It's a long read but you might find it useful. It covers how blood flow, proper posture, face development...etc all play a role in hair:


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Kek after reading about the side effects I’d rather go bald

I’m trying to type/drive. Don’t know why I never use Siri.

Take the bald pill.

This guy gets it

Did you do that? Not the pic.

Shave it off, find a way that it works for you, lift or grow a beard. Figure something out and stop crying about what you can't control.

21 and balding at the temples. Kinda care but kinda dont. I have dark eyebrows and blue eyes so I think that takes away the attention from my fat forehead.

No. I just read about it the other day.

>What the fuck am I going to do bros.
EAT MORE FUCKING PRROOOOOTTTEEEIIIINNNN you fucking niggers jesus fucking count them you fucking nigger
>fucking niggers on Jow Forums

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I survived all the way to work :(

Hair transpants, especially Turkish ones, look horrible IRL. Also, they don't miraculously restore your hair, they just make it less thing in strategic areas. You still need to do a lot of hiding so the hair looks more or less full
Watch from 0:18


but its not good like european standard..

The guys modern women like most are skinny prettyboys, they would look like shit without hair

just eating protein does what?

I got fucking BANNED for 3 days for writing a thread about California politics. And THIS shit is allowed????

Jannies are retarded autistic transgenders from CA.

Agree, pathetic slut lying bs