Should Russian nation be abolished

Yes or no

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What would replace it?


Used as Lebensraum for white ppl

>Russian nation

No such thing

>No such thing
I wish that was the case

there is always hope in young people to turn it around

There is no hope for it. So why just not abolish it

Because the same people who fucked it up, will still be there.

What happens to Russia is up to russian people.
I just want to have happy neighbors.

Self hating cuck be more like nfkrz

Estonia and Lithuania are beautiful.

Give it 5 years and China will invade everything east of the Urals. So here's to that!

Go to sleep Vladimir.

Its 12 pm you autistic churka

Thread's theme

who sent you to sibir?


Yeah but if it's abolished another Russia comes, what's the point?

Nobody fucking cares. Go freeze to death drunk in an alley, you fucking barbarian piece of shit.

They should be converted back to Finnic culture. It would instantly become the most powerful and virtuous people.

The notion of ethnic orthodox Russians is racist and hatefull. Russia should therefore embrace the civic nationalist ideology (rossyan).

Everybody is Russian who is born in Russia regardless of religion or race.

Yes, we need space for homonationalism

Fuck Suomi culture.

Rejoin your bothers...

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No, but you should be gassed alongside with Putin and kikes.

Why are you quoting yourself you retard?

no, but the electoral college should.

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Nope. Show your real flag please because shills keep bashing cromwell posts.

You dumb kike fuck off Jow Forums

Ruskies should abolish their macaque and make their /po great again.

Suomi is lost. That's why I said Finnic.

Russians are perfect nation of slaves. 1000+ years jewish segregation.

> oink
Cockhole please

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Not bad but your face kinda ruins it no offence intended

This is what it should look like

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I'm not cromwell buddy. I just like his take on Russia & a few other things.

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russian nation doesnt exist all that exists is a multicultural country of slaves for the oligarchs. did you know that richer people have lower taxes in russia? also the people are retarded vodkaniggers, half of which are fucking mentally ill, the country is fucked

His take is as retarded as his goofy face. Tsarist russia collapsed for a reason

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why do you constantly post this fat ugly british faggot

A few hundred people vs millions & millions of people.

Basing ideology on looks is retarded. Also we dont have many real white nationalists so he is the only one we got! ha

Why there are so many self-hating fags on pol?

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A bunch of even shittier states like Ukraine

I get my little pony porn from there
I'll pay 50 usd to get a shaded autograph ensuring your countrys existence

Yes. European part should separate and remove Putin from power, then kick out any non whites.

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It should be expanded.

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Real Russia died in 1917, Can't abolish something that is dead.

NO. Russia is one of the free nations still left, unlike the JEWSA.

the sub carpathian rus belongs to czechoslovakia
and always will!

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Nigger really?

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babby's first map

first republic best republic

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oh boy oh boy

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No, we still need save Syria tho

No. Too many crazies could get their hands on nukes and biological shit

butthurt ukrop

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vast majority of Siberia is white


No obviously not

How can something what never lived die?

But it's really none of my business what happens to them.
Russians are some of the kindest people i've met.

These absolute niggers got conquered by island gooks despite being in close proximity of europe and later overthrew the one thing that made them a super power because they wanted to eat at Mc Donalds and drink coke.

I think its suffice to say the genetic differences matter more than skin color.

Ivan, glad to see you!

im not even from kiev u fucking arab im from kherson

Very interesting question, (((op)))

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This picture is an ultimate proof of Russian inferiority complex.

In reality however the east slav is cleaning the toilet of west slav for half of minimum wage.

Yet another Russia thread. You goddamn niggers did not spam these threads for the last two goddamn years until about a week or so ago.

You know Ukraine citizens are east slavs as well?

no, you will be useful for us later

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Yes, do it for the Udmurt loli.

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We should just abolish the whole world

Nation, no. Country, yes. Moscow is a parasite. Ural should be independent.

Me, my parents, my grandparents, my grand grandparents were born in Russia. I’m white, blue-eyed and used to be blond haired, I don’t consider myself as russian, my ancestors were Cossacks (the first nation that was eliminated by bolshevics). Anyone who calls themself as russian doesn’t know his history

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Keep the country just end it at the urals/before the Caucasus

Real Russians shouldn't want to mix with those freaks

Power vacum leads to instability then war and an even bigger shit show than it already is.

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