>tfw no bf
Tfw no bf
Fuck off, freak
unironically neck yourself tranny
You just had to jump this didn't you eurofag
Please stop
You again? Go back to Jow Forums
I knew the risks, fuck this board. amerimutt
Tfw this is now the most active thread
Says something about the board, doesn't it?
What'd I do to you?
Come to Brazil, sweetheart :3
this is a genius way of getting Jow Forums users steam accounts props to you OP
You're shitting up the catalog. There's important work to be done here!
I guess we get bored lol ^.^
Sometimes the best threads are spam threads with the right attitude
fuck off memecunt shill
kys fag
Remember to report lads
Don't cry
Come to california instead.
Ew, california
Both are terrible options
If I had to choose one it would be california, but only because they speak English.
I moved here for jobs.
It's not so bad.
I'd rather stay in europe thanks...
I can't remember if tomoko is an old /w/ poster or if that was his irc handle...
Or neither :D
You got a point with moving there for jobs, but that same excuse can work for everywhere in the country. Bankrupt state on a downturn, it'll be sharp ruins in 30 years max unless people do something. Most I can say is make serious $$$ because of inflation, then move on to a cheap af place in the US for retirement, then laugh good and hard at those who decided to stay.
I'm programmer so it's best jobs.
t. Based tranny with them programming socks
What country?
One of the ones loyal to the EU. Its only a few degrees better the cali, but its something.