If us whites wanna start to show we're sorry for being racists this is what we should be doing
If us whites wanna start to show we're sorry for being racists this is what we should be doing
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Only if niggers move back to Africa
Or we just say sorry. Or we just move on.
Oh, and
fook off back to tumblr with your post killing thread cunt
>this is what a racists come up with arguments
How fucking sad also n***er isnt funny anymore its 2019 and already close to 2020 grow up
Y'all should go back to europe dumb cum skin
Go back to Africa. America is a white mans country.
man shut the fuck up nigger nobody gives a shit what you think
When are niggers going to pay reparations to the Khoisan and the Pygmies?
>being sorry for being racist
Imagine waking up and thinking I have to make a sign like this and harass strangers at a park
Thread theme:
Lmao u really just censored nigger like u were afraid to even type it
Self hating white cuck
Neck urself ok
It will be part of the trickle down slavery chain.
Whites give to jews who tell whites to give more to blacks who tell whites to give more to blacks who tell whites to give more to blacks etc.
He’s a nigger
Africa for the Africans.
Asia for the Asians.
White countries for everyone?
Listen up you retarded ape, whites already pay you reparations, it’s called welfare on which 90% of you filthy niggers are on, just like your african brothers infesting Europe since 2014, you’re a failed race that can’t survive whitout the support of others willing to work to maintain your 5 disgusting babies and pay for your KFC based diet, you’re all just pathetic and useless parasites and instead of being grateful to those paying for your laziness what you do?You can’t stop complaining, playing the race card everytime like retards and behave like spoiled childs trhowing tantrums for even more gibs, damn if you had some dignity you would all commit suicide
you're gonna pay a lot more than money
shut your fucking hole devil.. you owe A LOT. More than you can fucking imagine.
dat nose
looks average to me
why though?
why should anyone give you kaffers a fucking thing. based italbro is right. you're a failed race, and you should kill yourself.
do it before welfare gets taken away.
>Affirmative action
>entire cities tuened to shitholes
>Security to shit
>Violence and crime beyond what a white society can bear
Yeah Id say we payed them back with interest already
I'm 1/4 Italian (Sicilian) And my, great-great-great-great-great-great aunt was probably one of those who sadly ended up a victim of the slave trade niggers did. They pillaged, raped and took female slaves and at times male ones too, heck they even went as far as attacking ships!
God fucking niggers did the slave trade way before anyone else even bothered to try it! It ended when the Americans, French and Spanish had enough and waged war on them, and butchered those animals. But they still kept at it, selling their own even.
Where the fuck are the reparations I and many others deserve from blacks?
You're gonna pay everything back and then some fucking demons
>o back to europe dumb cum skin
Do you deny right of conquest?
Do you think that native americans are more entitled to the cities and infrastructure built by europeans than europeans are?
Or do you think that the hordes of south americans plus mexico should move north to settle these abandoned lands and fuck over the natives from the reserves, but it'd be okay because they're also brown?
yes..I think the white nationalist state of israel should begin paying
13% user
take a good long look at that picture you posted.
thats gonna be you someday. again.
God bless Lepold II
It never ceases to amaze me, how little the europeans and americans understand the nigger.
And bet your ass they are gonna pay it.
What did the allies do to germany after ww1?
What did the allies do to germany after ww2?
Get ready for your reparation tax hike...
yes I hope you white faggots in South Africa are the first to go
lol they should send their loudest proponents to this country for a year. see how quick that tune will change!
in case you werent paying attention, the boere wiped the floor with you kaffers already. hard. and will do so again. you kaffers are everyones bitch, always have been, and always will be.
You're the new nigger of the world you just haven't realized it yet
weak dude. go fuck yourself. your time will come kaffer.
I am not giving my money to anyone who feels entitled to it. Fuck them.
Dear fellow white people...
Nice liver failure there
no everybody's time has already come... now it's your time.
No it isn’t.
The blacks have never been wronged in any particular way historically and only ever helped. They are wronged only by banksters in the way we all are. Actually blacks owe us hugely and if this stupidity continues I want pay back and I want justice/punishment doing to people like the OP pic
Black should reparations, all expenses paid trip back to Africa, under agreement not to return.
No fucking shit, i had two canadians here recently, all that africa love, kaffers are human love feelings shit arrived with them...
By the time they left, 3 months later, they were utterly reformed, and understood kaffers base animal nature.
exposure cures the liberals of their kaffer love quickly.
first thing i noticed
its not huge but its not a european nose. see image.
You REALLY want to talk about who exactly would have to pay for these 'reparations?Skipping the fact that NO one is alive who suffered thru that part of history, let's move on to finding out WHO would qualify, and WHO would have to pay.
1st off Every Negro's ancestry would have to be traced to see who is descended from modern negro-immigrants,to those who have a slave in their family tree.
Then we'd have to tally how much the UK Government owes----since the super-majority of the time of slavery was under the LEGAL domain of the UK. Add in France & Spain as well.
Then we'd need to figure out how much Israel owes since virtually all the Slave ships were Jewish-owned.
After that, we'd need to track down the descendants of the Coastal African Chiefs/Chieftesses, Kings/Queens who SOLD the interior blacks to the slavers----and get THEM to kick in as well.
The fact that anyone even tries to push this as a political game-piece is an outright fucking IDIOT!
But what do you expect from mentally ill Leftists?
No, it’ll never be enough. Everybody has to struggle, so go fuck yourself.
And we will again.
Soon there will be war here in South Africa, and then when the kaffers think they can take us, they will be in for a rude surprise.
If 300 whites can kill 5000 kaffers with old muzzle loading rifles, just imagine what will happen with modern weaponry...
Its a lovely little mental picture i use every time i have to deal with one of these shitskins.
Hey just so you know the only reason blacks even know how to wipe their asses is because whites enslaved them
You and your people are pathetic
Kom Kaffertjie. Kom kuier so bietjie hier by ons in Africa.
Come kiss mother africa shitskin. Come.
The only reason they know anything besides ancestor worship and ambushing coconuts, is because the white man showed them.
yeah good luck with that faggot
>us white people
only a jew says this
It's just a power play to buy the nigger vote once again.
Is that Nelson Mandela?
fucking A brother, i do the same thing.
The southern US has always been the most 'racist' area of the.
Curiously, it also has the most niggers.
Surely it was a coincidence...
But yeah, exposure to other races, especially blacks, cures one very quickly of the notion that racism is bad.
Not only you all have microscopic dicks, but you are also filthy stealers. Pests that require cleansing. You all stole our great works of art, philosophers, architecture, culture, science (for example peanut butter). It's really damn pathetic if you ask me. Want proofs? Here are the following links:
See? I got 3 links to different sites that proove Egyptians weren't white. Stop stealing our history crackas, shame on you.
Why would we be sorry for some things we hade no chance of changing.
When everyone who did own slaves are dead.
>(for example peanut butter).
You accidentally torpedoed your larp with that one.
Next time, leave it out for better believability.
I wonder how much money the person in the picture gave away...
That jewish face. That isn't a white person you fucking kike.
>us white people
we don't talk like that
must be some (((white people)))
indeed, i hear it's getting harder and harder to find a job as a belgian in belgium
Since Jews were the main factor in the slave trade, let's talk about getting Jews to pay reparations.
Well I'm not sorry for shit, so get fucked nigger memeflag fag
Give mordern day porch monkey niggers reparations for slavery over 150 years ago? That's the stupidest idea every. Lazy niggers won't even get out and vote for the politicians that pander to them this with this garbage.
Amen pastabro, amen
well the black Egyptians where the first to drive an organised slave trade of jews, mabye they should pay reperasons to Israel
If I'm a racist, I'm not sorry for being one. If I'm not a racist, why should I pay for the racist?
>being this jaded at life bc muh niggers
Lmao, stupid ass blasted faggot
White boys pay me reparations with their slutty women on a daily basis
>that picture
Way to continue proving what disgusting savages niggers truly are.
Reparations don't heal anything. Imagine someone stole your girlfriend, the love of your life, and married her and had a beautiful family with her. You can't handle the trauma and become homeless, lose your job, become an addict to cope. Then finally you get your life back together. Then the guy who stole your girlfriend moves in to the house across the street with his beautiful family and beautiful wife, and a bigger house. He knocks on your door and says, "Hey man, I used to be a real jerk, and I feel real bad about what I did. Here's $50'000." Would that fucking help? At all? It would make me want to kill him. No, "reparations" are a faulty idea to begin with. The root of the word "reparations" is "repair." How will monetary or legal concessions begin to repair genuine trauma? It won't. This is just people fighting over a pile of money and trying to guilt the other team into giving up.
Blacks are too stupid to live amongst peacefully, reparations should be giving them their own piece of land in America and watching them kill themselves off, because let’s face reality here blacks would probably be extinct if it weren’t for whites.
I am not sorry, I haven't done anything. Niggers can fuck off back to africa.
>my fellow white people
Fuck the Jews. Dis prolly fake.
You seem upset.
Listen here butthurt chimp whitey isnt paying you reparations for being subhuman ever.
I want to be more racist though. I think we should invade Africa, steal their resources and enslave the people. Like the good old days.
Jesus H. Christ
The Democrats will make to pay so they can buy the nigger vote and prevent them voting for their republican enemies.
The true face of the enemy.
Damn. We will have to kill them all.
>Tfw slavic
>Tfw technically a minority via mother's side
>Tfw we only got the vote in 1955 in Canada
And some Nigger who had the vote since 1870 complains he's oppressed.
Looks like a jew
Why would I apologize for Jews?
That pic is a lesbian - defective women who have nothing to live for and no future legacy.
Niggers don't vote unless the candidate is another nigger.
Im keen. Pay them, and then they can never complain again cause they got reparations.
China is beating you to that goal