How come they have 4% of the world's population yet have 22% of the world's prisoners?

How come they have 4% of the world's population yet have 22% of the world's prisoners?

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Because of the 13%


>Because of the 13%
Who also comprise 95%+ of Nigeria's 190 million population?

Don't forget the millions of illegal mestizos.

They don't have a first world rule of law.

Because the USA is only concerned with how to best extract profit from its population. If it becomes readily obvious that a person is more valuable in the prison system than out in the world paying taxes, the system will fast-track them to prison where they'll do forced labor.

The USA is like the fields of human batteries in The Matrix.

Prisons are very good money. Capitalism is by nature predatory if unregulated.

Mostly niggers with a dusting of spics

What about all the Yanks that get blown away by their pigs for absolutely anything?

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Because it is a tyranny by mob rule, the worst form of tyranny that has ever existed, because it comes with a heaping helping of gaslighting to add insult to injury.

Because we carefully catalogue, track and publicly list our prisoners and most places don't.
Because we actually disclose all the people who we have imprisoned in exhaustive detail, do the point of it being a publicly searchable regularly updated database.
Because we imprison people who in many places would be summarily executed.
Because we imprison people who are minorly disruptive to society who in other places might simply be beaten or sent to a labor camp and not listed as a prisoner but a worker.
Because we do not execute people who in most of the work would be executed and instead lock them away in hope of reform.

China probably has more Prisoners than the USA, but China is dishonest about it.

>ramming an officer with a car.
Dude, I don't like cops.
But hitting someone with a car is a potentially lethal assault.

>They don't have a first world rule of law.
Neither do you, last I checked. So it's an irrelevant point.

>How come they have 4% of the world's population yet have 22% of the world's prisoners?

the same way they have a 0,01% of the population control 100% of government and media.

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are you retarded? how doesn't the USA have a robust rule of law?

>zero reason
>car running him over like the driver got meth in the glove box
Also you britfags arrest your own countrymen

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Senpai, rule of law in the US is generally considered a joke by the rest of the planet.
The stories of innocent people getting jailed for entire lives and thousands of examples of law absurds in the US would fill a library.

That one's tricky though - the cop started firing way before he was in danger and had a VERY easy option to step aside and shoot the tires long before he decided to jump on the hood (which was after he started firing)

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>and had a VERY easy option to step aside and shoot the tires

Real life isn't a Hollywood movie

Not to mention their hatred for foreskin imbued into American culture by (((them)))

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Do (((you))) even know the difference anymore?

have you also considered that shitty european media never tells the full story? all those stories you hear about "police savagely gunning down poor unarmed people" are way overexaggerrated and always ignore the nuances of the case and how they went to trial. magnetizing american's flaws is a good way to minimize your own. The US has a very robust legal system of challenges and appeals so that innocent people don't just get thrown in jail

>be police officer
>have possible health, serious injury and risk of being crippled, or dead from suspect driving over me
>even comprehending the idea of "I think I better shoot the tires!" when your life, health, and safety are on the line.

Do you realize Police officers, who have suspects at gun point, have something deadly aimed in their directions, cops have the authority to use "deadly force" IE shoot your nigger ass dead without consequence.

its considered justice, and you are a threat to society, so suicide by stupidity of your own doing....

Cop is in the right. You are in the wrong for even thinking the officer would even consider " jumping out of the way" when already he was bumped by the car, and began to fire his gun at the suspect for "Assault with a deadly weapon (vehicle)" and "Attempted murder of a police officer"

guess what, both are 20 to life sentences

Give us your address and we would be happy to send you a bunch.

what's it like living next door to Somalia?



How many times you got to see this image before you get it:

How can there be any bongs left that can’t recognize the damage that a moving vehicle can inflict?

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Because America is an Empire you fucking retard

Wonderful. Creates enough chaos for us to eventually rise up from the ashes of a Semitic driven ragnarok so we can once more bring terror to Europe on our longships cleansing one ethnicity at a time mr.memeflag

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Black people.

Lul op failed this thread

Im not talking about cases of people getting gunned down.
Im talking about thousands of examples of innocent men being jailed for their entire lived because of an incorrect verdict, or world-famous examples of american lawsuits that are so god damn fucking retarded they would seem out of place in a Monty Python sketch.

Oh, remember the famous mattress shooting from last year?
2 boomers murdering a man in front of his wife, over a fucking mattress being put in a wrong spot on the trash heap?

They were released last week after like a 2$ fine was paid.

This is the kind of shit im talking about.
Total fucking absurd situations that seem completely normal for americans, because they dont know any better.

>They were released last week after like a 2$ fine was paid.
based i'm happy to hear that.

It is totally normal because that guy they shot was a fucking maniac criminal. It's totally fine to kill someone when they're making credible threats on your life.

They also eat 50% of food on Earth.

>It is totally normal because bla bla bla bla

Thats exactly why i said:

>Total fucking absurd situations that seem completely normal for americans, because they dont know any better.

Yea, I was responding to that statement exactly.

You say we don't know any better.... but the justification is completely sound from any logical consideration of moral behavior.

If someone's going to kill you, you kill them first. It's totally natural and normal everywhere in nature except europe.

and canada*

Military, warring culture creating a lot of deviants, very competent police and hard ass judges.

user, for kurwa's sake, please do not expect a non-american to understand shooting, murdering each other over a fucking mattress, and then releasing the killers for 2$ fine.

In any other normal, non-retarded country, the "hottest' escalation that would happen over this mattress would be getting a swift punch to the face, not a fucking shooting and killing spree.

It's not really about the mattress user. It's about territorial ownership and dominance.

These kind of disputes happen everywhere, and people occasionally die over them. That happens everywhere.

>2 guys killed a man over a mattress

The dumpster defenders are based

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