My fiancé is starting to get the baby fever.
When we started our relationship 3 years ago, she was adamant she didn't want children.
She wants a baby only because she feels like it now, so for biological reasons, which I understand.
I'm not so sure it's ethical to bring a soul to this world. I'd be inflicting all of its future experiences on it without its consent.
My fiancé is starting to get the baby fever
dump her.
Have you ejaculated in her vagina raw already?
She'd rather just not have children than break up with me but deep down I know she'd be living a life of regret.
That option has occured to me. It's just all so cruel. Fucking existence.
Many times. She was on pills and now has a coil.
Just have a child you faggot.
I wish there was a better argument. But there doesn't seem to be.
Everything will be great, have the child! Or a couple.
White people have been through worse than a few nogs, friend. Have children and raise them to survive in this fucked up new world of ours, humanity is surprisingly resilient when you remove boomer idealism from the equation.
How big of hoe was she?
man, i am joking.
have a baby ffs.
it is the only thing that matters.
idgaf if you are brown and your wife is jewish..
i havent seen my wife in 1 year 1 month and 12 days ffs..
But what would be the ultimate motivation? Personal happiness? Still unethical in my opinion.
Future of mankind? I don't care so much about that.
1 kid isnt bad, its still depopulation
Virgin. She was very shy and depressed before I met her.
Every child, including you and me was brought into this world without our expressed consent.
also keep in mind if your are really in finland and not israel, you are in a geographically good place until the war kicks off, then it will be magma.
but until then, it is a very healthy place to raise kids.. thats why most of you finns turn out alright.. as long as you stay in finland..
Yes, and it sucks in my opinion.
The only reason I'd say my life has been worth living is because of my fiancé.
Have a baby because YOU WANT TO, not because your girlfriends wants to. If you do not want to have babies, then LEAVE your girlfriend, and stop wasting her time and yours.
Fucking pussy ass snownigger incapable of making a decision like a man.
everyone here will tell you to have a baby because they care for the white race, but it's asking you to do work without them doing anything (most often), thus the responses you will get will come from selfishness and not of your best interest.
I agree with your reasoning but you have to find the answer by yourself or with your fiance, not on this board, this board is biased
Fuck man, is it worth it? Never came raw inside. People say that you havent had sex if you didnt explode in a gina
Then just adopt. No ethical dilemma because the lil nigga already born
Yeah. This just has been on my mind constantly. I should have a long, uncomfortable conversation with my fiancé.
from my experience condoms take away at least 50% of the pleasure
You pathetic fucking nihilist, break up with your gf for her sake, she would be better of without you.
Is it really that hard for you to put another ones need above your own and just put a child in her?
Good and ethical option.
But I'll admit, I'm not that much of a good guy to raise someone else's kid.
>I'm not so sure it's ethical to bring a soul to this world. I'd be inflicting all of its future experiences on it without its consent.
So you wish you were never born?
You wish your parents had never brought you into this world without consent?
Your life has been a misery and you wish you didn't exist?
I can't even think of doing it any other way anymore. It's simply the best.
Just do it, have six kids!
Better to exist then never exist at all.
I've had those feelings a lot. I'll admit that they're not the norm, but it's given me perspective on this issue.
the mongloid race, of course
have some fucking pride in your heritage.
op you should propagate your genetic material and you will die a happy man
a child you can raise will further consolidate your existing relationship with your soon to be wife
your nihilism will soon end
Personal happiness isn't a good motivation for me. It's be at someone else's unconsented expense.
Your choice is to either kill yourself on an absolutely irreversible spiritual level, or to achieve immortality and live forever within the human genome. Sounds like you're a big fag and your wife already figured it out.
I'd advise producing as many children as possible to raise your odds of reincarnation.
Immortality is impossible in this universe. Good thing too, since immportality would be the most horrible curse I can think of.
I want to be ethical!
But I'm too lazy!
Just admit it OP, you're scared you're going to be a shitty dad so you're coming up with lame excuses.
I have 3 kids; no they didn't consent to being born but they have food, shelter and love. What else do they need?
If you really think your parents shouldn't have had you then why haven't you found a peaceful way to kys?
Based leaf
1. Yes, that is a concern
2. For now. Terrible things might happen and they might wish they were never born. It's a gamble. A terrible gamble.
3. I'm already alive and am afraid to die because of my biology
It's your duty to have a child and pass on your genetic heritage that your ancestors developed. If youve already committed to spending your life with the woman then make your ancestors proud and keep the line going. Don't be like the west where it's considered immoral to have white babies while we invite the entire third world into our cities to breed like rabbits.
It sounds like you're some kind of nihilist. Nihilism is a false god. No matter how shitty you think you have it the fact that you're alive means at some point in the shitty past of human history your ancestors were able to wheel barrow their huge nuts into a pussy and keep the line going even if their child might starve or die of plague. Have the kid and make sure they don't grow up to be a nihilistic faggot like you
Why would I have such a duty to my ancestors?
>not locking that shit down with your 3rd kid already
Fucking manchild
Too afraid about your child's future
Too afraid to kys
Too afraid to make your wife happy
Your inaction (due to fear) will destroy your own future. You can't be a child forever.
I'm not trying to be a dick. I hope you conquer your fear and join the beautiful struggle of life.
Hormones really fuck with your brain. You breathe them in and they make you want to procreate.
Save the planet kill yourself
I'm looking for a good reason. I don't think there is one.
I am scared, no shame in admitting that.
The planet will be just fine. It's humanity that's fucked.
Here’s a good reason: you are the end results of hundreds of thousand years of a stream of human life. Abandoning that out of some sense of nihilism and fear is fucking pathetic. Be a man and knock up your lady. Make multiple white babies.
I don't think "man up and don't be a faggot" is a good enough reason, as I've covered earlier.
You should be afraid of growing old with no purpose in life.
You should be afraid of an afterlife in which you watch Finland get raped into the ground by dune coons.
You should be afraid that the glorious 4th Reich might exile you for being such a faggot.
Could be worse for kid be a leaf and pay ott for things and be libtarded til death or be Scandinavian kid growing up playing with Mohammed and ahmed as his friends and play hit the honkey. Take previous advice
>I am scared, no shame in admitting that.
I'm not just trying to call you a pussy. The problem is you are letting your fear dictate your actions, and there is shame in that.
Your wife has already given you "one good reason"
So bold
Show the prices and the suffering will end
Finland doesnt even remotely suffer and you are such a cunt that you wont even have children anymore. Lol, you really shouldnt live on. Just kys and let your finance have a better man than yourself
I'm gonna put "purpose" in the same column as "personal happiness"
I won't be aware of that after I die.
They might. So?
You are the son of a thousand Mohammeds
I feel you, its bad enough i was born and cant escape this world without hurting someone, but living in itself is overwhelmingly boring and tenacious. Having a child to have something to do is irresponsible act, but if you live at least to it right, bring children into this world and prepare them to deal with it
Don't you put that mulato baby in her no-no square
Meme flag, just ignore
Well, lads. I'm seeing breaking up as the best solution. This gives my fiancé the chance to live with "purpose and happiness".
Though, it really fucking sucks, since I love her.
Create more white babies
Fin, you want someone to blame for everything this is it
You are never allowed to post on this board again.
Don't make kids if you don't feel like it. You don't need to spread your shitty depressed genes. Let those who enjoy our degenerate society breed.
Get on clinical trial for make bc pill.
Don't tell her
Dick her down like crazy
This... her biological urge to get pregnant is stronger than ops ability to resist. She will find a way with or without him.
Doesnt in any way, shape or form reduce the validity of my statement. My granddad got shot 8 times in WW2 which we lost and he still had 2 more children when he returned. Yet this phagott here isnt even man enough to do it in these much safer days. Embarrassing.
My thoughts exactly.
The relationship timer is about 3 years. They start needing a baby @ about 18 months in. By 3 years it's baby NOW or move on. Lots of relationships break up at the 3 year point.
If she is mother material for your kids, give her babies. It's pretty simple user. She has already decided you are daddy material. If you don't she'll probably reject you and find someone else who will.
You have to be a man to admit that, you seem like based guy, wish you luck
In all seriousness op no bullshit now. You need to tell her how you feel maybe not go into whole red pill black pill stuff. But tell her that you love her and Wouldn't want that to change, this might be a phase that women go through but if she loves you she will respect that
>If you don't she'll probably reject you and find someone else who will.
Not probably. She already has a backup plan and will make sure she can monkey branch when the time is right.
Yeah you need to break up with her so she can experience the full richness of life you can't give her because of your mental health issues.
I'll get a baby in her, Pekka
You don't care that the entire of the political apparatus of your country is planning on you having no children so you can be replaced by niggers who work for less than you?
Yeah let her fuck a nigger just because you cant handle being a strong father.
Dont break up with her through what you think she might say but what she actually tells you, if you dont mind but how old are u and how old is your fiance
Finland needs more Whites, just have some babies you fucking degenerate.
Jst kidding
I have to run to the store. Keep this thread alive if you feel like it, might check on it after.
For now, I haven't seen anything that would convince me to procreate. Happiness, purpose and continuing the genetic line are all deeply selfish reasons at the expense of someone who has no say in it.
I'm gonna talk to my fiancé today. What's the point of delaying this, it would just make it more painful.
I'm 32, she's 27. See ya, frens.
I hope you tale this on board plz
Another day, another numale
She is at the same stage as what my gf is now, did the same thing we talked about and agreed we would think about in another year or 2
Actually this is probably true. She'll probanly already have someone else in mind as backup. The only question really is will it be your kids or someone elses?
90% of women reproduce, but only 75% of men.
Have your wifes boyfriend shoot a little black baby up in her
i'll come and give your fiance a better load of seed, you clearly would pass down shitty genes
Yeah it's the best.
You sound like a fucking fag. Stop whining and put a baby inside her.
Bullshit excuse. You're selfish for not giving her what she wants. You don't want anyone taking up "your" time. It's not about a life getting to experiencing life, it about not rocking the boat, because your comfy. Selfish cunt.
>muh argument
Some things in life just must be done. Having a child. Protecting your family. Stop being a beta little autist and do your duty.
I would rather just jack off then have sex with a condom
She started because she saw her friends for first time since college and most were talking about their kids and she was very adamant about but we agreed for if not our sake for kids sake that we wernt ready due to finance jobs, our housing situation, we decided it would rash to do something so big without planning it. ask her about all of thag.
>I'm not so sure it's ethical to bring a soul to this world
It isn't. 99% people never think about this tho.
Have a talk with her and ask her if she wants one or not. If she is like, "I do not know, maybe if you want to" kind of talk. You might want to dump her, or you will have that kind of scenario where she will always have regrets. She must be serious. If everything works out, throw away the pills and do her. And then you have fulfilled the meaning of life. Which is passing on your genes.
Having kids changes you, you won't become a full human being until you have kids. Assuming you are not a brainlet and are capable of full consciousness and morality.