Germans go medieval

Germans go medieval

>police are investigating the deaths of three people who were found in a hotel impaled by crossbow bolts.

>hotel manager said the three dead, who were all German, had planned to stay for three nights but had not ordered breakfast.

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Other urls found in this thread:

police says, it was probably suicide. No hints for other people involved.

>planned to stay for three nights but had not ordered breakfast.
>not ordered breakfast.

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Sure thing you Muzzie

Group suicide by crossbow seems a bit unusual. Did they all shoot each other? Doesn't sound like it'd be a quick death either unless they were shot right through the head.

Were the victims brown?

>Group suicide by crossbow seems a bit unusual.
>seems a bit unusual.
No Fucking Shit!

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>who were all German
sooo muzzies then right...?

We can only hope so.

if you banned crossbows this would not have happened

4 chan was joking about "pulling a jeoffrey" and meme magic made it real.
Kek be careful before one of those quads brings a nuke explosion down on some country

That place looks run down. What a terrible place to die. Schrecklich.

>be german
>get pagan'd

Their ages seem weird as well for a group suicide by crossbow.
>man in his fifties and two women aged 30 and 33

how would the last person even do it?
How do you shoot yourself with a crossbow?

Bavaria is cosy as fuck wth. Let’s hope they were sand nigs. In fact, they probably were considering no names or pics of them have been published.

They knew they wouldn't need it?

>police says, it was probably suicide.
Is there any worse way to hide an assassination than to claim suicide by silenced weapon?

>The relationship between the three victims - a man in his fifties and two women aged 30 and 33 - was not immediately clear.

nah the age doesnt add up for it to be mudslimes

The article made a point of calling them German, so probably.

crossbows are excellent stealthy infiltration weapons of choice for not only storming castles but killing annoying hotel guests.

looks quaint.

>The traditional German hotel is situated in Bavaria, a rural area popular with hikers
>The hotel is on the banks of the Ilz river, on the edge of the Bavarian city of Passau near the Austrian border

Digits for Israel.

Checkd. I took an arrow to the knee once

we had one over the weekend too, maybe it's a new trend

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C’mon it’s only 1/4 of the story. Sloppy job Mossad?

this new Mordhau video game thingy is really making people go berzerk, eh?
Ban video games, I say! Poison for the minds!

>be european
>get shot

>minding my business in the store
>fucking mass poleaxing happens
>nearly get decapitated by a teen in full platemail but I managed to hit him with my maul before he does anymore damage
These games are rotting the youths' brains!

I know who done it

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The Serbs used crossbows to shoot Muslims since its not loud like a gun.

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There's modern cross bows.

I feel bad since I suggested people use crossbows instead of guns to avoid gunshot noises making it easier not to get caught by police.

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Could it be??

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He can't get away with it!

>new trend
they're going to be banned - time to buy one for cash

>it was probably suicide

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I love the way he laughees

What about second brakfast?

Digits for mecca

the world is a strange place

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Tyron lanister Larper? does one was on the poop stand? they need to look for a dwarf

You better not be larping because we all want to see more of this.

dude theres 3 other articles about crossbow shootings in the past few months... monkaS

Good idea, I'm going to buy a crossbow.

he's such a happy guy

The fuck? I just ordered a crossbow last week.

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Can you even shoot through 2 people with a crossbow bolt? How did the last guy kill himself? He must have taken te bolt and stab himself with it. Or he rammed his vital parts against the corpses with the end of the bolt sticking out. Very mysterious.

>crossbow suicide

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>Can you even shoot through 2 people with a crossbow bolt?
Depends on crossbow strength, bolt used and area hit but it is possible.

Mecca now!

Digits for Israel and Mecca

Nah, thats the regular look, we like greens, and the building maintainance is vers costly

They don't have a ballistic fingerprint like a gun also they are much quieter. I've been surprised people didn't use crossbows more.

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Don't be a homo, bin that crossbow

i fucking knew it

The church did for awhile but those damn satanist allowed them to return.

Kek this.

Crossbows are actually far more effective than guns for single targets for this reason.

Thank god crossbows are banned in Norway!

Let me show you it's FEATURES!!!!

If quads then by Israel bye Mecca

They had it coming to be quite h w u f a m

I agree but that's what the artice said. Two of the dead persons were found holding their hands.

btw Crossbows are legal in Germany to buy. Is it usefull to buy one just in case SHTF? I know it's useless for selfdefens if it's more than one attacker but could it be useful for hunting deers or rabbits for food then?

Probably cowering in fear
Probably some crossbow serial murderer on the loose and police don't want to give them attention.



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Can anyone stop the eternal hun??

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that movie was boring af


Roll for Yellowstone

Hello, and welcome to the Slingshot Channel! Now take a look at this beauty AH HA HA HA! Perfect for getting rid of any pesky travelers that you may come across, AH HA HA HA HA!

Blood eagles when?

Maybe they slept in on Ramadan

Hmm crossbow you say
You can build those, right?

The sound of gunfire would have prevented this.



Time to smarten up and ban those crossbows

kinda hard to hide, don't you think?

time to buy a crossbow i guess

>How do you shoot yourself with a crossbow?
How the fuck do you reckon? Cock it, load it, look at the pointy bit and squeeze

>How do you shoot yourself with a crossbow?
Hangout on Jow Forums long enough and you will find out.

Seems like it would hurt

It was AGENT 47!!!

They deserved their fate

Search Gasthof Pension Zur Triftsperre. It has a 4.1 rating on Joogle. Maybe we should help bump the ratings up with some reviews of our own.

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>Group suicide by crossbow seems a bit unusual.
Not so. Over 40% of group suicides between 2000 and 2010 were by crossbow.

Roll for Tel Aviv


>2 more dead woman found in one of the victims (woman) flat

Has anyone seen Burgos von Buchonia?

>Be Hans
>Get impaled

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Europe needs crossbow control

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>retards actually believe it was suicide
>suicide by crossbow bolts

Promise me you won't speak about this outside Jow Forums you faggots

Check their teeth and you find out the truth

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Just carry it in a guitar case like the gangsters in the 1930s



I assume this is about the upcoming changes in the german weapon law.
Germany wants to ban serval kinds of knifes completly and ban you from carrying any knife with a blader longer than 6cm / 2.4".
They are probably trying to ban or to loicense crossbows and similiar kind of stuff.



Police found two more dead women related to the case


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