Why do Anglo*ds identify so heavily with Nerdics/vikangz?

A thousand years ago Britbongs believed Nerdics were literal demons from the fiery depths of hell. Nowadays muh heritage Anglospherians/Amerimutts are obsessed with vikang culture, ancestry, mythology, religion etc. You can even see this transferred to modern day Nerdics, what with their absurd veneration of the cultural wastelands known as Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

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Because we were their only enemies, a far, far inferior and more dangerous, erratic enemy is now here.

>A thousand years ago Britbongs believed Nerdics were literal demons from the fiery depths of hell.
Thats a very modernised interpretation, it was just some butthurt monks trying to make Danes seem as bad as possible during a time of war. Also how do "bongs" identify with "nordics" then?

Part of our history and heritage. Not sure that they are viewed much differently than other groups.
Pretty loaded question, maybe you should go back if you don't like it there

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Nothing to go back to, sadly. With regards to vikangz being part of Britbong history, it seems pretty minor and largely irrelevant for the most part. Far out of proportion to the attention pop culture gives it, certainly.

We're somewhere between 30 and 50% Germanic, depending on which study you read.
Vikings are seen as cool, so they're the ones who are more likely to capture peoples imagination. I've never met someone from here who claims to be a viking though. I think a lot of people don't even know (or maybe don't care) about it.

>We're somewhere between 30 and 50% Germanic, depending on which study you read.
Actually 70%, the 30-50 is specifically the marker "Anglo Saxon".

You're irrelevant lol. Britbongs are literally vikings, we just had an earlier invasion from closer germanic/scandinaviens from like 400-700, then more purely scandi from 700-1100, then a final one of French Norsemen after that. They're literally the same blood as you mixed with the natives you weirdo

Nordics are fags and no one in their right mind would want to identify with them. The Vikings were niggers too and are only loved and glorified by retards with autism.

obsessed with and attracted to their rapists

it's pretty big part of our history and they ruled over large parts of the country at one point. Look into it if you want

>largely irrelevant for the most part

They are pretty central to one of the main points in our history with regards to Stamford bridge and 1066 and all that stuff.

In any case I don't think they are given more attention than other groups, if anything the opposite especially in the current environment.

Pretty sure it's more common for people in the UK to LARP as vikangz than as Anglo-Saxons. What could possibly explain this other than some kind of unhealthy obsession with Nords (I don't count Anglo-Saxons as Nordic)?

They are so butthurt about France they would rather identify with savage snowniggers than admit french influence

>The Vikings were niggers

Look who is talking

Why does everybody hate britain

Didn’t they snag your women? (Iceland)

>Thats a very modernised interpretation
>it was just some butthurt monks trying to make Danes seem as bad as possible during a time of war.
So, what's new in the latest season of Vikings, bong? Have they raped your Princess yet, or just the French one?

The stuff I've seen suggests we are around 30% Germanic, from what I can remember of it.

Because they are desperate for some identity, or maybe because they watched vikings on netfilx and fantasized about banging some viking hottie.

Also, vikings have no modern presence, unlike the UK, so they are less prone to being criticized by SJW bs. If you identify with Anglo-Saxons, in today's modern world, you are part of the continuum of western aggressors that colonized brown people.

>thinking fantasy TV shows are historically accurate

Usually the Anglo Saxon marker (which is just the name they gave it) is on average 40% for England specifically varying from region to region but people have misinterpreted the tabloid reporting of this to mean "the English are only 40% Germanic therefore the rest must be native briton!!111" when thats not how it works nor is that what it says.

Not true for anyone but idiots. We openly admit French influence.

I find early Irish history more interesting than the Vikings to be honest. The Vikings are maybe the only people that the brainlets who don't give a fuck about history get excited about.

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>>thinking fantasy TV shows are historically accurate
You literally made the post about it.

Keep in mind the saxons are much more venerated by brits than scadinavians and their culture was Nordic. Odin worship and all that.

A lot of English descent people are principally Saxon with a smattering of Celt.

No i didn't.

Stop hating yourself, Sven.

Yes, you did. Learn how the quoting system here works.


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britbongs are basically us, only slightly shorter and 10% cuter

Say what you want about your own shitty country and Norway, but don't drag Denmark into this, faggot.


Your whole post was some kike story.

Except it wasn't and you're actually fucking retarded, you've had your attention so i'll be ignoring you from now on.

Nordics won over britoids 1500 years ago you mongloid. That's why they are called anglos / english, (from the old word angelcynn) and not celts or roman medoids.

Then the vikings again toyed their now cristcucked former germanic tribesmen, the anglos 1000 years ago causing them all sorts of butthurt and regrets for massacring hundreds of thousands of germanics in their attempts to (((convert))) them convert to their semite god yahweh and rabbi yeshua.

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Do you understand what meme website you are on, Agent 077?

Because mudhut niggers are always going to be mudhut niggers and many were raped by said mudhut niggers now they feel submissive towards their overlord mudhut niggers.

It's the opposite though. They do larp as Anglo saxons.

The Vikings appeal to people with autism, low IQs and those fucking freaks who are into heavy/Death metal type music and all that faggotry and neo Pagans autists. It's only really fucked up people who are big Vikingboos. That show 'Vikings' is shit and cringe too. The Vikings were nigger pirates and plunderers who had hit and run tactics and took away goods and people but they got routinely btfo out here any time they went up against Gaelic forces. They did manage to take over a big part of England and Scotland but not Ireland and little to no trace of them is in the DNA of the people here.

>Then the vikings again toyed their now cristcucked former germanic tribesmen, the anglos 1000 years ago causing them all sorts of butthurt and regrets for massacring hundreds of thousands of germanics in their attempts to (((convert))) them convert to their semite god yahweh and rabbi yeshua.
>regrets for massacring hundreds of thousands of germanics in their attempts to (((convert))) them
What the fuck? Are you talking about the Massacre at Verden by Charlemagne? Because this just reads like gibberish.

because they were nordic until they became french

America is heavily Germanic

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And very minorly Nordic. The ancestors of most "German-descent" Amerimutts came from places like Schwabia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, i.e. Southwestern Germany. So not even Northern Germany, much less Nordic. At least do us a favour and start obsessing over ancient Bavarians or some shit.

>The Vikings appeal to people with autism, low IQs and those fucking freaks who are into heavy/Death metal type music and all that faggotry and neo Pagans autists. It's only really fucked up people who are big Vikingboos. That show 'Vikings' is shit and cringe too. The Vikings were nigger pirates and plunderers who had hit and run tactics and took away goods and people but they got routinely btfo out here any time they went up against Gaelic forces.
This is all true.

>They did manage to take over a big part of England and Scotland but not Ireland and little to no trace of them is in the DNA of the people here.
I don't know too much about the Vikings in Scotland. In England a lot the conquests made by the Vikings weren't held for all that long before they were retaken.

Take your meds.

You're making up shit though and there is no "Anglo-Saxon" marker.

You amerimutts make up "ancestry" shit depending on the fad at the time, it should all be discarded.

Hahah every shitskin non white has a chip on the shoulder... Yours is showing my friend.. sorry your culture didn't amount to anything but an open sewer

I'm half Nerdic but identify as pan-European. I'd say the only reason Nordic countries are relatively wealthy and industrialized today are because of geographical proximity to the actually civilized countries in continental Europe.

Your posting to talk shit about whites who are trying to reconnect with cultural roots when you got boat loads of niggers coming in... I don't give a fuck what you identify as your a faggot

This, seriously how were Vikings any different to modern day niggers?

Nordfags took Odin directly from Saxonfags Wodan, same god but the god is Germanic in origin, not Norse.

You're correct from what I can tell, we're basically a mix of Saxon and Nordic genes, the true ancient Britons are the North Welsh.

If you've ever seen a bunch of niggers piling into a shop during a riot to loot just imagine a thousand years ago a boat load of Vikings coming in a boat and piling into a monastery to loot the place and gtfo as quickly as possible with their loot except it was shitty Nike trainers or TVs or anything boot illuminated books and other precious irreplaceable things. When they were raiding Ireland and ended our golden age, the monasteries had to send their books and treasures to other monasteries in Europe for safe keeping otherwise the Viking niggers would have destroyed them. They were slavers too who sold Europeans to Kike middle men who castrated the males and sold them on to Muslims in iberia. Absolute niggers.

The English ended the Viking age at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. The rout was so severe it ended them completely.

Then they had to march, exhausted, back down to Hastings where they were narrowly defeated half an hour before nightfall (end of battle for the day). Reinforcements were inbound and had the English lasted a little longer they would have beaten the Normans too.

It was a sad end to the Anglo Saxon age. There was good relations between the Gael and Saxon and after the Normans conquered England some members of the Saxon Royal family fled here. The Normans came and fucked with us to and that's where the hatred of English and Saxons comes from here even though the Normans weren't Saxons and the English state wasn't a thing at the time and the England and the conqued parts here were part of the Norman Anjevian empire that stretched from France to here.

Nordics have no history.

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The bravest thing is to acknowledge the truth.

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What book is that?

It's because those are the same faggots raised on cheesy metal bands during their teenage years. These people have no idea what Nordic cultures were like prior to the viking age. All they think of is "HAIL ODEN" like in the YouTube comment sections.

Also, a lot of non-whites, because of having obsessions for these shitty bands, want a Nordic waifu, so they claim to have some percentage of Nordic DNA in hopes Scandinavians take them into their fold. I've noticed this even more from Latino, Celt-mutts, etc.people into folk metal, and even greater from female fans. These are the people that get Mjolnir tattoos.

I don't know if there's a word for this, but it sounds like some sort of syndrome.

Pic related. What these retards have no idea about.

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Weird how they look much more civilized than the typical depiction of viKANGZ. Kind of like how the bronze age collapse brought on the dark age of archaic Greece.

I've pointed this out before. Essentially, Scandinavia went through an early, if not prolonged dark age. Some say it was because of trade routes, others say it was because of depleted amber. Maybe there was some sort of cataclysm that altered the fate of the Nords.

Imagine if they didn't go through this dark age. Look at their structures; not made of timber. Their haricuts, trimmed and neat. Their armor, made of metals, and their clothing, not a mantle of fur.

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Eh, I'm related to vikang kings through my maternal grandmother. Not obsessed, not a metalfag, just some interesting family history.

Very interesting. Will look into it further. Perhaps Nordics and Nordboos should stop wewuzzing Vikangz and replace it with "WE WUZ NORDIC BRONZE AGE SUN-CHARIOT WORSHIPPERS!"

>a far, far inferior and more dangerous, erratic enemy is now here
Who could that be?

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You are depicting just that though. Those houses are wattle and daub with a plaster (possibly with lime) and paint finish.
>muh long hair
The medieval Norse were well groomed. Every contemporary says this. Their styles tended toward longer than today. Big whoop.
The Norse had metal armor, too, lol. You're seeing a bunch of bronze artifacts displayed in illustrations. Not everyone had lots of metal armor in ancient Scandinavia.
>mantles of fur
What kind of retarded (Victorian, I'll wager) statement is that? People wore fur throughout history. The main clothing in the medieval era in Scandinavia was made from wool and linen. It's like you haven't actually studied this history you're making theories on.

I am English and have roots traced back to Rolo, so there's that.

Pretty sure it's impossible to trace your ancestry back to the dark ages, when record-keeping was pretty much non-existent. In any case, your ancestry is immeasurably more intertwined with the French with than with any Scandinavian. Rollo married into French nobility and Normans thereafter interacted and intermarried almost exclusively with the surrounding Gallo-Romance, British and generically Western European population. The "Nordicness" of the Normans is a meme in anything but name.

Why do people obsess over ancestry? Its cool and all, but its nothing youve accomplished or can take pride in.

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more or less everyone is related to Rollo. Same reason why almost everyone is related to Jesus.

This is what I'm talking about. Seems like a problem peculiar to Angloids/Ameroids in particular. I rarely see this kind of ancestry-wanking from any other European ethnicity.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
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Much like the Germans, the English are a mix of different European subraces, mainly Celtic and Germanic with about 3.5% Roman ancestry. This does not make them mongrels though as the blood of the different European subraces is perfectly compatible and does not lead to tensions. There is nothing wrong with identifying simultaneously with both your Celtic and Germanic heritage as both are a part of one race with no tension between them.
(see text on the right on pic related for reference)

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>Pretty sure it's impossible to trace your ancestry back
Isnt like 1/3 of world population related to chingis Khan or some shit like that?

I think it was 1/3 of the Chinese.

I’m not obsessed with Viking culture, Only with establishing a white ethnostate, Sven.