Neighbours using my bins

In the UK we have two (or three) bins outside our house which we fill and gets collected bi-weekly. I live in a shitty area full of chavs and immigrants who keep using my bins incorrectly (food waste in the recycle bin, etc). Council sent me a fine for 1k saying I incorrectly binned stuff. I'm not paying it. I keep checking and taking the neighbours rubbish out of my bins and leaving it against their wall. I've asked them if it's them and they said no, yet it likely is. What do? Imaginative measures please.

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Get a cctv, record and sue them.

Also: see if they have discarded evidence that proves they are the culprit - old letters, packaging, pizza boxes with address attached, and so forth.

Problem is there's no way for me to see them on cctv - no window from my house has view of the area the bins are kept in due to my yard wall blocking it. Also I could start rummaging for evidence but the bags are always rancid and maggot-infested. I think they let them pile up for a week in their house then dump them all at once.

You will have to get the council involved then, if you're unwilling to do the dirty work. Our local council (Glasgow) has staff who rake through misplaced refuse with rubber gloves on, in similar disputes.

boobie trap the bin

Just don't keep the bins outside all week, place them out the morning the truck comes take that opportunity to record in case the cunts decide to place their trash in there. As soon as the truck collects the trash put your bins inside, and remember to wash them because who knows what shit their trash might be carrying. If you do happen to catch them doing it, it's better to confront them, call them out on their shit when caught red handed, but be careful because they might chimp out.

But who knows, even with evidence showing these cunts are doing it you might still be fined and maybe charged with wrongthink and put in prison for racism because being filthy pieces of shit is part of the culture of these people and your country is that cucked.

In any case, get a gun.

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Ask local busybody who done this?

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or put a lock on ?

Oi, it was me austin it was MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Maybe the town rapist knows something...

Get a gun, lol very gd spic your giving advice to a Scandinavian cuck with no guns avilable but hey get a gun holmes.

>for 1k
For letting some fag throw his half eaten sandwich in your bin? fucking hell

Exactly, he should get a gun. I don't see why you felt the need to repeat me but I guess it's a good chance to stress the fact he needs to have guns.

This, for fuck's sake they all have lock holes on them. If yours don't, just drill a discreet hole in the lid and put a small cable lock through it.

And how do the bin collectors access it?

didn't read, but I love that album

>tfw being fed christcucks again

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Simple. Have their bin license revoked...

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CCTV will fix this for you slave. Fucking dumb shit living in a dumb third world hell hole.

Or leave some bacon on your bin each day.

Can't you put them in your backyard? Or don't you have one? The system is fucked up anyway. Your subhuman neighbors can still put shit in it whilst you put it at the side of the street.

go visit the council and demand to speak to someone directly.

you need to record them putting stuff in your bin

A camera. Also convert to Islam so they listen to you, racist.

If you don't pay that fine, you'll lose EVERYTHING. Pay it you fool.

>my yard wall blocking it.

a phone camera is only 1 square centimeter ( half a royal fingernail for you brits). i am sure there is a way to drill a hole and place an hidden camera.

modifying the bins in anyway will subject him to further fines and possibly imprisonment if he refuses to PAY

execute them

a few years ago my neighbour sold her house and new people moved in. we live in a very good quiet neighbourhood. new people started playing loud music and loud parties every weekend. i went and talked to them aout it and nothing happened. it went on like this for a year. so one sunday morning i told my neighbor in a very calm and quiet voice that the next time this shit happens i will stay awake then break into his house and murder him his wive and his kids in their sleep with an axe. they were silent for 3 months then sold the house and moved

Lock your bins up

can you put them in your garden? unless you want to start dumping the bags out on their doorstep.

i've seen the bins on my road after some cunts tipped them all over. these people don't get fines, only we do.

Grab your best assault spoons and become a UK dumpster defender

Do you have a shed
Lock them up
Or if you were on a Minecraft server you could make some redstone traps

Obviously you unlock them before the bin collector comes.

this. LTL means of course.
>bitrex blower/launcher, bitrex on the handle
>paint/dye launcher
>airhorn trigger; scare them, notify you
>if bacon is still legal, cover the bin handle in bacon grease and put a translated warning on the bin

id suggest a spring loaded pvc pipe loaded with your desired shit with a pin attached to the inside of the lid give it enough length so you can put you hand in to deactivate it then set up a hunting camera and
post results

what the fuck
>fine for 1K for incorrectly binning stuff

here's there's no such thing as fine for even literring. bongistan is sure sharia-tier.

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Yeah and look at the absolute state of your streets you shit covered monkey.

He need a 24k license for it.

Just record them and send it the people fining you as evidence

Get video evidence.
Or set them on fire.

Believe it or not some countries actually care about hygiene.

At last a sensible reply from a leaf.

Can't he just ask the police to borrow their cameras? They should have enough.

A £1,000 fine for that?!? Jesus Christ! Of course, we've seen this before.

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almost all packaging can be traced back to the store it was purchased

>What do?

Explosive device linked to opening mechanism.

>here's there's no such thing as fine for even literring.

Your country is a literal open air toilet though...just saying

Hide in your bin and poke their eye out.

>just look at our pretty garbage filled rivers

Maybe you can lock the bins somehow