Laborwave thread

Kill nadzees edition

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Other urls found in this thread:!EEJjQYbQ!ivryD4QSktQM1F3SdXzUUw

Hahahaha, you Leftist cucks can't even come up with anything original yourself. You can't meme, you can't create. All you do is destroy.
The Right memed Trump into becoming POTUS. The Right created the NPC meme, and all you can come up with is "no u".
Here we are, after the Right came up with Faschwave and "reclaim your birthright", and you can't even figure out something comparable.


Vaporwave was born before fashwave was even a thing and right wingers shamelessly ripped it off. Cope.

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Vaporwave != Laborwave, nigger.
Faschwave is made from Retro Wave and Synthwave, which comes from the 80s - a time where White culture was at its peak.

You couldn't possibly understand. In any case, you being unoriginal or not, you will still die when the Day of the Rope comes, along with everyone sharing your blood.

Vaporwave holds no political stance you idiot. It's just a parody of what an utopic capitalist society would look like. If anything, it reinforces the beliefs in capitalism due to its blown out of proportion parody.

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I thought the lefty memes having too long text was just exaggeration.

Irrelevant. You saw how Faschwave was gaining traction and foolishly attempted to catch a free ride by blatantly copying our success.

There is no way you can win.

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This is the cringeworthiest shit i've seen in a while.

laporwave dosen't even has its own "know your meme" page

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Because that would require someone to actually do some work, and we all know that Socialists rely on other people for that kind of thing.

Because maybe Jow Forums is more noticeable than a board that goes with the flow like leftypol
Vaporwave has nothing to do with politics believe it or not

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Look at you grasping at straws.. Pathetic :D

Prove that vaporwave is politically related then

The manlet in your picture shows a life long lack of testosterone. He is Mentally ill. That face gives it away faggot. Fucking whore of the jew.

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I never claimed that it was. See

Sei una disgrazia per questa bandiera zingaro di merda

Man Italy has really gone down hill... I’m ashamed to call it my motherland. Hope you get nuked.

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the thing is you lefties always cause way more death as you go about trying to pretend you're superior because you don't understand the opposing viewpoint.

Why do commies like to pretend that ugly fat chicks were killing machines? If you replaced the word Nazi with "jew" in that quote you'd have something so vulgar and cruel that it wouldn't come out of the mouths of even top Nazi leadership

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He has not responded -> confirmed gipsy jew

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But then it would be 100% the truth tho the only good jew for the west is a dead one

>catchy phrase or word
>entire fucking quote dumped into a picture and the name of the person, all written in a font that doesn't fit the picture at all
Lmao. Sorry, aesthetics were always something the right is better at, communist scum. Leftists hate beauty

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Look at this kind making the best use of his Jow Forums pass lol.. Go back to your Discord tranny friends :D

oh look, leftists stealing our shit again.

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Commies are just white niggers

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^ he mad

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Is this oc baguettebro?

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This is now a NatSoc aesthetics thread.

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Ah too bad it would be a good image to merge with an autistic operation some of pastabros did but oh well

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die zeit ist gekommen

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Vaporwave is pretty cringey shit but killing nazis is always in season

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In der Tat, Bruder.

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On behalf of the italian nation, I would like to apologise for the faggot known as OP.

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Left can't meme once again

...where did the rest of DC go

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fuck op, it's our thread now

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We all know Italy is a bunch of Faschy guys, so don't worry about it. You're part of the Axis regardless of OP's faggotry.

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if you really wanted to help the common man. you would be a natsoc

Fuggggggggggggggggg de ebil nabes cabronnnnnnn

Tankies are even worse than Antifa.!EEJjQYbQ!ivryD4QSktQM1F3SdXzUUw

It's always a source of honor.

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The Italian people fucking hated shitsullini

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Fake and gay, kill yourself filthy swine.
Fascism is natural order, it will be restored soon.

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Segui il tuo duce coglione

t. commie memeflag.

Yes, as we all know, it matters not who crosses the finishline first, but who passes the checkpoints!

there's an awesome thread on infinity right now with tons of AI colorized 3rd reich pictures, you guys should check it out.
Jow Forumsres/13161060.html

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Seize THESE means of production! *grabs dick*

WWII between Germany and Russia was two totalitarian socialist regimes fighting over land and resources. Anybody who buys into the whole “evul nahtzee” nonsense is a brainwashed idiot, including this Stalin slave creep snow whore in the OP.

Segui I tuoi trans ebbbreo


ok boomer

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