This is what I was wearing when I was enslaved

This is what I was wearing when I was enslaved.

Tell me I deserved it wh*Te boi

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This is why we want SUPERPOWER 2020.

When the KANGZDOMS of AFRIKA were being destroyed by wh*Tes, rose a KARA BOGA by the name of JAMALAL NEGRU, who created the BLACK ethnostate of INDIA. When wh*Tes began oppressing BLACK bulls in South Afrika, THE BLACK NATION OG INDIA stepped in, increasing sanctions on SA, and kicking them out of cricket until BLACK bulls were allowed to play.

Now, 40 years later, from the farthest we can get from Europe, rose another BLACK bull by the name of Shri NIGGENDRA Modi, who is now standing up against wh*Tes and now the y*llow peril that threatens the existence of our BLACK brothers.

wh*Tes destroyed the university of Timbuktu, the Egyptian civilisation, the Mali Empire, at one point in history the richest man was a BLACK man, he could’ve bought all your pale skinned cracker ass grandmothers just with a fraction of his wealth, but no, he used it for goodwill.

When we BLACKS, arise, we won’t let you forget a god damn thing you done to us, but no ones gonna remember your pale cracker ass whiteboi asses.

Enslaved by a rival tribe of similarly dressed niggers and then sold to whitey for furs and beads and metals.

you deserved it

Of all the things you could larp as on the internet, you chose to be a nigger.


African fashion

You deserved it, nigger

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I'm sorry that other niggers enslaved you and then Jews brought you to America and used you for slave labor. I'm sorry that we freed you and thought you could be civilized instead of returned to your native state.

How many years did it take your people to come up with a shield?
God knows you never invented a wheel