Jow Forums humour thread


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Nice cat


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Any leafs gonna post it or should I do the honors?

leave my land out of this you lithium battery

no leaf wants to post it

Jesus dude, learn to crop

Attached: 208285.jpg (700x926, 274K)

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where are my qt nuns

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love these

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Fine I’ll do it

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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Thanks Doc

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female cantors are the scourge of the modern church
> trills every single fucking word

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Religion in a nutshell.

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A classic

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You have to go back

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fucking normie

Have sex.

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Attached: negress6.jpg (664x468, 92K)

How is this funny?

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heh thats pretty good 7/10

What a fucking clusterfuck... You got beekeepers everywhere trying to take down a fucking bulldozer swatting them away with his giant man hands lol

Holy shit man.. Our ancestors are collectively rolling in their fucking graves

Do it paji

post what I'll do it GIVE IT TO MICKEY HE'LL EAT ANYTHING lol

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>doors of grace are closed.
>mad nuns arent into social justice work



the pipe is a metaphor for the (problem) and the tonnes of pressure is the final solution. It's Jow Forums bro, just make the humour up

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God is a man with beard.

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Lift weights

Attached: he's a good boy.webm (640x352, 1.95M)

Dont see the mayo on her.

Fuck I wish more pagan religions could have survived long enough to be written. Celtic stuff sounds neat.

i don't get it

damn, what race is the kid?


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the negro race

Attached: salvini.gif (320x238, 1.88M)

Attached: future.webm (648x360, 2.94M)

>I've only been with a couple of guys.


the video is funny af

Epilogue: that coalburner got gutted like a fish by that nigger she was fucking.