Black user here on reparations

Are whites on both sides of politics against reparations? Why does the idea of us getting justly compensated enrage whites so much? What would you do if it became a reality? Would you move? Would you refuse to work taxable income?

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The simple reason is that blacks owe whites reparations for the damage they have done to our society. Justice would require that we exterminate you all, as would the natural laws of evolution. We need to kill you, NOT become your slaves. Nigger.

Samefagging Jews.

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My father isn't here to pay you out of his paycheck and I don't have shit for you, because I'm not him. Asking "whites" for reparations is just as racist as a white calling you a nigger.

Shut the fuck up nigger, your ancestors got caught and sold to slavery because of their own incompetence.
You should be thankful for whites letting you live in their society you welfare leech.

White people don't have anything to do with slavery

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Who pays? Patrick Little had the best option.

Because families that have history in slave owning are either in perpetual poverty or have money so old it's untouchable?

Who exactly is owed money and who exactly owes it? People that owned slaves are no longer alive and the people sold into slavery and brought to the US are no longer alive either.

Probably start a race war

you've had more than enough handed to you through welfare and affirmative action, you'll be lucky if you aren't purged for being vile, parasitic scum

Niggers started slavery and still slave.
Niggers got the entire caribbean, thats enough.

>whites are already paying reparations

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Yes but not only to the us negros, to all negros of the americas, because it will be racist the other way, so you'll have to split with your brothers the reparations.

Because it's not justly. Besides the amount of tax money already poured into nigger hoods has more than compensated a billion times over. So much so niggers should be paying whites.

Us whites need compensation for making the mistake of freeing you fucking niggers. Die.


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Get a job nigger.

Whites are the only reason you are not living in a mud hut with your mouth full of flies in subsaharan africa.
You owe them everything, while they, not only don't need you, but your existence is a burden.


Most blacks in the US have white ancestors that owned their black ancestors. My dumbass peasant forefathers didn't own anyone or anything. Pay yourselves reparations.

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reparations could be supported by a majority as long as it's comprised of free college education for those to test into it, and not more money shoveled to people to don't warrant it.

It would be akin to me demanding free shit from Italy because Julius Caesar did some shit on my French ancestors. Can you stop being a nigger and stop looking for free shit? I swear you niggers are even bigger parasites than the jews.

How about you look up the Barbary slave trade you mongrel. Slavery was invented by Africans and the middle east. African kings sold slaves to white ships for money. If you actually think white peop e just went and rounded up blacks then you are a dumb nigger. The blacks that they sold were also criminals.
>we wuz kangs tho
No your not
>white people bad
Whites ended slavery I'm first world nations why do you think modern slavery is in Africa the middle east and Asia.

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It's a non starter you fucking donkey. Its just a carrot to trick dumb blacks into dragging their asses in to vote. Not possible in reality.

You niggers are the absolute Stupidest things on the planet. You all buy into that slave mentality crap. "IF YOU A GOOD BOY MASSA GONNA GET YOU A PONY FOR CHRISTMAS " Now dont forget to vote Democrat.
THATS why youll always be sub-human niggers.

Is that all the bikes you stole?

In real life, reparations are paid by a nation that loses a war to a nation that wins the war and they're explicitly agreed on in the terms of the surrender. The "slavery reparations" idea is completely fictional. Blacks never won a war against us, we just decided to free them.
You can't assign monetary value to historical grievances. Every group has infinite historical grievances. It would be totally unworkable.

Nahh I'm a teacher of a very important lesson.

Transatlantic slave trade was owned and run by Jews, Israel owes you reperations and they can pay you with the aid that has already been allotted to them from all our tax payer dollars.

Lol Uncle Tom House nigger still begging for scraps

the fact you aren't hanging from a tree is your reparations.

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Is it because black Americans are the only people who have been slaves in the entire history of humanity?
Obviously, no person with white skin ever suffered as a whole society and because of systematic privilege if anyone did suffer it was because of personal irresponsibility.
I'm curious, what's it like being a completely fucking oblivious imbecile ?
Of course, if this is bait, well done.

It’s mostly that whites object to paying for something they had no hand in. Plus I always supported affirmative action under the grounds that it was just reparations as we could fairly offer them.

Do you like being alive? If so, thank us. Don't ask for gibs.

> justly compensated
You know, around a thousand years ago one of my ancestors got shot at by a northern african (the arrow missed btw, but that's not important). So now I expect you to pay me reparations for that, even though I was never harmed personally and you might not have any relations to that african. Sounds stupid? that's because it is.

Dear blacks of America,
Please pay your reparations to the tax payer. Every stolen pack of skittles, wallets and automobiles shall be accounted for. Despite 13% of the black population committing over 50% of crimes, 100% of the black population is expected to pay up.

I miss the commercials that used to come on all the time where some washed up jew was begging for money to feed the starving, fly covered niggers in the background

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why not ask the niggers back in africa who sold your ancestors into slavery for reparations?

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You want reparations from all white people for something only the top 5% of the wealthy in the American population engaged in, and an over-represented sample of that 5% was Jewish. 96% of the slaves shipped from Africa ended up in Brazil, the Caribbean, etc and not America. Almost all slave ships were owned by Jewish companies, and slaves were peddled to the Western world by Arabs and other Africans. Maybe you should be taking your complaints up with these groups specifically - the wealthy 1% who built their financial empires with your relatives buried in the foundations - instead of expecting the 99% of American taxpayers who are descended from dirt-poor farmers and blue-collar workers to pick up the bill.

>be sub-65 IQ African
>lose conflict to sub-85 iq Africans
>get enslaved
>get bought by some jew
>get transported to america
>sold to some jew who want to larp as a king
>be essentially relocated to an African village in America, but without the African problems
Fast forward 150 years
>blame whitey

>give blacks ethnostate in Louisiana area with sea access
>they leave from all over USA to collect land to farm and share machinery.
>y-p-po happy and blacks can prove themselves while the union supports them

Give a nigger a dollar and he'll buy a better crowbar. Take a nigger off welfare and he'll get a job

>us getting justly compensated
For what?
You've never faced an ounce of discrimination in your fucking life, and you never will
Your own people sold your ancestors off
Blame them you sub-70 IQ fuck

You should be paying me for existing.

I come from a long line of abolitionists. You niggers owe me your freedom.

Stop pretending that this is "about slavery". This is a race based tax on white people, slavery is just an excuse, and everyone knows it.

This. Take money from Jews who made up most slave owners and give it to the niggers

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fuck reparations. FAVORED for welfare, FAVORED for college admissions, FAVORED for grants and loans for college AND businesses and contracts, Given the PASS for shit a white would get crucified for... reparations have BEEN paid out and continue. Fuck niggers and reparations.

Because there were many Irish and Jewish people's enslaved and their suffering is forgotten

Reparations will come from the fed or IMF... I always think it’s hilarious when whites assume they will pay out of pocket

Affirmative action food stamps free Obamacare and welfare are reperations

I wonder if anyone here knows about black Wall Street
I highly doubt it ... Jow Forums is a echo chamber ..

Niggers owe reparations to the Khoisan and Pygmies for a millennium of genocide.

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Why not just call him a nigger?

Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive. In addition, you don't deserve a single cent unless you personally suffered at the hands of a slaver. The experiences of your dead ancestors means nothing.

You are not a Jew.
Only Jews get gibs over there made up offences.

I am 100% on board for reperations.
>Option 1: in exchange for renoucning citizenship and making aliyah to the Black country of your choice, we pay a one time check equal to the average Black lifetime of gibs. (around $700,000 if I recall)

>Option 2: For a smaller lump sum we give you land in a hard blue state (Cali?) where you will be the new majority and can easily vote to tax the Jews/Spics/Fags to pay for your gibs.

Either way, you will be free of our hate. Think about it. There's a Mormon majority state, an Asian one, an Injun one, and 5 spic ones. Don't you deserve self-rule?

Because I'm not responsible for what my ancestors did. Why should I be punished for something a dead person did? Why should you get reparations on behalf of dead people?

Here you go, nigger.

Because you stupid nigger you have never been a slave and I have never enslaved a negro.
I don't owe you single thing.

I don't sell crack and also don't own a weed shop, so i don't benefit from paying reparations to blacks, you get that Nigga?

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That's more than enough. If it wasn't for whiey, the meztizos would kick the nigger off the Amerindian clay.

imagine being this retarded

Daily Reminder:
Slavery never happened. When the nogs showed up, white Southerners offered them jobs to do agricultural work. But niggers couldn't grasp the idea of a paycheck, so they demanded housing and food gibs instead. They then put chains on themselves because it reminded them of their home. Namely: prison.

A nigger country in the Americas, they have the Caribbean...

>1st sentence: nigger ooga booga gibs
>2nd sentence: whity hurdur
meanwhile the rich north american slave owners rub hands

holy christ this killed me.

There's a few reasons why I'm opposed, Tyrone. First of all, the idea of the money exiting the pockets of working white men and women to go to your kind purely for the sake of moralfagging is gay. This is plainly enough to reject it.

Second of all, shit like that creates a bad precedent. If blacks were to get reparations of any sort (be it financial, authoritative or social), that opens the floodgates for all assorted minority groups to come with their hands open for shekels.

Thirdly, it's a disastrous decision for the economy. You're going to tank mass sums of money into a group of people who are statistically overrepresented for unemployment and social benefits. Safe to say, no returns will be had. The only reason why someone would want to go about doing this is because they're either black or a masochist.

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Blacks have been paid reparations through welfare and government funded housing for decades. Any other ethnic group on earth would have parlayed this into widespread economic success, blacks decided to smoke crack and go on a crime spree, occasionally burning down their own neighborhoods when a criminal gets rightly put down. Blacks owe whites, not the other way around.

Because of this you racist mongrels

Based, the niggs STILL put chains on themselves as a reminder of their inferiority

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You should get just compensation for every day you spent as a slave. So in your case that would be about $0. Stupid nigger.

Can you think of a single reason you shouldn’t get on your knees and thank us? You would be starving in Africa if we never saved your ancestors from that shit continent. I would gladly give you reparations if you fucked off to there and left me alone

Race isnt skin color any longer, as an Irish man i feel darker than the deepest black, therefore i demand twice the reperations that the average nigger gets, i am darker (in my mind) therefore i am more niggerish.
>How can they deny me? They would then have to argue what percent makes african americans black to get day money!

Thats all i want, to make them question their fellow black man, to make them eat each other. Shouldn't be to hard.

I am absolutely for reparations, brother. This guy sums up my feelings about it pretty succinctly.

No one in my blood line owned slaves.
My grandmother was a slave in Poland during WWII and my grandfather was the first geberation born in the US just prior to WWII.
In the otherside my grandfather was Cherokee and that grandmother was first gen here from Ireland.

I owe blacks nothing.

>justly compensated
For a life time of criminal behavior so you can continue your criminal behavior on my dime.

Stop being a fucking animal. It helps.

This is bait thread. I've already seen it multiple times. With the same exact words. Doesn't matter how much btfod Fagop gets.


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If you get your reparations are blacks going to stop crying "Racism!!" every time something doesn't go their way?
There's your answer.