Post examples of society’s decline.
How are we descending into clownworld today, Jow Forums?
Post examples of society’s decline.
How are we descending into clownworld today, Jow Forums?
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I wonder what all the retards pushing all the "progressive" bullshit will say when it collapses on all of us
How about the fact that we are running a huge fucking budget DEFICIT during an economic BOOM? This is more important than people realize - it means the US budgeting process is broken beyond any hope of repair.
Mutt americans think they are white.....
boy did that meme wear out fast.
Check out this thread.
>He thinks this is a meme
This Is Clown World. That is a fact. Not a meme.
We have taken the Pride Flag. This is a fact.
The World is ever changing, and we will be the men who bring change.
Clown world just means were living in a clown world and all we can do is laugh at our deaths. With or without pepe (Honkler) the clown world movement still lives pretty hard man.
the great honk forward
They woudn't be able to cuz they're gonna be dead by that time after the communist take over of the west world
I have nothing to say. I just came here to honk.
>Accepting Death.
Take Clown Pill user, then Take Pride!
you're just mad that your forced meme is dead
no shit, sherlock. i watched the meme get born, live it's whole life and die here on Jow Forums. that was over a month ago.
The ideal of clown world is well and alive.
what's the professor's last name hmmmm, could it perhaps end in berg?
Oh hey JIDF is here. Can't wait for those dead Israeli families that'll be caused by Iran.
So Canada removed that law letting the government kick down your door to kidnap your kid so they can cut it's dicks off?
The EU made memes legal?
England cut that mum made/mum approved porn shit, and stop forcing Autistic Wank Licences?
Muslims have left Europe and stopped Burning Their Churches?
The American Media has become honest???
Well fuck my dick hole with a rubber chicken! I missed the good news!
Your post is everything I wish for but it won't happen and it drives me fucking insane.
Oh look, a thread I haven't unloaded in.
You need countries to be indebted so that future leaders will cooperate regardless of their political opinions
Have a you but goddamn your memes suck asshole, which makes sense since that’s been your sole focus over this meme. We ain’t leavin
This picture captures every reason the left can't meme.
>just a statement over an unrelated image
>no joke
>text takes up half of the image
It's more like a saturday morning cartoon character telling kids to not do drugs.
mummy gives me comfort in these troubling times
Well I don’t know, how about we elect reality show celebrities who know nothing about politics run our country?
good examples of societys decline and also a channel worth checking out before it gets banned by jewtube:
ok. quit mummy posting already ffs. she hit the wall a decade ago okay.
That nose is fucking like tier.
Why are Nazis such cowards? Afraid of anything that is different. It just shows how insecure they are.
some people shouldn't be themselves, or allowed to exist even.
no its not, a kikes nose is hooked. her nose isnt.
>hit the wall a decade ago okay.
pic is from just a few days ago
also shes redpilled and got a kike shit movie banned
Nazis gave sex changes to thousands of Jewish prisoners for "scientific research" before killing them. Karmas a bitch.
Our Pride Will Show!
>We ain’t leavin
>1 post by this id
looks like you ran off with tail between your legs.
>Nazi Roller coaster
>Nazi Time Travel
>Nazi Zombie Abominations
>Nazi abstract absurd claim
Did you know almost all Education is based on a book, that the author said was a lie?
Your memes do suck.
And user,.... Other Anons have jobs.
Is this your best? It isn't very good.
I found this gem today
in a perfect world sex offenders including pedophiles would get some fingers and their dick cut off. but this is not a perfect world
butthurt much? you're just upset that all your clowns are the same
digits confirm this world is possessed by satan
Lol wut
I'm not upset. Just trying to figure out if you're actually retarded or merely pretending to be retarded.
Well we know the left can't meme, so he isn't pretending.
These are fucking terrible but that's a pretty rad mascot muppet.
so whenever youre out there looking up all this degeneracy, try to look at some mummy pictures for healing. i created a folder for this purpose
They really are just Terrible.
>pretending to be retarded.
no. i'm not a leaf trying to fit in with his nazi friends.
>A mummy healing folder
Not judging, but your folder needs a better name?
>Inb4 suspicious buldge
I stole it from Reddit.
praise my kek instead faggot
Howabout a pic for happiness?
Don’t see much of this anymore.
Don't forget to get your drag mom some cookies!
You drew the australian wrong
I kind of like that the racists are coming out of the closet.
embrace the rainbow.
I will, but he got Triple digits Vs Double digits.
What a dream
youre alowed to wrestle good looking chics and get money for it
This quick fix work?
So many Holy Numbers! Kek is with us!
Man, what a nice night it has been. And what a good morning we are having.