How many mulattoes are there in Germany? Are they civilized (Europeanised)? And how are they treated?
Pic related, is a German mulatto, and I am in love.
How many mulattoes are there in Germany? Are they civilized (Europeanised)? And how are they treated?
Pic related, is a German mulatto, and I am in love.
>that face
Dios mío...
Not that many. most are monkeys. dunno how they treated dont really care desu
She is misshapen. Is this common for mulattos, the clash of genes makes for grotesque humans with extreme features?
I know, my spic friends. She looks like angels ought to look
You should mix with blacks to wash out your gypsy genes. It would be an improvement.
probably phtoshop
Are you sure its a mulatto and not a nafri? those are more common in Germany
>how many mulattos are there in germany
almost none, and those that are there tend to be either autistic or heavily gravitate towards white culture to the point of some like my gf being unironic national socialists. most quadroons look at worst mediteranian and at best indistinguishable from whites.
Is there a difference?
Not many. They are generally easy lays because their moms usually are serial coalburners and at least one of the men they brought over raped them while they were young. I am not kidding.
Romanian, just look at one of your Romanian sluts. Kek.
Pic Related is the most beautiful girl in Romania
lol I knew you were going to do this.
Let me rephrase. gobliba...
Ala civic-nationalized/magic-soilized
The very concept of this needs to go out the window.
photohopped ,looks like a horse, disgusting
Never thought of it that way before
>How many mulattoes are there in Germany?
>That's a big ass though.
Almost none.
Just not very many black people here. Lots of Turks though, and white/turk is more common. Basically the results of that are white/med. I honestly can't tell the difference between Spaniards and turk/white mixes unless they open their mouths.
Syrians are new, not so no mixes yet.
How you're treated depends where you live. Cities are very multinational. Germans are probably a minority in Berlin.
Outside the cities, Germany is white as snow.
With Celulite?
Wtf is this shit
I prefer american nigresses the german mulattoes still have the man jaw that most german women have.
>justify your fetish for misshapen niggers with some cherry picked picture
Go catch aids you absolute nigger.
That's la goblobba
Big tits=aka many babies.
You can't beat our half gypos,nigger
literally hank hill hips. Any baby would be crushed to death.
She's not even 18 i think you idiot.
NBeen living in southern Germany for 5 years, something I've come to realize is that probably >50% of the population here is already race-mixed
1. Slavs and Yougo's
2. Turks, Albanians (technically Yougo's but really more like whitish turks), Chypriotes
4 Italians
5. Others
It's crazy, there are still some blue-blooded locals (though German is a term they don't even use for themselves, they consider themselves Baders, Swabians, Bavarians, etc.) but even those usually have some Russian or French or Dutch or swiss in their ancestry not too far away.
The "racial pruety" of Germany is a myth, but what makes it a tolerable place to live is the strong social and cultural integration foreigners go through in order to make themselves a home in Germany, it creates a homogeny I haven't seen in other major international cities
Also,how do you explain that this...has 6 children
Who can tell with you shit skins.
All my friends from high school are Whitewashed chinese, who arent total cunt unlike newcoming m*inlanders
Who gives a flying fuck you dim-witted canuck?
Thread concerns immigration in Germany, leafs tries to make it about Chinese integration to Canada...
>She's not even 18 i think you idiot.
Stop it. All your Romanian bitches are ugly and you know it. Age has got nothing to do with it
A amerimutt calling med type Romanians shitskins,hahahahahahhahah
I agree,don't come here.
All 6 natural births
Were you all raped by gypsies or by turks? How did people like her get a darker skin? Fuck off mutt.
>Also,how do you explain that this...has 6 children
Hey, stop it. Your females look like shit and you know it
It's called make-up for a photoshoot you idiot.
She's pale white otherwise.
And no nigger Thracians+Romans won't give birth to Scand types.
Butthurt cherrypicking.Don't you have a famine to worry about?
Please stop posting pictures of jawed abominations and brown stick-figures. At least black women are curvy. Your women are dark smelly sticks. So hop on your horse and take your gypsies with you.
Low IQ romanian gypsy. Can't even catch on the larp. He's legit triggered. The state of gypsies these days....
I think that German should apologise for Hitler and the holocaust
Objectively incorrect. Romania is one of the few countries with women that are actually still beautiful.
Madalina Ghenea is one of the highest payed model in the world.
Keep trying:)
It's instinctual for me to be honest.
You look at me the wrong way even for a sec i slap you the next second.
Honestly the only good thing going for romania is that the million pakistanis you agreed to take in will blend in with the locals.
Nobody cares about outliners, we're talking your 99.999999999% of the population here. Cringe.
Gypsy retard confirmed. Such low iq he can't even control his feelings. The gypsy fragility at work, just like niggers. Look at this faggot trying to appear tough on an anonymous board AHAHHAHAHHA. What a fucking cringy pussy.
You are bad at this desu
Lie to me by saying that you didn't write this line with tears in your eyes.
" are getting 1 mil pakis"
Loled, screencap this
Ce prost esti ba costel. Ai de plm
Slabut,dar chiar am crezut ca esti ceva englezoi la inceput:)))
Swedes are easy to make fun of
Donate to my Patreon.
Am incercat si eu :))
Angels ought to no. Those hips..once it breeds those explode like rising dough...and the scowling face gets more is no good.
Romanians are turks
This was proved to be fake news
Won't happen, Ahmed
that waists
is it even natural/healthy?
Alt roman cu memesteag..
Since WW2 that Germans have almost been wiped from existence due to race-mixing with slavs, turks, south meds, etc.
The thing with negroes first happened with murican soldiers deployed there, so you would find them next to military bases.
Germany is dead and has been dead. Its nothing but a corpse worn by Uncle Sam in order to control Europe.