Harp creation is cruel, prove me wrong!

The most cruel thing a white person can ever do is create harps, prove me wrong!

Subhuman DNA should never mix with white humans!

Attached: Its a sin.jpg (423x366, 33K)

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It's whites who are the subhumans

I'm gonna do it.

Sure buddy... sure! ha

Well you are just as bad as women who have half black kids except you know what you are doing is wrong!

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Oh well dude. We can't help who we fall in love with.

You mad nigger

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Falling in love with a Asian... yikes! My dog has more of a soul than those bug people, your children will hate you for creating them.

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You cherry picked a retarded child. Most people are harps these days and try to say their caucasian merely for trying to pretend they have a higher social economic status. Most caucasians these days work slave hourly wage jobs and can't get into college.

Half breeds have been shown to have superior short term memorization abilities when they're younger and better memory recall than both parents when they're older.

You do realize you're literally slaving to pay for "Tyrone" when you pay taxes dont you?

Fucking harp niggers will hang first on DOTR.



Whites are matrix apes who live in delusion. Blissfully ignorant, intellectually dishonest, hypocritical and projecting, collective cowards.

That's not a retard, that is a harp. I know it's hard to tell the difference, both are just as much a plague on whites.

Yay and half niglets run faster doesnt mean I fucking want them around ether!

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Thats funny because that kid looks white & they are already worshipping him... makes you think doesnt it buddy!

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Yeah makes me wonder why youre sucha an ancestor cuck whos collectively ashamed of himself. Youre a coward incel.

But what if only non-white women are willing to be my lifetime loving partners?

I know a lad who's 6"4 and fairly handsome and moved to Hongcouver and is now apparently has fathered a Hapa that has yet to be born. Absolutely pathetic.

My country has a Vietnamese minority and I hate them. They are almost as bad as niggers. Nigger race-mixing is the worst, but Asians come right thereafter.
Asians are physically pathetic and any non-Asian that engages with them is borderline pedo in my eyes. Also flat faces, few muscles, little variety in looks and hivemind. No thank you

Dont fucking care, your happiness does not override your entire civilization.

I'm 6"2 & would never fuck over my son by making him a harp having children with a bug subhuman. Not even asians want to fuck asians, I feel so sorry for harps.

Vietnamese noses are gross.

Asian mixing is the best tho.

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Why does the hapa look more yellow than the full Chinese?

I’m not sure, maybe it’s the lighting. He’s a good looking guy though.

How is it different from other Asian noses?