On July 22, Arwa Mahdawi wrote an article saying she is only 35 and shouldn’t be considered old. On August 18, the same writer wrote an article attacking men for preferring teenagers to women their own age.

It’s almost like this is personal, Arwa!
A decade ago, Steve Sailer created “Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism,” which states:

>The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.

And I’ve never seen a better example of it than this.
In the latter article, Arwa cites multiple studies about men’s sexual preferences, then calls for a revolution:

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>This week’s peer-reviewed portrayal of fragile masculinity comes to you from the journal Science Advances, which recently published a depressing new study about online dating. Researchers looked at nearly 200,000 heterosexual users and found that while men’s sexual desirability peaks at age 50, women hit their prime at 18. And then it’s all downhill from there apparently. Can I just remind you that 18-year-olds are teenagers, and so this study is basically saying that straight men don’t find women attractive; they like girls.

>#NotAllMen, I’m sure. However, this isn’t the first study to find men are fixated on women a lot younger than them. A 2010 study by OKCupid found that “the median 30-year-old man spends as much time messaging teenage girls as he does women his own age”.

>I promise you I’m not here to promote the gay agenda and undermine heterosexuality, but I’ve got another alarming report to really top things off. A recent study, published in the Journal of Sex Research found that “men whose partners had less emotional stability reported better sexual function”. Sounds really healthy, guys.

>While these studies may focus on sexual relations, they’re yet another reminder that we’re facing a crisis of masculinity that is reverberating across every aspect of our society. The far right is dominated by men, many of whom seem to be searching for a sense of identity. For feminism to get anywhere we must seriously address how we think about masculinity.

Women hit their prime at 18 because that is peak fertility. Men hit their prime at 50 because that is peak masculine power and social status.

Men are attracted to fertility, women are attracted to power and status. This is basic human biology. It isn’t a “social construct,” and it can’t actually be changed because it is hardwired into our genes.

The uncomfortable reality for women is that the entire purpose of sex, and thus sexual attraction, is reproduction and propagation of the species.

The only thing that women can do to try to change the situation is attack both men and women for their sexual preferences and attempt to shame them into denying their natural drives in order to make used-up old women feel better about themselves. And thus middle-aged Arwa is calling for someone to come up with some kind of revolutionary solution to this personal problem she has.

This points to the larger issue of how absurd it is to have women involved in the public discourse on any level. Everything they do or say is always going to come back to themselves, in every situation, because women are incapable of caring about anything other than themselves, or imagining that anyone other than themselves has needs.

On some level I do sympathize with these old women, of course. They are lied to by Jews, who actually tell them with a straight face that their value will increase if they do things that decrease their value. They are told that they have all the time in the world to get married and have kids, that they should enjoy themselves, get an education, go on trips, have many sex partners, etc.

Then they get to their late twenties and find that men are no longer giving them any of the attention they are used to receiving, and they become very confused and angry. So they do what makes sense to them and start lashing out against the men who have stopped giving them attention, claiming that there must be something wrong with them (because a woman cannot process the concept that there could ever be something wrong with her).

You really see this phenomenon firsthand when you hit your thirties and are still dating teenage girls (which any man can do if he wants to). On the actual internet – even though I very rarely post selfies or discuss my personal life – I have butthurt old roasties attacking me for having a girlfriend 15 years younger than me, suggesting that I must be pathetic or else I would be dating an older woman.

Women attacking men like that is part of the strategy to try to shame them into doing their duty and “manning up” and caring for some old woman – an attempt to attach social status to dating women your own age. They are promoting a revolutionary reversal of the natural order, which always attached social status to men who have young, attractive women.

If I’m in public and an older woman makes a face at me because I’m with a younger woman, I smile and slap the girl’s ass in front of her. This is the way it should be: old women who do not have children are a completely worthless dead weight on society. They are the definitive “useless eaters,” and should be subjected to shame and public humiliation.

This would all be easier and more fair if girls were told from a young age that after they start bleeding, the clock is ticking. If girls were taught that truth, then they could make an informed decision, and wouldn’t be able to come out with “how was I supposed to know!!!”

Of course, given the current situation, the just thing would be for these older women who have hit the wall and realized that men simply aren’t interested in them anymore to tell younger women what they’ve experienced so that they don’t have to go through the same thing. But there we again run into that issue of women being incapable of understanding that other people have needs.

Advice for My Brothers

If you’re in your late twenties or in your thirties, I wholeheartedly encourage you not to mess around with women your own age. Women your own age are not just less physically attractive and less fertile, but also more emotionally damaged. Furthermore, you are going to get a much better response by going for girls who are ten or more years younger than you. They will shit-test you with stuff about “oh my god, you’re so old, you’re a pervert!” – but they all love it.

Assuming you are in good shape, well dressed and carry yourself like a grown man who has serious business to deal with, girls will always find older men attractive. The most arousing thing for a woman is that a man with important things to do would take the time to show interest in her. This is the ultimate boost to her ego, and as we’ve explained here, the entire biology of a woman is based around servicing her ego.

If you are in your mid-twenties or younger, I advise you not to even think about serious relationships with women. You can do hook-ups if you want, assuming they don’t involve too much hassle, or you can go to hookers, but your main focus should be on working to build yourself a career. Don’t worry – there will always be teenage girls waiting for you. Time is on your side.

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I've always been attracted to older women, women my age were immature retards and I could only have deeper conversations with women 2+ years older than me, sure I like what I see but when they open their mouths all other feelings fade away as the only thing I'd do to them is pure hatefucking

another Jeff


kek, they are the same in any age, the only difference the older ones are ugly and used up, and ready to "settle".

>Date me I'm not old
>y-y-you incels!

lol the heart wants what it wants,bitch

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>She wants to fundamentally change men
>She wants a man
Wine and cats are in her future

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based baguette

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>men don't want to give me stuff and fuck me
*calls for a revolution*


Women peak at 13, then they decline from there.

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>women 2+ years older than me
that's true if you're 19-20

Human biology is immutable and there are hard limits to the effectiveness of social enforcement and propaganda in subverting it. Don't expect a dumb roastie to have appreciated that fact until well past her attractive and fertile years, if ever.


Based Steve. Journo-THOTs are cancelled.

If you ever paid attention, most likely from the very moment dating began in your life females started demanding males conform to them. 12 year old girls started dating 16 year olds and told you at 12 you must be supportive because they were more mature, but when you reached 14, your 14 year old female classmates told you you were a dirty perv if considering a 12 year old. When you got to high school, you were supposed to understand their dating college students but when you got to college, again, perv if you were interested in high school girls but now they were dating their 25 year old teaching assistants as first year 18 year olds. Then when you reach 25, again, you're a perv according to your 25 year old female friends if interested in that 18 year old. And so on and so forth. At some point you should learn to dismiss females as manipulative jerks that want everything their way.

Yes I read both articles, very funny and quite sad.

In general this topic speaks volumes about feminism. They are ready to criticise any man who honestly admits he prefers women 24 and under yet you'll never hear them criticise a woman who only dates tall or wealthy men.

Feminism is cancer. I used to wonder about how in the middle ages they would kill witches. It always seemed mad to me. Yet with thigns like feminism it's like a virus that once turned loose in society kills said society. I don't know how we combat it.

Dumb roastie cries about being past the wall and how men are always attracted to young women. Some guy discusses the ingrained behavioral relationships between men and women, and gives advice to young men. Some of it's sensible stuff like ignoring women while young, and some of it is r/theredpill garbage about "hooking up," dating multiple women, or paying prostitutes and being a degenerate as though it's normal and desirable.

Thank you for your service

I've banged a few milfs - the sex cna be good and it feels wild. It's verrrry risky but the "biological clock tickets" aged 27-36 are often the ebst sex, they are desperate and will do ANYTHING. I suspect that was how Meghan managed to snag Harry despite being middle aged.

I've also been with some big titted women in their 40s - good fun sex but I wouldn't want anythig to do with those women.

The point is that when you're ready to marry and start a family you must have got yourself some confidence and money and get a younger girl. Unless you're like over 65 you should be aiming to marry a woman under 24 and a virgin.

You from Rotherham?

>men whose partners had less emotional stability reported better sexual function
Can confirm, crazy bitches fuck breddy gud

You mean 14 you paedo

I highly doubt (((their))) research though. You don't get thic legs until 15-17

But regardless of all that the point stands that it's a natural and healthy thing for men to be attracted to teenage girls. Everyone here knows how women hit the wall when they aresome time past 25 but ther eis also another mini-wall they hit around 21 or 22, they cease being girls and become young women. 18-20 is a magical time for a woman.

In the past that magical time was used to secure a loving husband for life. Today it's used to have fun with chad thundercock.

Hoes mad

The jews are the ones pushing for women to attend college, travel and have copious ammounts of casual sex, and wait out to have kids when they hit their 30's.

The paedo and tranny stuff is pushed on young boys, as thats how they damage males most. Women get damaged by waisting their youth

Young women should be married off as 13-16 yo virigns to an older man.

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It's pretty funny though, how these women think they can beat younger women in looks, especially when they are just the average looking slut that rode the cock carousel and didn't settle down fast enough.

>“men whose partners had less emotional stability reported better sexual function”

So teenagers then. Women get less emotionally stable as they age.

>men’s sexual desirability peaks at age 50

yeah pic related is so hot compared to a 30 year old man.

>On some level I do sympathize with these old women, of course. They are lied to by Jews, who actually tell them with a straight face that their value will increase if they do things that decrease their value

women just try to survive just like men. Women aren't lied to by Jews. It's just that it 2019 young men usually don't ask their highschool friends to marry and have children like in the old days. And they also don't ask during college. And after college they also don't ask. Only lower class has children early these days. And women who don't want to marry an old fuck who didn't spend his prime on her but on other women will have to manage to create a single life. The problem is men who don't feel the need to settle early or settle at all.

Even Jeff Bezos married early and build his career together with his (ex)wife . Young men are the best, not old men. Men just get older, just like women. Their bodys look like shit and their faces look like shit and their sperm quality is shit.

And don't post a pic of To, Cruise please, he's an exception and probably drinks baby blood in the Scientology headquarter to stay young or something.
Even Brad Pitt looks like shit now.

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i would say its around 34, if you dont get fat or bald, or both.

> Sympathize with idiots.

Why Germany, why?

its a bitter roastie

You do know that isn't Christian Bale, right? This is what he looks like right now. I'd say he looks pretty good for 45.

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29 is the limit for viable motherhood.
35 is an old spinster destined for cat lady status.

Some younger women just have daddy complexes and older men fill that role.

Basé et redpillé

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It's been like this forever. It's now a hot trend, and has been for the last couple years. All these teenage and young adult pastel girls or girls with chokers that want a daddy to take control. Not just choking shit, but also to be a man with the plan.

>tfw girls actually find the creepy neighbor or teacher roleplay to be arousing.

it should be noted that in that study the male prime was still way lower than the female prime

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shes so superficial and pathetic

Wait... are you saying that lolis are now scientifically proven to be the best?

Males peak at 35 and decline gradually into their 70s. One of our family friends has a 4 year old kid at 68.
Women peak at 22 and by 40 are completely unfuckable.
It's just biology.
It's dangerous for older women to become pregnant so nature makes them ugly old crones.

that's more realistic than 50. God damn my father aged pretty well until he hit 50 but if I look at pics of him when he was 16, 20, 30 or 40 he absolutly looked better when younger. Men should keep realistic.

a little bit. I've never done anything with men until I was 25 and nobody except Turkish men and Nafris offered me to have children until this day. German men nevet did, they just wanted "relationship" but I refused because relationship only means you're a whore but without getting paid for it. To me it was either marriage (because children who are born out of wedlock are bastards) or nothing. So I basically wasted half of my life because I listened to men and tried to do everything right.
Maybe I'm just fedup with german men, don't know.

no he does not. My father looked 100% better at 40 and he wasn't a famous actor.
And "good for your age" doesn't meen "good". There are 70 year old women who also look good "for their age". But that doesn't mean anything.
Christian Bale looked better when he was younger and didn't have a turkey neck and his facial skin didn't look like folded papier maché.
If men hit their sexual peak at 40-50 or older, why aren't most male underwear models in that age range?

I'm not complaining though if you know what I mean as I'm aging a little bit. :)

>She doesn't exist outside of her workplace
>Her married friends feel bad for her, but she can't be the third wheel forever because they have children now and don't want to have any bad influences in their vicinity
>When she can't get a casual lay she will resort to consuming alcohol and smoking-at work and around her family she will brag about drinking and using drugs or brag about not drinking and using drugs (this week)
>Instead of regaining composure/self control and finding ways to make amends for her stupid choices/appreciate what she did have in the past she doubles down spreading her misery to others

Sweaty I want to feel bad but I don't, in your prime you probably could have gotten a decent guy but you continued to mess around like a juvenile, the depressing part is that you didn't have to try and you still failed miserably, you had no handicap, you probably weren't ugly, but you still failed, and now you are the desperate creeps.

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Really well written, you should start a blog or something.

The point is that women aren't always drawn to good looks above all else. Wealth, power, money, confidence - these things have a big impact. Indeed a dog ugly but very rich 50 year old man can have sex with girls aged 18-24.

It doesn't work that way for women. Their desirability is not enhanced one bit by money or career.

Quite where a man's peak is is hard to say. For many men it will be physically in their mid 20s to mid 30s, though in terms of mindset, position in society etc their peak often comes in their 40s.

For women their peak is totally over by the time they hit 25. No exceptions ever in all human history.

That's the difference.

That's why social orders were based on stopping women having wild sex with random men when aged 16-24 and then the same social order compelled men to stay with the women they married with when they had kids later -.

That's another nice difference. A man having kids and a wife will often find other women find him attractive. That very rarely happens to a woman.

Feminism destroyed that order and now we have chaos. Enjoy the decline I think, nothing can stop it now.

Although illegal, in theory, he's not wrong. There's a reason why ancient cultures sacrificed virgins, or why Celts practiced "sex magic" rituals with virgins. It's also why Jews are involved in more perverse methods, be it blood libel, dungeons, etc. Did you know that taking a girl's virginity is supposedly one of the most euphoric feelings a man can achieve? This is also why elites hoard a bunch of virgins for themselves, and leave the roasties for the goyim, or at least make it harder for goyim to find a virgin.

Other than an increase in traditional values, conservatism and nationalism....

Based toothpaste post

Women are told indirectly through biology classes about their ticking clocks and if people decide tonhave children after a certain age that they may come with some negative conditions like mental retardation ie autism.

This is so fucking true, just became 35 and at work I always catch the teenage girls taking a glance. When I give them attention they smile from ear to ear but with the age of #metoo and all this bs I’d prefer to go my own way without bothering much-people from work after all.

The wall is 100% real and unforgiving, see whoever authored this article. She probably spent her youth riding the CC and now blames men for her own stupidity.

Typical roastie

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I'm 29 years old. Things suddenly got better in the last month and a half. Suddenly girls down to 18 into me. Had an ex coworker from an old retail job tell me she was gonna turn 18 soon as if she was hinting at something. I mean, I'm not chad thunderdick, but for some reason, things seem to be easier. Maybe age ads masculinity to the face? Who knows.

Godspeed, Janne.

This country is finnished.

Jow Forums here
dont worry, soon the robotic vaginas will take over these malfunctioning organic dumpsters

No it's not, the Finns is rising to be the #1 party out there, which increase conservative thought and that means more right wing conservative parties will come through as minor parties in the upcoming elections.

Just think about it, since its no longer going to be a taboo to talk about that point of view its going to only get better.

>A man having kids and a wife will often find other women find him attractive. That very rarely happens to a woman.

My father told me this. He said when I was an infant and he walked around the mall with me in a stroller, random women found him attractive.

Nature is cruel, and especially so to women. Their power comes from being beautiful, and fertile, and once that's gone, they become invisible. No only they become physically uglier with age, their personalities also became bitter and shitier if they do not have any children.

that's bad but who wants to have a relationship at 56 anyway?

that could be changed over time by having children with older women too though. That's evolution too and would stretch the fertility phase of women over time.
In the old days when women didn't have fertility control they had babies until they hit menopause.
I know a guy that was born in the 1940s and he had 13 siblings.

>One of our family friends has a 4 year old kid at 68.

that's egocentric af. He will be dead of dement when his children go through pubercy and college and can't help them. and probably will never see his grandchildren. And if, they won't remember him.
Pic related had four children at 65. Same problem.
Not everything that can be done, should be done.

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>why aren't most male underwear models in that age range?

most male models are selected by gay fashion designers. that is also the reason why female fashion models often have no hips and masculine jaws. because that is what appeals to gay fashion designers

I had to go study a year abroad and - quite stupidly - tried to stay with my gf who stayed home.

Weird thing was that once there surrounded by young European girls the fact I had a girlfriend at home only made them more interested.

It was quite a red pill moment for me as I was late 20s and suddenly surroudned by 18 and 19 year old girls - the ones who never even looked at me in high school and suddenly I got to have fun.

Thing is, an older man creating children with a woman has less of a chance at making fucked up offspring rather than an older woman giving birth. What you said isn't invalid, however. Those children in your picture probably have autism.


yeah German males are pathetic, but i dont believe that no german man wanted to marry you if you are decent looking and not fat.
where did you look for them in the first place?
did you leave your house often?

I’m hate fucking a girl right now who hates me too, but she wants me so bad and she’s hot so she gets me. I have to be careful because the jannies are superJews and pretending that this is a politics board when it’s not and never has been it only includes politics. They delete anything that makes us look good and shows our clear superiority to liberal totalitarians, the central world dictatorship or the synagogue of Satan that is the infinite cash owners who also own and use Israel/the Jews as their tools of Satanism.
She’s a stripper & @ 28 is one of the older ones I screw. I’m not here to brag but yes I have powers and most days at the weekends I get full of cocaine and fuck any number of chicks, I’ve been doing this binge mode for 14 weeks or so now, it’s what I do from time to time and always has been and I started 20+ years ago by knocking up my step sister. Twice.
The hate chick grassed me up to five other chicks last weekend for bouncing from one to another on the same days. She’s a bitch. She did it to hurt the feels of a girl who’s in love with me but is in rehab and also to show off but mostly to split me up so she has some measure of control over me. It won’t work because my favourite hobby is pulling (got a big ego that needs head pats) but the moral here is you must always evade all questions and forget about honesty when dealing with wimin because goodness knows she will have done. ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. I’m going to get her in love with me then drop the bitch like an iPhone into a toilet bowl.
She’s an exotic dancer. A stripper actually. Can’t do proofs again because the incel jannies will burn his dick in his hot pocket and delete the thread.

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>> straight men don’t find women attractive; they like girls.
Good, less autistic kids then. Nature truly is wise.

>The point is that women aren't always drawn to good looks above all else.
those are called gold diggers.
Decent women are drawn to potential and men who have a future they can create together with them.

>For women their peak is totally over by the time they hit 25. No exceptions ever in all human history.

then i should have rode the carousell and I should not have waited, as men told me to do. I should not have listened to men.

>That's why social orders were based on stopping women having wild sex with random men when aged 16-24

I was alone in the age phase. So, you're lying.

so, it's gay men's fault that pic related isn't a model?
Connective tissue doesn't get tighter over age, neither for men, nor for women.

Why didn't Leonardo da Vince make David 60 year old? Why do athletes retire when they are over 30, if they just get better and better as you claim?

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I hadnt considered it that way, nature truly is a harsh mistress, for everyone.


>did you leave your house often?

yes but only normal outside activites, running, hiking, shopping groceries etc.
But I wouldn't want a man who goes clubbing anyway, so I never went there.
I don't want German men anymore though. They are so pathetic and don't understand what's going on in Germany or call me downright Nazi-bitch. I wanted a man who is not retarded. If men want women to follow them. they must know what's going on around them and anticipate the future. Most German men (and women, most German people) can't do that.
I have autism and 90% of Autistic people never marry, so I guess I'm just part of the 90%

Are you fucking retarded?

>God damn my father aged pretty well
why swearing? lol you wanted to fug your dad?

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>Andrew Anglin

He's still a faggot kike.

As an incel I support the revolution. Nothing will change for me anyway. Also that means more normalfags will be in my position.

We start killing witches

>marry a woman under 24 and a virgin.
Oh boy, this should be in the humour thread.
Do you run a unicorn farm?
On a Venn diagram of things that are 24 years old, women, and virgins there is no intersection.

>I get full of cocaine and fuck any number of chicks, I’ve been doing this binge mode for 14 weeks or so now
enjoy your Herpes, degenerate.

This. School girls call the girl that isfriends with a boy a slut, high school girls call the girl that kissed a boy a slut, in college/university they call the girl that had sex with her boyfriend without dinner and flowers a slut.

Its a bit ignorant for women like her to be shocked that males seek women younger than her. Males have renounced being a
betabux once the party girl hits the wall. Party girls kept betabux and orbiters in need by design to secure them at a later stage. It didnt help that boomer daddy told them that if said guy does not have a car, house and job by 23 he isnt worth it as "I got mine!". Perhaps certain males chasing younger females were supposed to "grow out of it", its an interesting demand from males that were sanctioned from even the most basic female attention. The roasts and thots expected a betabux or orbiter to be fully adjusted with little to no social anxiety and awkwardness despite being shunned. The lack of social maturity would be on parity with the younger crowd and as such can better relate with the younger crowd. As such a walled or post wall woman would find it very difficult to be satisfactory to long depraved betabux or orbiter and vice versa.

The roasts and thots had schemed that they would have the "time of their lives" and "take one for the team" (alternatively "settle down) at the wall. The shaming and general outrage was to keep the orbiters and betabux in line and metaphorically in the paddock. I dont think that the roasties and thots were well informed, they were guided by boomer roasts and thots. Still, depending on your current age the roasts and thots expect that by cold calling a betabux and orbiter they would secure marriage.

There's nothing as pathetic as a woman seeking validation from men. If she didn't have kids by the age of 30 and she's still single, the only sane thing to do is to give up on men. If she did have kids, again, she should focus on kids, not on the husband who's secretly (or not so secretly) lusting after girls half her age. I'm not saying she should divorce him, because it's not beneficial for the kids, but she shouldn't seek validation from him.

Of course, and hence why, our observant ancestors instituted such things as monogamous marriage, and love of family as the greatest goods to the individual, and the community he belongs to, so that males and females can reach their full potential.

Our modern world has completely discarded the wisdom of the ancients, and in the process has created nothing but misery for millions of people.

If, and only if, humankind will be able through some technological means, to change our biology, then we will be able to create some society that is not based on our biological needs.

yeah i know that decent ones arent out there drunk in clubs every weekend.
so best place to find a autistic waifu is in a shopping center?
shame that i dont like shopping for stuff.

>Leonardo da Vince

I mean, Michelangelo I always confuse those guys

not shopping centers, supermarket. I sometimes need to buy food so I won't starve, you know?

Too fucking bad the biggest opponents to that are white knight tradcucks.

>A decade ago, Steve Sailer created “Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism,”
good info to know. a succinct way to phrase it when talking about the subject and also a counter to the argument that those articles are few and far between.

i dont know, when i open the fridge its just there.
btw approaching girls there is kinda strange, nice wurst you bought there girl.

>Pic related had four children at 65
You just know that sick bitch did it for monetary gain it'd be interesting to find out what "PROGRAM" she was involved in behind the scenes.


At the end of the day: avoid roasts and thots. If a thot or roast cold calls you at her wall - beware. Also avoid wahmen with daddy issues (bad relationship with their father), unless you have daddy issues too I suppose.

Good luck to you.

Archetypal witch:
Green faced (jealous), educated (wizard's hat), older woman with cat who rides a phallic object.

>Tfw no virginal teen gf
Anons, I live in a state with European-style AoC laws. How do I scoop some virginal teen qt. I can legally go as low as 15. Where do you come into contact with girls in this age range, and more specifically those unlikely to be promiscuous?

>if they were told

yeah, you know who should be dropping red pills on their kids? their Fathers. do you know who (((they're))) trying so hard to dissuade and destroy?

the Fathers.

Testosterone peaks at ~35 for men, your body will bulk up muscle easily round this age. It's pretty easy to look good. Plus you're usually bringing in a reasonable income.
Young men look like puppies to women. Cute, but not serious.


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