Post the most meme-worthy drink from your country

Post the most meme-worthy drink from your country

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Me in the middle

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These first three are so accurate :DDD

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It's literal pisswater.

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pirkka olut

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just ask for a double double

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"Just Beer"

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At first glance those oranges look like a pair of giant tits

i like heineken. much better than pabst.

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>hello fellow euroshopper

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tims has been shit since they were bought by bk
mcdonalds is better desu

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>double double
Not drinking coffee black is a sin.

barf. i'd rather drink green tea if no sugar is allowed.

reminder real beer is brown not yellow

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I only drink coffee black cause i'm too lazy to put sugar and cream in half the time

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can't you order coffee with all that

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Great finger discipline lol

Attached: coors-brewing-co-keystone-ice.jpg (500x500, 78K)