New pragerU pro israel video
Why don't you support Israel goyim?

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Fucking based. MIGA!

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Please God, kill all kikes and Neocons.

Dennis Prager is Jewish you brainlet.

I fucked an Israeli Jewish chick who came here on a holiday. Her ass was fat and I came in 2 minutes. AMA.

Of course he is Jewish, which is why he needs to be named and exposed as controlled opposition.

Why are jews in India?

These fucking kikes are shameless

>says the nigger

Someone put a happy merchant on top of the (((special person))) in OPs pic

Wtf I love Israel now.

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Brownnosing potential buyers

They go there after national service to act like arseholes in Goa, Hampi etc, they're vile

Did you shit on her afterwards

Someone should really point out the king david hotel bombings. The dispossession and ethnic cleansing of palestinians and the fact they're doing it to us too. Fucking parasites

I'm more concerned with the question of why do we support Aussie and leafs, let alone the EU. I question the right of Canada to exist myself.

wtf I love Israel now

>millions of right-wing retards still proudly say they attend Prager "University"

Jewish nationalism good.
White nationalism bad.

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what what AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA what no no no no WAIT a fucking minute wait just 1 fucking second
Are you telling ME that ahahahahaaha wait wait im sorry...are you telling me that that was *pfffft* a prime minister of a co-
HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry im sorry I'll hold myself together, are you telling me that the former prime minister of canada did just record a israeli proaganda?!?!!?!??!!? Wait ahaha no that cant be true, that would just be ridiculous, theres no way canda could get anymore cucked, absolutely no way.

>the former prime minister of canada did just record a israeli proaganda

Honk Honk my friend... welcome to eternal debt slavery... Hitler was right...

Israel is not even in an alliance with the US.
No mutual defense commitment means Israel is an aligned nation not an ally.

Japan and Saudi Arabia would be protectorates.


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pls stop i have live here and deal with this

Why you should support Israel:
>It's an ethnostate that practices eugenics and discourages miscegenation and deports thousands of non-white people and builds big walls that wor-

In Israel it is rape if you falsely claim you are jewish and sleep with a woman.



Jews have been here since the Temple of Solomon was destroyed and they fled to India, arriving on boats in the Southern coast.

The Israeli girl just came on a trip, lots of Israelis head to India apparently post national service. Also there are a few religious Jewish sites in India created in the ancient era.

The states of anglo-saxon culture.
The most degenerate one

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Americans are niggers too though...

The question is answered. Jow Forums btfo.

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the deal between western countries and Israel is completely one sided

hahaha rekt.

>The most degenerate one

France has more hypermarkets than anywhere in Europe, ironically you are more consumerist and NPC like than the Brits who spawned America.

if anyone has a problem with Israel then you got a problem with me. None of you weak lil punks would have the courage to face me IRL.

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not sure about this. proof needed.

not completely
>you get a proxy crusade for the boomertier evangelicals
>inclusive religious disneyland
>you get a bridgehead in one of the most resourcerich hostile regions in the world
>you can launder military subsidies into your military industry and label it "aid"

MUH bible says they're the chosen ones so let's give'em all our asses

BUMP. we need more people shitting on boomers, zionists, and neocons in the comments.

FUCKING boomers

Boomers are the goodest of goys

hahaha meanwhile tap water in USA is literally sewage water

I doubt that is true.

>White supremacy bad
>“God’s chosen” perfectly fine


>God's chosen people

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>God's chosen people

Isn't that what Hitler said about the Germans?

based tb h


More like PragerJEW

It's funny because the bible literally doesn't say that.


wtf i watched this vid and my foreskin fell off


Hahaha shame on you leaf, join the mutts on the draft and die for Israel.

Thankfully I don't have to die for the Hooknose.

Just shitpost in the comment section boys, Boomers cant help themselves and respond to everything