Be me

>be me
>high school
economics class
>mention Goldman sachs financing immigration to europe
>get marked for "harassing the class"


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Sauce on gs financing Immigration?

They're jewish bankers, there's your sauce.

Cant imagine how you got expelled for such a concise argument

>revealing your powerlevel in school
fucking moron.

keep your head down, or better yet agree with whatever crazy shit they teach you. Get good grades and don't make waves so you can get a good job and enact REAL change in the REAL world.

You're never going to "redpill" your class, and even if you could that's hardly worth ruining your entire life and ensuring that you never redpill anybody else because you end up a loser.

>You're never going to"redpill" your class
One girl already hates niggers because of my racist rants :D

>calling your own arguments "racist rants"
>one roastie pretends to agree with me, and now I have a mark on my permanent record, look I helped!
fucking kill yourself dipshit

You sound like jew :DDD

twitter screenshat

You sound like an underaged faggot who doesn't have any serious convictions and is just being "edgy" for fun.

Should have told them that EU representation in parliment is based on population for each country, and the Germans are trying to take over Europe again by taking immigrants and running the EU.

you should always support the truth user, no matter who is saying it or why.

>You sound like an underaged faggot
Gee, what tipped you off to that, Watson?

Damn, I feel bad for Americans. Here no one finds insulting Jews or niggers offensive, not even teachers.

Greece isn't European.

>be me
>nobody else does really

Definitely a jew who's mad i named him in public :D

No, you shouldn't. If you rant about the truth in a room full of people who aren't going to listen and ruin your own life, you are fucking useless. If every "redpilled" teen kept their mouth shut and got themselves through school without incident/into good jobs THEN we might actually change the world. Yelling about jews in econ class helps no-one, anybody who tells you otherwise is an idiot.

>EU flag
Doesn't your country (whichever one you're in) literally outlaw "questioning the Holocaust"?


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>Yelling about jews in econ class helps no-one, anybody who tells you otherwise is an idiot.

Let the quiet types be quiet, and let the loud types be loud.
Your strategy is fine for you, but not everyone agrees with it. It's hubris for you to say you understand how to manipulate the world society. You don't. Being honest and loud has other effects on other people that you can't account for.

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>be me
>with Jewish friend
>mention that the Haavara agreement exists
>now I'm a nazi