Neighbours using my bins

In the UK we have two (or three) bins outside our house which we fill and gets collected bi-weekly. I live in a shitty area full of chavs and immigrants who keep using my bins incorrectly (food waste in the recycle bin, etc). Council sent me a fine for 1k saying I incorrectly binned stuff. I'm not paying it. I keep checking and taking the neighbours rubbish out of my bins and leaving it against their wall. I've asked them if it's them and they said no, yet it likely is. What do? Imaginative measures please.

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Get a cctv, record and sue them.

Also: see if they have discarded evidence that proves they are the culprit - old letters, packaging, pizza boxes with address attached, and so forth.

Problem is there's no way for me to see them on cctv - no window from my house has view of the area the bins are kept in due to my yard wall blocking it. Also I could start rummaging for evidence but the bags are always rancid and maggot-infested. I think they let them pile up for a week in their house then dump them all at once.

You will have to get the council involved then, if you're unwilling to do the dirty work. Our local council (Glasgow) has staff who rake through misplaced refuse with rubber gloves on, in similar disputes.

boobie trap the bin

Just don't keep the bins outside all week, place them out the morning the truck comes take that opportunity to record in case the cunts decide to place their trash in there. As soon as the truck collects the trash put your bins inside, and remember to wash them because who knows what shit their trash might be carrying. If you do happen to catch them doing it, it's better to confront them, call them out on their shit when caught red handed, but be careful because they might chimp out.

But who knows, even with evidence showing these cunts are doing it you might still be fined and maybe charged with wrongthink and put in prison for racism because being filthy pieces of shit is part of the culture of these people and your country is that cucked.

In any case, get a gun.

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Ask local busybody who done this?

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or put a lock on ?

Oi, it was me austin it was MEEEEEEEE!!!!!