Dog is my best friend lol

>dog is my best friend lol
>monopolise self as the only source of food and companionship "he's so happy to see me"
>mutilate 'best friend' to 'fix' him "you are going to the park lol"
>gives dry food pellets made from hoofs and horns as the only food

They may be your best friend. But you are a horrible friend to them.

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Agreed. All dogs should be set free. Free all dogs!

true shit

my dag eats a fair amount of my baked chiken brest. and also dry kibble. and also wet cat food that the cats do not finish

My dog eats queers that post meme flags

True. Dogs as pets of single people in urban environment is the worst.

Yes. Occasionally, on fortuitous days, the romans will give their slaves meat.

yes i would not have fixed her.... room mate took her and got arrested - dag was impounded and fixed. 2 out of your 4 ain't bad.

lmao bullshit we are, those fuckers would be out starving and dying in the wild without us.

plus my dog isn't fucking neutered because I want more doggos, he knocked up the neighbors dog a few years ago too.

red heeler ftw

that's why i have a pet turtle,
>so stupid it does not matter,
>slow metabolism
>goes days without food, no problem bc reptile powers.
>can literaly breath with its asshole. so smell not a concern
>eats everything that comes close enough and is vaguely shrimp colored.
>fingers included
>happy with various fish sticks made from idk what.
>if those are no good fish in the pont are occasionally food too
she literaly could run away and try her luck , but she stays, (and we dug her out when she tried to do that turtle winter thing which is kinda bad as this species is from florida or something and would not do good in winter, but the neighbour got a pont too so she could go there)

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I don't mutilate the dogs I've had. Owners treat dogs like they would treat their family, so if your parents treated your dog like shit.. your family is dysfunctional.
If you or your family mutilated your dog.. you're circumcised.

This is why whites always chop their dogs balls off, it's a reflection of themselves and/or their society. I would never chop my dogs balls off, that's the most fucked up thing I could do to him. I imagine someone cutting off my nuts and man to man, that'll be like robbing his soul.

If you're worried about your dog running away and knocking up bitches left and right, either get a female or don't get one at all.

they're not my friends, they're my subjects and i'm their god, and pretty kind one I think

do you let your dog roam free, or do you enslave him to a location of your choosing?

Nice mental gymnastics, bro.

Yeah, I'm horrible but I still love my dog.

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Why did you chose a dog over your own children?

But he's still a man/male. If I were a slave owner, I wouldn't do that. Only if the human in question did some heinous shit.. but dogs aren't cynical and they're your most loyal companions.
Other animals I understand and their package would be on the chopping block, but not a dog. That's just my personal belief, I've got nothing against someone else neutering their pet.. and I especially don't have anything against spaying a female. They tend to be skanks, literally shameless bitches luring your dog away from you and your home

You find their presence pleasurable. In that way, you love dogs the way you love lemoncakes, but not the way you love freedom and justice, if you loved those of course.

I'm barren.

Sure why not.

it's usually for their health, you don't want ridden hormone animal in your house when you're not going to breed it, female cats literally get breast cancer and cysts on uterus if they're not neutered and are not getting laid
>If I were a slave owner, I wouldn't do that.
And that's why you're not white anymore and had nigger run your country.

Poor city doggos
>They may be your best friend. But you are a horrible friend to them.
Bitch! You don’t know me!

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>female cats literally get breast cancer and cysts on uterus if they're not neutered and are not getting laid

and what keeps them from breeding except yourself?

do you let your dog roam free?

do you feed him fresh food? high quality meat?

do you let him fuck?

do you let him have friends and companions of his own choosing?

if not, then you are a terrible person.

I just "saved" a wild street baby dog. It was in my building, no one picked it up (they just fed it) so I took it to my apartment.

First night it shat bloody diarrhea and woke me up 3 times in the night screaming. Next night it only woke me up once. Now it just sleeps. It bites the fuck out of me, so I thought it had rabies or sth but the vet told me it's good because I live in Europe and rabies are rare/non existent here.

I might give it away or keep it, I've grown to love the thing.

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>let's breed more of an overpopulated species that threat ecosystems around the planet
i wanted a pet nigger, not nigger zoo

you should have baked it for grease.

you are a horrible person and i hope justice will befall you one day inshallah.

he's just a puppy so he will bite. your dog will be ok fren

>you're selfish enough to own a pet but you're not selfish enough to destroy entire planet over it so you're a horrible person
if justice was real i'd be in heaven ten times over

I've let her loose on more than one occasion when I give her some free time outside.
When she was a pup, she ran to play with a pack of street dogs. After a while of playing unsupervised I called her back and she didn't listen.. so I locked her out. After some time she came back, scratching and crying to be let in. I left her out there to contemplate her decision and her disobedience.. the lesson was learned. At times as an adult she pushes the boundaries (always off the leash, she's got a collar and leash that mostly serve as dust collectors) and I give her the same treatment, a closed door which I open after a few moments, that lesson she learned as a pup.

Never been chained but she also has duties, that comes first

>it's usually for their health

Like my health, I can get prostate cancer, testicular cancer but I'm not going to remove my testicles

meanwhile niggers run without a leash, dogs are the bad luck brian of animals

>dog is my best friend
Dogs are pets, not friends. They are not people, and judging their treatment by the standard of humans is fucking stupid.

>wild street baby dog
>I thought it had rabies or sth but the vet told me it's good
vet is a fucking retard
you will die soon

Like your foreskin, no matter what you wish for your parents already made sure you don't have it, but they did it out of stupid belief jews sold them, I did it for a better pet. Are you pet of jews, American?

Dude.. I'm not white. What you're trying to "shame" me with isn't working. It doesn't apply

>Dude.. I'm not white.
then why the fuck are you even posting since your opinions are literally just irrelevant noise?

I have a German shorthaired pointer. I cook for two I feed her everything I eat. She won't even eat pellets. She's a good doggo

I'd take my dog to the beach all the time. I fed her chicken necks and beef bones along with leftover dinner. I washed her clean and even had a professional groomer come over once a fortnight.

I treated her better than most people do their own children.

no. because you are a horrible person.

duty? lmao. are you larping as a general or some shit.

too bad she's a prisoner.

Do you let her roam free? To choose where she goes or sleeps?

They don't know that what they're getting is trash. Just enough to keep them healthy and full of energy. They are content and they get more love and attention than most people today. I love my little guy.

You mean out the front door? Where she can get hit by car? No. People wouldn't let their little kids outside by themselves either.

No, all true.
I don't think anyone else would do that with a papered AKC dog though.

Based and turtlepilled
t. turtle owner

>I'm barren.

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You shouldn't lie to yourself.

Kill yourself

Cool so you have a prisoner.

We domesticated only the wolves who were either too weak to survive in the world without our help and smart enough to realize that partnership is more cozy. Our handing out free gibs in charity has created our best friend and he has perfectly adapted to our scraps.

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you are prisoner too in your own country

Remember what the momma dog would do: allow a bit of fuckery and biting, but about 5% of the time you show the little fucker who is the real boss. You basically pin them down until they give up, maybe clamp their mouth shut, etc. If you don’t do this you will end up with the dog equivalent of a faggot entitled millennial, please, please don’t let that happen.


Are children prisoners?

So basically you created a slave-race and then convinced yourself this is okay because you occasionally buy them REAL(tm)-meat.?

Fortunately you don’t define what is “ok”.

then why it's suddenly bad to prison animals? (even if you know they'd die outside without human help)

of course they are.

Is that wrong or bad?

>19 posts by faggot OP
I want attention, the thread

lmfao such a faggot
you have like 5000 puppies by now im assuming since your dog just fucks left and right

>it's usually for their health
I refused to castrate him, vet convinced me to do it when he was 12 y/o due to small tumor on hormonal glands near his ass.
Tumor grew back up, along with many MANY other issues.
Don't cut your dog, having balls is not a health issue.
>gives dry food pellets made from hoofs and horns as the only food
shameful, used to do it due to lack of time and financial status. Now he eats rice and chicken daily, I remove the bones cause he's old.

I don't. We all have to rely on our moral reasoning for that. Unfortunately, some people are more capable in this domain than others.

This is part and parcel of the leftist religion, everything traditionally seen as good, even the conditions for their own literal existence, must be smeared somehow, here “prisoners”, while the worst, most grotesque excesses are labeled as virtue, welcome to hell.

Why is it bad for me to come to your house and take all your stuff (even if I know your stuff will make you suffer somehow)?

yes. you should let your children roam free.

>fuck friend in pooper once a week
Forgot one!

>post a thread
>don't respond

>post a thread

You're silly.

The thing you seem most capable in is deciding what is absolutely right or wrong for other people, people who you wish to control.

I don't have a dog. Unlike you i don't need a personal dopamine dispenser to stay alive.

Are you somehow implying that what is right or wrong is dependent on to whom it is applied?

>people who you wish to control.

It's funny to be accused of this when all I have done is advocate for people to stop controlling dogs.

But then again, this kind of tactic is par for petophiles.

By the way.. don't do this with your dog.
Once someone tried to kidnap her and ask for a ransom. Luckily it was one of the rare occasions she was wearing a collar with a new dog tag.
I questioned him on why he was asking for money and they just stopped asking for it and gave her back. Also you have to teach them to fear crossing the street.

>cuck arguing that enslaving lesser races is a bad thing
Holy shit how weak and feminine you are.


What I do is push their cheek into their mouth so they bite their own cheek

>projecting Human emotions and perspectives on animals
Fuck off you bleeding heart cuck. The animal is an animal and doesn't give a fuck or know any better because it doesn't have the brain required to. Stop humanizing and personifying fucking animals like Disney has brainwashed you to do you little bitch ass nigger chuckle fuck cucks.

Stop giving a fuck about animals and give more of a fuck about your fellow Human being and we wouldn't have as many problems as we do, stupid nigger retards.

I’m saying you’re obviously a hypocrite, and everyone here sees through the game you’re playing. It only works on “animal souls”, the kind you enjoy manipulating.

You, of course, will project how you always do, but know, for certain, the walls are closing in on your kind.

Nice, great trick.

>>monopolise self as the only source of food and companionship

I like chill dogs but its common for many breeds to latch on to one "master"

Animals aren't Human and do not perceive reality like us, cuckold. Stop projecting your faggot emotions onto an animal that doesn't have the brain to experience anything like you do.

Aren't you always complaining that jews are enslaving your people?

>blah blah blah
dogs are peak whiteness white men have 2 well trained dogs who love him and he loves them, everyone who says otherwise is either a cuck or a shitskin

Jews are the lesser race soo...

Kill yourself edgy retard.

>I’m saying you’re obviously a hypocrite

im not, though. i dont own dogs.

Are you a vegan?


i used to cremate thousands of pets.
it is strange to see all the different ways
people treat their animals.
most of them are doomed from birth.
some got lucky and were treated like gold.
just like people.

>n and do not perceive reality like us,

how do you know? have you ever been a dog?

This is just a standard rationalisation to justify enslaving them while pretending that you are being good to them.

>Jews are the lesser race soo...

Then how come they so easily undermined your noble people?

pilpul, the post

keep it, its yours user

If you abuse animals you 'love' so I don't have much hope for the oft vaunted white 'compassion'.

i eat as little meat as possible to satisfy my dietary need.


>defending an accusation = pilpul


You still need to grasp their skull while doing it so they feel your power over them, just poking the cheek would result in snapping.