Why don't you support Israel, Jow Forums?

Why don't you support Israel, Jow Forums?


Attached: israel.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

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I do support Israel.

Thats because your tax dollars arnt going to that kike shithole.

I support Israel being destroyed by Iran in nuclear hellfire.


But I do

I do support Israel, because I'm not a reddit lefty shill who comes to Jow Forums to larp as a Nazi and spread anti-Israel rhetoric under the guise of anti-semitism. Support for Israel is a right-wing belief. Hating Israel is left wing. Simple as that.

>Support for Israel is a right-wing belief. Hating Israel is left wing. Simple as that.

Attached: we gotta good goy over here.jpg (1046x602, 276K)

>Why wouldn't I support a fellow democratic nation.
Democracy is a precursor to communism in modern political science parlance.
>open elections
>free speech
>religious tolerance
:20 in and alredy we have a framework of pilpul laid to the ground. Great work. Shame you can't build temples as fast, you bunch of pussies.

Attached: FuckJannies.jpg (850x850, 144K)

Imagine supporting Hamas terrorists over a developed, capitalist soverign state that has defended itself multiple times against aggression.

I would sooner support Hamas over Israel. Hamas doesn't flood Western countries with migrants and refugees.

>a well spring of technological innovation
Israel invents nothing. They research global patent databses with the intent of cheating the patent as they cheat the shabbat.
>rational world
The wational world of Stephen Harper, ladies and gentlecucks. Leaves should note that this man is now actively dangerous to the sovereignty of Canada. Any citizen interested in defending Canada as a nation ought to see to it that Stephen Harper's influence and power are neutralized.
>common sense
Common sense says that you reject and rebuke untrustworthy actors such as Israel
>Israel is not an aggressor state
WRONG "By way of deception you shall do war" -- Mossad Motto

PragerU is pretty much the American Boomer Channel, right?
I remember when they made a video about how NatSoc Germany wasn't nationalist at all, but communist.

40 secs in, and I've almost vomited.

should spend more

choke on it.

its on the way...

"Key U.S. lawmakers want to boost Israel's $38 billion defense aid package"

More goyim money spent on isreal. Fukcing lol

You are
Look at how your phrase is structured.
You are a redditor.


fuck kikes
fuck israel
fuck neo-cons

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WTF I love neocon boomers now?!


Attached: 2016-09-14-Watching-Government-Shell-Out-Billions-of-Dollars-in-Tax-Funded-Aid-to-Israel-As-the-Citi (608x608, 64K)

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And for every other reason to hate the shylock heebs.

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Which is why... We should -

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Someone has to pay for Israel's vegan combat gear.

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And that is another reason why I hate the shylock heebs. Which is also why we --

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Because Israel doesn't support me


Definitive redpilling documentary on zionism and the illegitimate state of Israel.

have noticed something? every piece of old literature or entertainment where jews are represented would be considered antisemitic by today's standards , just look at how Shakespeare described shylock , its almost as if jews were a universally hated group before the 21st century

ben shapiro is so cringy tho
hes likes
>democrat makes stupid question trying to lead the conversation into MUH FEELZ
ben says some stupid statisc or thing
>democrat repeats the same crap
B E N S T A R T S T O G E T R E A L L Y P I S S E D, but repeats the same strategy while asking why? with a dumb but genuine face
By this point ben is real fucking pissed you can see steam coming from his ears; if he doesnt let the steam out what will happen is that the steam will be used to make pressure on his respiratory system, as a result ben starts talking really REALLY QUICKY and using OY VEYS to defend himself and pretend he's not colluding with the interviewer
>interviewer just keeps repeating the same thing while interrupting shapiro
at one point the interview just ends abruptly with a cut making both the interviewer and ben seem like two retards competing on who can talk faster

Enjoy being leveled by Iran, kike rat.

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Israel > Iran you fucking sand nigger ape.

I would rather have my tax dollars sent to kikes than sandniggers