A female ruler leads a horde of brown people to burn down a city full of innocent white people

>A female ruler leads a horde of brown people to burn down a city full of innocent white people
>Sjws and feminists hate this episode and find it uncomfortable to watch
Really make you think....

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What a fucking boring and shit show


the two kikes ruined the whole thing

It was doomed to fail anyway, the fat fuck will never finished his books

I don't watch this shit and don't know anyone who watches this shit but why would anyone be mad since its in the books right?

This is exactly how it was going to end.

Its pretty obvious, SJW's were just caught up in the surface vaneer of the Danny Charecter

>yeah she is a strong woman who is going to go and take whats hers !

They fail to see that she is really just a rich power hungry cunt that is willing to literally kill anyone and burn anything that gets in her way.

They left the plot of the books awhile ago from what I've heard. Like season 3 or smth.

Oh. Well fuck em. RIP white people again

it's really a two-edged point.
KL's ruler was also female.
And KL's population and defenders was also mixed of many races.

soo... no.

but basically a point *could* be made that women = generally evil.

>What a fucking boring and shit show
Did you watch the recent episode? I just downloaded it. It has been utter feminist "You Go Girl!" shit, so far. Men deferring to strong, independent women.

>I don't watch this shit and don't know anyone who watches this shit but why would anyone be mad since its in the books right?
It's not in the books at this point. It's all Hollywood Jewish-Leftist-cultural Marxist propaganda. Well, it started out interesting, and a lot of guys here were not red pilled 8 years ago.

>she is really just a rich power hungry cunt
That was really made clear in her reaction to John Snow when he told her that he was the next in line to the throne.

>RIP white people again
Ha aha

>women = generally evil.
Women = Chaos


I've only watched to season 5

The two guys in charge of the show now are Jews.

Details on what happens?

Didnt that short fucker say there were 1,000,000 goyim in kings landing? So Danny burned like a million people that mad queen!

>Details on what happens?
Sounds like Danerys turned on JOhn Snow and his sister.

Pretty hot imo

If jon fucked her she would have been fine

she decided to grill 6 million innocents for muh revenge after the city had surrendered.

The series will surely end by Daenerys going full lunatic like her father and getting killed by Jon Snow who then abandons the Iron Throne to live as a hermit and Westeroos balkanizes with Sansa becoming queen in the North.

>self righteous white woman and her nigger pets are actually immoral cunts willing to destroy civilization to get what they want

They sure showed us.

>never watched a single minute of Game of Thrones

What percentile of the population does this make me? All day I hear normies talking about this show.

>a white man has to fix the mess created by brown people from a foreign land and female leadership
>the other female leader also fucked up half of the city on a whim
>moral of the story is female leadership, not even once, and fuck niggers
When did D&D get so based and red pilled?

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I actually like Daenerys,it'll be a shame when she dies
Yeah she's an annoying "GIRL POWER" character but at least she's attractive unlike the shitfaced Arya,Sansa and Cersei cunts

Or is their jewish need for subversion so strong they subverted their own narrative? Seriously though, Dany's arc was leading to this, but the execution was poor. Her advisors that kept her in check throughout the years had all been stripped away, and the mad queen did what the mad queen always wanted to do.

I don't like how they tried to shoehorn Israel use of white phosphorus. Very normie and cringepilled.

same, never even heard of it until recently. i don't own a tv, and i don't watch any form of entertainment besides rekt threads an anime. is it really that good of a show?

This unironically

Not only brown people, trannies. No cock and balls, just a dilated gaping hole.

Hasn’t been good for like three years. This season is the fucking worst.

If you enjoy it, don’t keep watching.

We must ban dragons. Horrible weapons of mass destruction.

>And KL's population and defenders was also mixed of many races.
they're mixed now lmao

the 5-foot-wonder is gonna teleport behind Daenerys and kill her in one hit like she did to the night king.

Culturally enriched *

I unironically thought you were talking about jon until
>she did to the night king.

Close. Next episode Jon and tyrion will talk about killing her. Tyrion will be captured and put on trial. Jon will bend the knee to dragon queen then execute her. Bran might end up as the king of 7 kingdoms. Tyrion might be executed after his trial for treason.

No. The entire point of the subversion is/was to finally push whitey into fully genociding shitskins and Jews agree. Every Jewish plan has been meant to awaken the sleeping hatred of the Saxon so that the Earth may again feel the rumbling of her greatest children's feet, marching to glory and victory, to finally purge the inferior races.

You are WRONG.

Feminists are THRILLED.
Dany is super justified in what she did. Because that "taught them" not to let Jon, A MAN, steal the throne from her.

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I'm sure they'll be equally thrilled in a week when she is dead as fuck.

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what are you talking about, this ep was great, did you really want a benevolent dragon queen ruling using brown people as her enforcers and white men had to step the fuck down?

alll the YAAAAAASSSSSSSS QUEEEEEN got shut the fuck up by witnessing how much of a monster she was. She'll lose the support of everyone but her shitskins through this act.

feminism can be solved by a good dicking

The whole world of westeros should be burned into extinction. It's awful, and filled with nothing but evil.

That's not game of thrones, you were watching German news.

Season 5 actually, when Sansa and Theon jump off the wall


Daenerys always ruined the show for me. Every other character has nothing but bad fortune, which would be fine except meanwhile some teenage girl somehow leads hordes of dothraki with minimal pushback. This show is for fucking retards

the writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

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Yes, watch it. Ignore the shills in here, it’s is the best television show ever created by man. And despite what the haters say, the show is highly based and redpilled, they can just take a while to be revealed. Otherwise there are so many nuggets of wisdom and spiritual depth and truth weaves into the shows narrative that will lead those conscious enough to recognise them to question their own underlying philosophy. All of this created with the budged of a Hollywood blockbuster in every episode, spared no expense and with tremendous foreshadowing for those who pay lots of attention to the details.

Say what you want, still at the very least worth a single full watch-through, take what you will from it and then let it be

Nice pasta from /tv/

Good summation.

It's probably the only show where Jews corrupting the western heroic ideal it's actually helpful for waking up some normies in today's rotten world.

>high production quality
>solid acting
>fascinating characters
>imaginative world building
>well written dialogue
>character development
>packed with drama and action
Yeah, I hate this shit show

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Kys faggot

>implying the pasta didn't originate on this board

So many of those shows produced by Hollywood end up in some obvious twist that is anti-white male. I stopped watching them, because i know that's what is to be expected.

are there still foot threads there? i heard /tv/ used to be a haven for girl feet but the jannies wont let them have it now

It's mainly GOT and Avengers threads these days

whatever, it's not your post and you didn't mention it.

>innocent white people

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First 4 seasons followed the first 4 of the 5 books.

The last two books havenot been relased.

Last 4 seasons are decreasing based on authors rough plans for the plot.

Show-runners and screen writers prove themselves shitty hacks without original source material.

this guy should have won
you cannot refute this

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He should have included him and none of this would ever happen.

The show has sucked for several seasons dude. All they’re doing now is a bunch of rushed fanservice to finish out the series. That’s why everybody is dying like bitches too.

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Funny how only a nigger did this to a little boy recently in real life. Gotcha bitch.

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Imagine the next episode when Jon stabs Danny, the meltdown will be delicious

Everyone is so mad. This is great.

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Haven't been watching for the past couple or so seasons. Is wolf girl still using her skills to murderize everyone in revenge? That's all I really care about.

>First few seasons half the story lines are characters travelling long distances
>Last few seasons people can travel across Westeros in like a day.

stop after S5 ?

>Dubrovnik burning
it's like '91 all over again...

based dabid

And my friends said i was crazy for dropping that shit when they said they would continue on without the books.

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stop now

cl_forwardspeed 9999

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now imagine all the dumb cunt parents that named their children Khaleesi, Daenerys etc on suicide watch

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Jews also hate their mothers, maybe their propaganda curdled as feminism infected their own lives.

>mfw never seen one episode of that normie magnet

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Mein sides!

based 7bh

he just became this character who marches South without much motive. Just to kill those alive. Just because...

Then gets stabbed by a girl and he's gone. And nobody ever talks about him again.

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It must be sad being a Jow Forumstard who ties everything to sjw/jews/ and other schizophrenic nonsense. How do you even live.

angered by all the wogs flooding his country

Haha I forgot about them. Hahahaha

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Just remember this response whenever they talk anything politics or similar.

In their mind, having a woman in charge who is a murderous cunt that kills innocents to prove a point is better than a man who literally has saved the world against the undead, wildlings and other threats and is seen a just ruler to everyone he meets.

Dany being mad is sexist senpai

Or prepare for disappointment. When the writers ran out of source material they started going full Disney-star wars with it.

Is this season worth watching? Last one kinda dropped the ball

Mahabharata = Aryan and Based.
Game of Thrones = Cringe and Kiked.
brb going to read the Mahabharata once again

Well yaas kween Arya, the beautiful and super-cool assassin sister (basically a ninja but with face swapping magic like in mission impossible) took him out lickety split. So who cares about that retard?

The writers know how to play to the retards who make up the greater portion of the audience. They want drama, incest, and kweens slaying anyone who doesn’t respect how awesome they are.

I mean, who the fuck would be interested in watching some shit about dragons, psychic trees, and blue zombie elves in a fantasy show?

>brown people bad!
>brown people winning good!
>women bad!
>women winning good!
>j&j bad!
>SJW hollywood bad!
>j&j make based story BTFO feminazis & SJWs!

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>When the writers ran out of source material
when did that happen? i see it's at s8

It's so painfully obvious that the writers always considered fantasy elements a burden for their drama. They even cut fantasy plotlines from books to the show like Catelyn Stark practically becoming a vengeful zombie and Euron Greyjoy being occultist who just has seen shit nobody is meant to see and instead made him just edgelord.

Everything in this post reeks of trailer trash.