I'm an aging punk. No I don't look punk anymore. I listen almost exclusively to ANTIFA-tier music that is contradictory to my political views. How did boomers reconcile their hippie music with worshiping Reagan's cock? What should I do, Jow Forums?
>Do you think that anybody cares? nope, but that's not the point of the thread.
Logan Scott
You're wasting your time
Robert Richardson
There have been threads recently about punk so I know I'm not the only one on here.
James Gray
Maybe, but in the long run, what does it matter?
Isaac Baker
Fugazi, exploited, etc, are wish fulfillment. The shit they sing about, stand for, will never happen. Think if them as sci-fi or alternate universe type lyrics. All of these old punks and woke indie rockers work shit blue collar jobs or are on welfare, don't take advice from them.
Jordan Carter
>All of these old punks and woke indie rockers work shit blue collar jobs or are on welfare, don't take advice from them. It's split 50-50, you just don't hear from the top half. This was noticeable in the 90s punk scene: The divide between class and intelligence. It's reflected in the music. I'm on here in the middle of the night because I'm on vacation. I'm by no means blue collar. My grandparents were. I was raised middle class. I took it a step higher: Not yacht and multiple properties higher. I'm upper-middle class. I'm doing well for myself. I could lose my job and keep this up for a year, not a month. Still middle class, I guess.
Kevin Gray
Art's beyond politics. If you can't enjoy communist music even if you think it's the worst political practices you can think of well then that means you've got some hangups you need to get through to further mature and have a stronger sense of existentialism. Good luck. youtu.be/e5tEoIrXK6o youtube.com/watch?v=_uVuzf3q4Zs youtube.com/watch?v=fa76c04G744
I love Dead Kennedys But Jello is a liberal shit. Bad Religion new album Is liberal shit. Antifa are a bunch of onions-boy faggots. Seems like conservatism is the new punk- Rock!!! God, I miss GG Allin
Jeremiah Nelson
From my teenager years in the punk scene, not college, I can't tell you how many of us went on to become lawyers, doctors, professors, and engineers. On the other side of the coin, I can't tell you how many have gotten so drunk they drowned in their own vomit. I can't tell you how many hang sheet rock for a living. I can't tell you how many 40 year olds are assistant managers at Wal-Mart.
There's a huge gulf in punk. Punk attracts the dumbest and the smartest.
Joseph Miller
If you couldn't tell, I am drunk.
Brayden Roberts
Listen to Rupture, GISM and other japcore bands instead, or any anti-pc punk band.
Oliver Fisher
>Bad Religion new album >Is liberal shit. That on with the song about the alt-right? Yeah, it's garbage. I enjoyed plenty of their new shit, even back when Recipe for Hate was considered their new shit, but that album, Jesus Christ, Professor Graffin is out of touch.
Sebastian Wilson
>Listen to Rupture, GISM and other japcore bands instead, or any anti-pc punk band. You're not supposed to call Japanese hardcore Japcore, lol. I see you are Swedish, not Finnish, but Finnish hardcore is some of my favorite.
>other japcore I didn't, i agree The Stalin is pretty neat. My favorite of the jap ones are probably Rose Rose or Death Side.
Asher Ramirez
I still have a Meatmen t-shit. It says "because the Devil's work is never done," on the back. In college, black people always confronted me over it. It's not a stereotype, they are so much more religious.
Colton Collins
I swear they did. Maybe it was a different timeline.
Jason Reed
>The term japcore originated in Japan. There's an Anal Cunt song called don't call Japanese Hardcore Japcore. It's poking fun at early SJWs.
>I swear they did. Maybe it was a different timeline. They played on Conan O'Brien's show once. That's as close as they got to normieland.
Jaxson Mitchell
Rattus is a beast of a band.
John Collins
Go discover Vaporwave!
Angel Harris
Anal Cunt also had a song called All Our Fans Are Gay. Anal Cunt is poking fun at everyone. Real shame Seth passed away before the sjw insanity, he would have triggered them straight. Still pretty funny that A.C. still piss off alot of people even today though,
I saw them in New Orleans once. They were complete garbage. I mean, they're complete garbage on their albums, but imagine being worse live. They managed to accomplish this, plus they wanted $30 for a t-shirt, and this was like 2001.
Samuel Gray
Weird. Just too weird. Oh well.
Ryan Watson
I get to go see the murder junkies soon
Christian Cook
Just listen to some real hardcore punk, like sheer terror.
Bentley Garcia
Yeah crack is expensive, did they manage to finish the show? Or did all hell break loose.
Not too familiar with this one. Doesn't sound D-beat, but influenced by. I hear a lot of anarcho in this band, but from the photo they're sporting that UK 82 look. I'll tag this one to listen to more later.
Isaiah Howard
>Just listen to some real hardcore punk, like sheer terror. I do.
Justin Diaz
Wasn't that the point, though?
Christopher Reed
I listen to criminals niggers rhyming over jungle beats.
Ayden Garcia
there's always skrewdriver
Asher Lopez
punk is dead
Hunter Roberts
>Yeah crack is expensive, did they manage to finish the show? Or did all hell break loose. Oh no they finished. I think. It wasn't a long set, but everyone had the impression they were done.
The first punk show I ever saw was the Business. Mickey Fitz was shitfaced. He grabbed some underaged girl's tit after like song 3, and she happened to be the little sister of some massive 280 lb skinhead, and all Hell broke loose. I went with my firend and his older brother, and he grabbed both of us and said we are gone NOW. From what I heard it was best we got out when we did.
Justin Lopez
They were also kinda thrashy (in a crossover kind of way) as well. You familiar with swedish hardcore? Käng and råpunk. youtube.com/watch?v=cRd1Hfcy0Ic
Caleb Rogers
Lol, we had this kinda infamous band in Sweden called Arnes Plasthjärna who infiltrated a christian rock orchestra gig. Played like 3, 30 second songs and then started to try to give minors booze and started fights with everyone. It did not end well haha.
Samuel Martin
I now only listen to music with little to no lyrics. You just have to accept the fact that you will never reconcile with idiots singing about hating you. Right now you are the equivalent of a white man listening to rap music that talks about raping white woman and killing you. Makes no sense and makes you a weirdo if anything. I moved past that by discovering new genre but also by reconnecting with purely European arts. Richard Wagner, Bach, Beethoven etc. It is something we need to teach again. We use to teach kids where they were from and what their culture is. Now we replaced this by spiderman, plastic sword and hollywood garbage. If you are European, you have the most beautiful culture and music there is. It would be a crime to not learn of it and transfer it.
Michael Cooper
not so much, most of this i got into pre-internet and early internet. i'll have to check them out.
Isaac Lee
Yeah me too, in a way it was kinda easier to find these bands pre-internet. Compilation tapes and splits, tape trading etc. Fun times. Have some US HC. youtube.com/watch?v=xxyCGuqCLks
Henry Harris
>Lol, we had this kinda infamous band in Sweden called Arnes Plasthjärna who infiltrated a christian rock orchestra gig We had a local band called the Gay Nazis who all went to prison because Catholic churches used to leave their doors unlocked so people could go in and pray at any time. They went around and robbed them of all their top class sound equipment. At a show they decided to thank all the local Catholic churches for their sound equipment. Even though we were mostly all atheists, that didn't sit right with most all of us, and people came forward and ratted them out. Aw, the Gay Nazis. They would do a Sieg Heil then bend their wrists down.
Kevin Young
>Yeah me too, in a way it was kinda easier to find these bands pre-internet. Compilation tapes and splits, tape trading etc. Fun times. Liner notes were the way to go to discover new bands.
Landon Wilson
>At a show they decided to thank all the local Catholic churches for their sound equipment lmfao >Liner notes were the way to go to discover new bands. This and also label inserts. But today thanks to the internet it's way easier to find the real obscure stuff from around the world. Imagine we used to write letters and send cash across the world to get our shit and had to wait months sometimes to get it.
Hudson Powell
>This and also label inserts. But today thanks to the internet it's way easier to find the real obscure stuff from around the world. >Imagine we used to write letters and send cash across the world to get our shit and had to wait months sometimes to get it. I know. There is so much 70s punk I had no idea existed. I thought I was deep into punk, and I was, but so much was forgotten or not spread around outside of local scenes until the modern Internet over the last decade.
Hudson Edwards
I used to mail order from SST, Alternative Tentacles, and Dischord. When kids talk about Discord servers the first image in my mind in Minor Threat.
>Disco died for punk to exist. It wasn't worth it. 1/10 trolling.
Noah Jenkins
Dischord Records. Original Disc(h)ord trannies for you kids. Except they weren't trannies. Except they sang anti-white guilt songs. What happened to Henry Rollins? He veered so far left in his old age.
Alexander Russell
oh wow, i just noticed i posted a re-issue that includes a url address. i feel dirty.
Jonathan Cox
Yeah same here. This goes for all kinds of music really, there is way more obscure underground bands than famous ones out there, insane amount. I was mostly into hardcore and metal back then, mostly european for obvious reasons. I was lucky i had a guy in the US who would send me tapes with US and South American hardcore and metal, and i in return would send him mostly Swedish and Finnish hardcore. Were you into tape trading? I guess it was more common during the 80's, i probably belong to some of the last ones that did that during the mid to late 90's.
Starting a heavy project (industrial thrash would be a quick & dirty description). Really want to name the band Swastika, just because of how the word sounds, but like no way. Someone name my band. Also, want to go thick right wing on the lyrics but it seems impossible without getting blacklisted immediately. What do?
Mason James
Holy shit that boomer music is fucking horrible. Thank God we have people like Post Malone and Machine Gun Kelly, not this fucking horrible shit OP posted.
Joseph Scott
A lot of punk is political in nature and so much of it is left leaning as its geared towards pie in the sky kids and their antiestablishment ideals. For this reason I don't listen to it, it doesn't speak to me anymore. I know I'm gonna catch shit here on Jow Forums for saying it, but I mostly listen to anime songs now. Between trying to learn moonrunes and the way it reminds me of the feelings I felt watching the shows, it the only thing that makes me smile. I like smiling.
>i had a guy in the US who would send me tapes with US and South American hardcore and metal I used to do this as well, bit it was mainly regional with American and Canadian Hardcore. Those were fun times sending dubbed cassettes and eventually burned CDs. Kids won't understand this. The world was a different place. Do you remember giving a girl a mix tape? I don't even know what they do now.
Elijah Collins
could be worse self proclaimed "most badass punk rocker" i know is some overweight acne ridden junkie loser living off less than 800$ in disability checks and nearly 30 while still having sex with high school girls. probably sitting on social media right now talking shit about me for having a job or something else very anti establishment
Zachary Fisher
Recording song off the radio. If you had a dual cassette deck with dub, you were a mix master.
Owen Hall
That was what you did with a girl you liked was try to send her music you liked you though she might like. You get that mix cassette, and you fill in the liner with all the info like she's actually going to read it and not just be happy you showed her the attention to make the thing for her.
>The world was a different place Very different compared to today. >Do you remember giving a girl a mix tape Haha oh yes, i would pick the more soft stuff and put some insane grind or noisecore between the songs to troll them. Like some metal ballad and after that the a side of A.C.s 5643 song ep. Good times Also hanging out with the "crew" of friends drinking cheap, disgusting beer and listening to thrash on a boombox. I guess kids today send spotify playlists or something, i don't know.
Henry Torres
Democrats will one day drive black people to vote almost exclusively for christ cuck republicans
Bentley Bennett
I'm a little sentimental and can't listen to Mission of Burma because that's how I connected with an ex who was by no means into punk. We had an awful break up. I've never been able to listen to them since. It's been so many years, but I just can't.
Thomas Ortiz
eh music isn't about the message anymore, if its being advertised and pushed its solely for money. No more appeal to a specific demographic who have unique ideals. Just do whatever you can to convince naive youth to think something is relevant. Maybe just listen to music that pleases you but without lyrics, go for stuff that effects your mood.
Oliver Hughes
no matter what some loser faggot youtuber tells you, right wing conservatism is not and never will be punk. Just because people think you're stupid because your politics will end up in Bezos crowning himself emperor and locking everyone in a wagie cage doesnt make you a rebel or cool
Nice! Just stay away from the drum-sticks! They been up a butt!!! Lmao
Colton Miller
I don't consider myself conservative and never will. Just because you are on the right side of politics does not make you conservative. I'm also not influenced by YouTubers. Sorry, I'm older than that.
I understand the meme you're talking about with a wagie cage and Amazon, but I don't earn a wage. I earn a salary. I'm a step past that in life.
Wyatt Butler
Already seen them. Don't expect much. I mean I never got to see GG, but Merle isn't anything special.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Ryder Kelly
enjoy overtime with no extra pay
James Johnson
I interpret the Dead Kennedys in a way that would make Jello Biafra kill himself
Punk is normie tier. What i mean by this is that they havent actually read anything but are just regurgitating the general opinions within punk itself. Punks are mostly young kids who think that if a song is catchy the message must be true...this is their thought process. Not much different then your everyday morons who listen to what ever is popular nowadays.
Wattie is basically a brain dead nihilist with bad or no arguments, still better then 90% of other retards.
"Green Day is fucking shit, Jello Biafra a faggot, Henry Rollins is a fucking wanker... They’re all Like two faced cunts”...
Anyone remember the Propagandhi/NOFX feud?
"Propagandhi recorded a song for the Fat Comp. titled "Free John Hinkly" but it was removed because in their liner notes they criticized "international billionaire, global financier, war-profiteer and all-around asswipe George Soros."
Based, but they support his complete agenda now. lel
My dude i get overtime. It's still broken down into an hourly wage for that purpose.
Brody Phillips
>OP CONFIRMED FAG DICK LICK OMG ALL CAPS you made no point at all. none.
Evan Adams
Good night/morning. It's always fun to reminisce with old punks. We shared something special not everyone can understand.
Brayden Rogers
You never got deeper than poser tier punk.
Cooper Scott
well this thread did ok for the middle of the night. now it's morning, and i don't know why i am still awake. yahhhh. vacations in the modern age are so fun. you stay up all night drinking and shitposting online.
Cameron Davis
Probably not considered punk but not completely commie degenerate either, what about flogging molly? Just made me think of dropkick murphys
Juan Miller
They both died in an orgy of degeneracy.
Andrew Barnes
Punk in the beginning was politically motivated. It was an artistic, aesthetic, and musical reaction against boomerism. It got corrupted by the (((music industry))) and it eventually became very safe pop music and at worst emo.