Why do you hate black people Jow Forums?

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Because they’re niggers, OP.

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I don't hate them, I just think our social disparities can be explained by genes.

Completely incompatible with us, and then add fuel to the fire of white guilt

>"Is t-there a legitamate reason you hate black people /p-pol/?!"
>They literally ruin society
there's your answer

I don't. But I do hate criminals and the corrupt.

The elephant in the room all over the world is that black people tend to be inferior. Everyone knows it, but some people repress it to an insane degree.

Enough of this clown shit. /pol has been psyoped from being edgy to being politically correct. Next step? Shut it down.

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I don't hate black people. I just consider them to be animals that need to be locked in zoos or wildlife preservations like other wild animals are

You hate them, bruh.

I've recently had an argument with one, they are uncapable of critical thinking, if you are cornering them in a debate they will play dumb and play the racism card.

I even have a black friend but i don't consider him a nigger, he can think with his own head, but the vast majority of them is just retarded, plus they are more likely to be criminals.

it's less about hating niggers and more about recognizing the Jewish menace that lobbies for us to pretend they're humans

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Dude, every race has idiots. I've found morons to be belonging from every race.

I don't hate niggers, I just have absolutely nothing in common with them. I have about as much in common with a black as I do a fatherless attention seeking child.

I don't hate blacks, I hate any motherfucker that can't be civ
>the gangs I grew up with
>african American gang culture
>the middle east

I'm not sober, expect typos

Yeah, that's a very reasonable stance.

Hating on an entire race because you think race == behaviour is irrational.

Are we asking this ever day now?

I have a black friend. He goes to work and goes home. Besides him though... fuck the rest of them.

It's not the race man, it's the mindset, you can tack antifa, the kkk, shit like that on the list too. Race isn't important, it's if they can be civil or not

Yeah, I agree.