Friendly reminder

Cops are NOT on your side

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Based. The police force is a tool for the kikes to impose tyranny. The first organized police force which was created in 1667 by the French governent was to quite literally spy on the populace and impose tyranny. I don't think that much has changed. It seems terribly convenient for the populace to be defenceless and the police force to be armed with kevlar and automatic weapons in case of a revolution.

Based OP!

boyscouts with personality disorders getting paid 6 figures and a pension to make your life worse

Shit. They best be careful.
"Obey or die" is countered by the phrase "give me liberty or give me death"

They shoot niggers.

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Cops aren't on the side of criminals
Law abiding, good natured citizens never have to deal with the police. Why? Because WE are civilized and just, and you are not
Keep coping with your skewed world view because you got a parking ticket, you fucking nigger
I am glad to know one day you will die

replace DOT with .
come watch cops

They don't let me shoot niggers. Awful trade

>Cops are NOT on your side
Win them over.
Then crush the hippies and trannies

Thats what they all say till you have to deal with them you bootlicker.

You don't obey to the cops you obey the law ... you know the law the thing that shaped the very fucking bricks you're standing on?

I am 26 years old and i have never been in caught up in trouble and that 1 time i did get stopped by a cop i just followed their demands and went on with my life in less than 10 minutes

Its very hilarious to see niggers say "oh the law is corrupt n shit" like dude you're the most arrested minority on the planet why the fuck should anyone take advice from you of all ethnic groups?

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They are on the side of whoever is in power at the time.

>1 post
Why does everyone else think cops aren’t on your side?

Of course they are not it takes them 15mins to get to me

nice try bootlicker

>Cops are NOT on your side

That what the gangs, burglars, rapists and other willing to impose themselves on you wish for you to believe.

I'm with this kraut. Same experience. If you keep a low profile there should be no problems.

I bet everyone here hating on cops is either low class trash or 14 years old.

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This is something the left and the right should find common ground with. I recently moved to Colorado. The cops here have set up the speed limits arbitrarily and absurdly do that if you are paying attention every second to your speed, you will get tickets. I usually pass five of them in fancy cars on my way to work. I hadn’t gotten a ticket in a decade, got 4 in a year here. It has nothing to do with safety. They strategize how to steal the most money they can at gubpoint from the taxpayers who pay their salaries. The same taxpayers they are supposed to serve and protect, and instead rob and bully.

These are the same people that hang out outside parkland with their little dicks in their hands while kids get shot up inside. And the same cowards that refuse to go into the school, they will be the ones who happily come to your house and kick your door down in order to haul you off to jail for having an illegal gun to protect yourself. When a leftist gets into power and it becomes illegal to say mean things on Twitter or Jow Forums, guess who will be there at your house at 2 AM to destroy your family and haul you off to jail.

Cops are scum. They are cowards who steal from the people and then collect huge pensions on the dime of the people the exploit. They are the enemies of freedom and should be treated as such. They weren’t always like this, but they are today.

Remember this coward? I don’t have time to find the link to the video, but everyone should watch it. Everyone should see the video of him smirking in court. Everyone should look up the pics of his victim’s family. This isn’t about race, it is about the type of personality attracted to the profession and the fact that they never have to answer for their crimes. From kids having their lives destroyed before they begin because they got caught partying in college with a drug, to highway brigands stealing from people on the way to work, to this shit. These people are the school yard bullies that due to feminist garbage never got the beating they needed on the playground to straighten themselves out. Low IQ cowards. Most aren’t even fit. Many are women.


That one was so sick. The cop CLEARLY wanted to shoot the guy before anything happened. There was no reason to have him “crawl”

I'll take my chances

based and redpilled
Anyone who willignly decides to protect this degenerate "law" and serve the ZOG is a traitor and wants us either dead or under their boot. This is the law of life, people with force will impose themselves on you no matter what, and they happen to be not on your side - they will take everything from you and leave you no choice but to either submit to their rule or to die at their hand.
We are at war and the war isn't with corrupt politicians, jews, women, shitskins or boomers, you can eliminate hundreds of their leaders - they will get replaced by lower rank ZOG bureaucrats who are always eager for a promotion, the place on top will NEVER be empty. The places on the bottom, however, are a different thing, and it is not an easy task to replace a police force or the army. So, the war is you, the powerless citizen, against the cops, i.e. armed men who will protect the current world order with their lives. As long as there are men willing to kill and die for the ZOG in exchange for a little bit of social security, power and money, the ZOG WILL stand and WILL force you to submit. Your task is to get rid of these cops, to get rid of the people who directly beat you into submission, and to disencourage others from joining the police. Then the ZOG will start hiring foreigners to police you, and then the race war will become immenent and the ZOG will collapse.
Thats why they are so eager to take your guns and make you as powerless against the ZOG lapdogs as possible. So that you won't be able to hurt the cops.

>gangs, burglars, rapists and other willing to impose themselves on you
thats exactly what cops are
they are a murderous gang, they take my money by force thus they are burglars, they want to put me in a rape facility (prison) and thus are rapists (they also protect said rapists, and protect the feminist law that allows underage girls to get fucked by underage retard drunk boys), and they impose themselves on me.

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Cops suck major ass. Only the young ones arent garbage and even then 90% of them are naracassistic scumbags who joined up for the wrong reason. Not to protect or serve but to abuse and intimidate. Cops, like jews, never do enough about the bad apples.

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Friendly reminder that the address of your local synagogues and mosque are a internet search away


Bullshit. I go to my monthyl local Blue Lives Matter meeting.

they're only armed like that because of the never ending war on terror creating shitloads of surplus gear because no one is dying in it, our soldiers just stand around on bases and play basketball. so when their tour is over the gear gets shipped back here since there are no bloody bulletholes in it.

The best, quickest way for a tyranny to collapse is for cops to stop following unethical orders. The best hope we have of peaceful reform is educated cops.

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>cops getting paid 6 figures

You need to coordinate with local law enforcement, especially if you are constantly targeted by communists.

that's becouse you're a white uncle tom, a white house negro. a patriotic pig gut eater

Remember that cops are violent psychopaths and they are THE ONLY things that stand between the Feminist Boomer Shitskin Zionist Occupational Government and your freedom/rightful place on top. Cops only do their job because the state gives them a license on violence, they are a a literal pitbull breed of the human race, those kind of maniacal, sadistic dogs were BRED through generations upon generations since the first state has appeared, and with each new generation they were becoming more obsessed with violence and more loyal to the state, while becoming more disconnected from the general populace of ordinary taxpayers and while being extremely easy to appease with bread and circuses that the state learned to provide.
Don't hold ANY delusions towards the cops, they will NEVER join you, you will NEVER win them over with ideas, they can only be swayed by another Occupational Government that is willing to give those burglars in uniforms more money and more authority (so that everything would become worse). Cops are entirely the same as street gangs, and you can never make a street gang fight for the Greater Cause.
Its you or them. YOU OR THEM. No other way around it. Either sumbit to them or die, or make them submit to you or make them die.

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I'll just leave this here

>Win them over
>Oh youre telling me those evil white nazis will take over the government if we dont shoot them, blow them up, burn them, choke them to death with gas? Is this what you mean Q?
>Well we better save our country then!

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It's highly decentralized in the U.S. and dependent entirely on where you're working.

Case in point. This Mass. State Trooper made over $200K a year, $95K of it was in overtime, with a lot of it fraudulent.

On the other side, I saw an ad in my local paper for cops in the Cleveland suburbs at $57K a year.

Same is true in corrections. In some states, the federal prison system can't compete with the state prison wages (CA and NJ being two notable examples). In other states, the feds pay more than the states.

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In Great Britain they cant to shit and in america they are Army larpers who shoot civies.

They are egomaniacal children that never grew up. “We need to protect and serve you with the threat of violence on you constantly”