Reveal your face thread

We are finally ready to reveal our power level to the world and purge it of degeneracy. First we start by showing our faces. Join me brothers for our time has come

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Literal 12 year old is Jow Forums.

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finally, I am ready

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Here you go op

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Full tits please

Take it so /soc/ you retard.

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This is me
I want a stronk huwhite man to breed me and give me at least 7 beautiful huwhite children


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I usually dont like showing myself but sure

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Tee hee.

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This is what women see when they have sex with wh*Toids

Trust noone, not even yourself

Please no bully

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wh*Teboi, you sure you want a race war? cause I am lookin forward to it.

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Go exercise

Data collection thread. Sage, report and hide.

Indians are cucks? Representing you and your people as a black dude lol

Harry Potter got thicc

Hell yeah post more of 'em

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Nice pasta but too short

What’s that supposed to mean? It wouldn’t be a war it would be a round up.
You’re sted nog is lucky I’m too busy with my harem to care or I’d go and shove you up his ass Gunga Poo.

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You need to have a really had personality to be a incel with that face


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He is ugly as shit, mate. Is that considered good looking in India?


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Oh wait thats a famous actress
It's not me i was only joking
THIS is the REAL me
Hi guys teehee

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He looks fine retard. Probably even better than you.


maybe in india where everyone is ugly as sin

OP, the joy of Jow Forums is that it's anonymous. You can expose new and fresh ideas to scrutiny at no risk to your reputation. It's a website of ideas, not people. Thus, OP is a flamboyant homosexual.

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I'm much more handsome.

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>Average pakistani woman.

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Sup boyos

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Show face.

>cause I am lookin forward to it.
me too!

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He's fine looking except he looks like a cuck. He needs to bulk up.

So he’s a tranny?

Back at spook headquarters
>Sir the face reveal thread didn't work!
>What? How, we posted a picture of the average pol poster, a lonely 12 year old boy.
>Sir, they're just posting memes in response, nobody is taking it seriously
>Damn, these poltards are too autistic for us

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also yeah his eyes are cucky looking

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yeah but even the top 1% of indians
such aslook fucking disgusting

I'd rather not be in your database, mr. Lawman

This is my power level

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Heres an up close selfie omg im shy

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The whole point was he looks average. He could not be an incel.

>I do not look like that.
>110% I look better than you.

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Looks like a child... Hold on! Children aren't allowed to post here!

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He needs to shave his cheeks, but otherwise he's a handsome dude. Post your face and lets compare.

You’re fucking disgusting

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still butthurt about losing the empire lmao

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Idk why I'm sideways. Blame mobile.

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>lets compare paki

Half Slav here
> Curly hair
> Hazel eyes
> Asian face shape
> Squinty mofo

Guess the other half?

Please stop ruling the world

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