France is sliding into the abyss as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideas such as liberty and equality mean...

France is sliding into the abyss as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideas such as liberty and equality mean nothing in the face of an overwhelming physical world that is now threatening to destroy them. The UK may already be the same position.

What can they do to stop this or is it too late?

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The West is in for a rough fucking time.

This is not going to end well

France will not be able to compete against Asian countries. As far as advanced tech goes and finance forget it.

look at those frenchmen !!!

Biological? oh no no no sweetie.

*purely economic causes

Fuck the white man’s believe system. It got us this for

French here
England lost 15 points of IQ too
If you are still living in France and not planning a coup you are going to die AHAHAHAHAHA

They just need to spend more money on their schools.


For anyone who's in any doubt check out the link in the image. This has been statistically proven by all meaures.

I’d say it’s too late, most newborns in Paris are already of foreign origin (look at the most popular names in Île-de-France) most French boomers are complete cucks who grew up in an era where niggers and mudslimes were parked away in suburbs so they could live their comfy lives without having to see them. Now that we’re overrun, they become civ nats, at most. Otherwise they’re full on leftists. The right-leaning ones think le Front National is going to save them KEK. Newer generations are even more cucked, they’ve been raised on dumb tolerant boomer ideology, schools are run by literal commies. The entertainment industy is pretty much niggers and mudslimes only. Sports is pretty much niggers only. If you step out of line, the (((law))) will crack down on you hard. In summary, this country is fucked.

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the centuries of colonization have come back to haunt you

The only thing that sounds worse than going down with the ship here is moving to fucking Bulgaria.

The only hope for most of Europe is genocide now.

This. Genocide is the only realistic scenario where europe is saved from the abyss

That may be, but what will the actual future be?
For example Haiti is :
>majority black
>a former frence colony

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Im dating a frenchie. This is very accurate. Her friends are housing refugees, the cities are jungles with little needy whity with his round glasses scarf and little red book under his arm with his head down fuck that country is depressing

>biological causes

That is the most artful dodging of a point I have ever seen.

This isnt the 40s. If race realists like dr watson are right, why couldnt a government just hand out gene modifying white privilege by the bottle?

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>Sports is pretty much n###ers only.
So clearly large institutions are ok at least with the >implication
That different populations might be inherently better suited to different tasks, work with that

America is way worse off dummies

Things you will never hear a wh*te say:
>"Europe is in trouble, it's time to go back to our fatherland, they shouldn't have to import others when they have us.. because we love her"

These are maggots. They're viruses, the only thing they care about is spreading like a disease. The antidote.. Islam apparently.
Seems like out of the three judeo-christian sects.. you diaper heads might be the chosen ones.

Fuck off nigger, massa is speaking

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>something, something, not socialist enough

Good. more french jews to isreal. more camel fuckers to france.

Not even black you stupid kraut. The yellow race in that pus-filled hemorrhage is about to be swabbed with penicillin

>What can they do to stop this or is it too late?
incentivized sperm donation eugenics.
Pay women to use sperm from smart donors.
We got lots of sperm, so we should put it to use to improve the genepool.

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Yes but America is a fake nation with no real culture or value unlike France so nobody cares. Americans arent even a real people.

Lol stfu, Islam doesnt want your cowardly ass

No it absolutely isnt. As much as we dont like to admit it , we have a history of assimilating strange people, and the french, a country over 1000 years old, doesnt, also the contrast of once being to high cultured and falling so far is causing chaos, the US culture was always fun and campy , not high like the french. The white population of france is also completely pozzed and they are bossed around by the women. In america we still embrace manlyness in the country and in nigger rap culture and its runoff, in france they are straight cuckolds across the board, and you get the impression no one voted FN when inr eality 30% did, because even talking like that is an option puts you in danger

>4 points
something tells me it's actually 40 but lets not get people to panic

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We have culture and value but we have been like malleable clay, france was solidified rock which will fracture instead of morph

Good, because I wasn't planning on converting anytime soon

lol its already over, soiboi

Do you realize now that the Nazis were your only hope?

>as it slowly realises that fanciful human ideas such as liberty and equality mean nothing in the face of an overwhelming physical world that is now threatening to destroy them
No one is realising anything
French people love niggers too much

>censoring nigger at all
>censoring nigger on Jow Forums
wtf is wrong with you

A friend of mine came back from Paris and said that the city has turned into an Afro-Islamic shithole. He is not going back anytime soon - though he had been there every year since 2000


don't trust spermbanks or clinics

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At least America has guns, and lots and lots of space.
Also, I feel like being right-wing is more ingrained in American culture thanks to the constitution

It’s been that way for years now, your friend was lucky not to notice it before. You bongs have sharia patrols and we have muslim vigilantes in certain Parisian neighborhoods that prevent women from walking in the streets past a certain hour or order them to go home when they dress inappropriately.

You fucking colorless creatures, even when a bee hive is poked.. all the bees come to back to it's defense. But you cave dwellers, it doesn't cross your mind

This to me is incredible. Not once. NOT ONCE in all my lurking have I seen a thread or a single post from a damn cracker saying they were going to move back and find their roots.. and "secure the future" of their demon race.

Unbelievable but totally true.. I'm the only guy who brings up this glaring detail. I shove it down your pasty disgusting wh*te mouths and you spit back out. You don't eat that pill but you won't shut up about places where you don't belong, places occupied by others and making it an "ethno-state". Retards, you've already got ethno-states, many of them broken up like a jigsaw puzzle.. it's called europe. Each piece different but the same in one way, they're all fucking wh*te

Fucking neo-nazis, ethno-nationlists, wh*te maggots.. gadamn hypocrites and retards

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I remember passing through Paris ~15 years ago. Lot of neighbourhoods were lost. Spent a month in Morocco prior and browned up nicely. Wore Arabic shirts from Morocco in Paris, as it seemed more required than in Morocco. Recently came back from Afghanistan. The shitholes these people come from are safer than Islamic ghettos in the West. No nigga is gonna rob me in Afghanistan. Western Europe and colonies are lost. Demographics have genocided the natives. The remainders are slaves in body and mind. They have lost the will to fight. Accelerationism to reset is the best hope for the West.

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stfu kaffer.

If you want death just ask

Death to you? I won't deliver it personally, I'm not a nut.. but yeah. I mean just look at you

this place is full of non whites

French are still pretty smart.
Nowhere near as bad as the US at least.

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are there many israelis who think this and is it because you want to vacate the middle east so you can expand your land?


also, related

>French are still smart
>data is 4 years old
are the British this dumb?

What was the non white percentage of France again 25% and above (not even counting Mediterranean Europeans) so yeah France is already pretty much done for

I heard they have 15 million Muslims, but I don't believe it.

Shit goes like this there, illegal to mention how many muslims are there, what % are new born muslims, illegal paternity test, immigration office 99% non white applicants

Not 15 million muzzies but if you add Arabs (6M in 2008),niggers (3.5- 5 M),Asians (1-1.5M),Roma (600k) all the figures are in 2008 we don't even know how many mixed kids are there France being miscegenation capital .just Google search Arabs in France,blacks in France and check Wikipedia

Shut the fuck up boomer

"Judeo-christian", what a fucking joke.