Please post info about 5g sauce is appreciated.
Good, bad or ugly?
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Not politics.
It makes old people explode.
They put 5G streetlights in my town near the OAP home and they found red stains and pairs of dentures under the lights.
Very messy business.
A scam to make you buy new phones.
if you think 5g is good, the next time you lay down in bed concentrate a little and you can hear a very high pitched sound
do any of you remember hearing these from your childhood?
thought so..
How would this not be political? Information informs decisions.
And isn't if funny how no msm talks about the possible health risks of such stuff? I know for a fact some are not allowed to "because then all the nuts come from their hideouts and it's a shitshow"
Ok, so listen here, 5G was tested on chimps and what scientists found was just terrible...
You WON’T believe what they found.
Its great now that the US has it
I do, but I've had tinnitus my entire life, so I may not be the one to ask.
also you feel stitches for no reason, specially when you are lying down.
it's tinnitus you newfag
If you still hear it then you aren't subverted yet.
It's not good. Silent frequency warfare against the masses
Proven to enter the body through the sweat glands and proven to interact negatively on a cellular level. It is a potentially immense health risk that the government has entirely ignored or simply knows and doesn't care.
You are already Amerimutt, so how much more can they ruin your cells?
10/10 troll thread
good job OP
All jokes aside, 5G and chemicals in the water are dangerous for real.
For example it makes changes in your hormones:
>The endocrine system plays an important role in regulating various physiological functions, and numerous studies have focused on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the incretion activity, especially the secretion of melatonin, gonadal hormone and adrenaline
>the secretion of gonadal hormone affects various physiological behaviors, such as estrus, mating, and gravidity, in mammals. A study found that there was a significant reduction in the number of rats that mated and the number of those that mated and became pregnant when these rats were exposed to 27.12 MHz SW radiation for 1 h/d for a total of 25 days
>Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs
>Municipal wastewaters are a complex mixture containing estrogens and estrogen mimics that are known to affect the reproductive health of wild fishes. Male fishes downstream of some wastewater outfalls produce vitellogenin (VTG) (a protein normally synthesized by females during oocyte maturation) and early-stage eggs in their testes, and this feminization has been attributed to the presence of estrogenic substances such as natural estrogens [estrone or 17β-estradiol (E2)], the synthetic estrogen used in birth-control pills [17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2)], or weaker estrogen mimics such as nonylphenol in the water. Despite widespread evidence that male fishes are being feminized
It destroys insects ability to navigate. We will end up without bees and we will all die of starvation, but at least we could browse Pornhub at decent speeds on our final days.
Well since it's a total failure I will say bad, have no idea how they will sucker people into paying for something that does not work
It is political, see the 14 posts I'll make
Comments from old 5G thread ahead
its basically wireless tech that sends data to China's intelligence agencies instead of US intelligience agencies. and so they started arresting hawei people to try to stop it.
Supposedly it can boil water. People want to put up 5g towers next to your kids school so that they can download porn faster.
Data standard that will allow for higher bandwidths thanks to the shorter wavelength used by 5G radios. Downside is that 5G can't have tower-based central transmitters, has to be more local, so 5G is really just something for richfags to have in cities.
Current conspiracy theories include: 5G mind control, 5G population control, 5G sucks your soul out, etc.
Only certifiable thing is that since 5G transmitters must be more localized, it's therefore easier to track who is using them (even indoors), so if you're out of line of sight of a GPS network, the 5G network can still drill down your location to within a few meters.
The bees and bugs are disappearing rapidly in areas where these 4G towers have gone up and the human attention span is now smaller than that of a goldfish.
Jews own a majority of geothermal plants around the world, and they all use the same technology they attacked using stuxnet on Iran. wouldn't surprise me if the introduction of plastics containing BPA were also kike design. BPA in estrogen concentration makes regular onions look like nothing
>Donald Aviv Trump wants to flood the goys with 5g towers that firefighters in California got neurological damage from and successfully sued the state for the removal of said tower; thus proving it was the cause of the damage
weew lads
There was also an article that showed 5g towers destroyed the eggs in a woman (the eggs for future periods/ pregnancies)
Reminder that despite being the inventors of 5G, Israel is not adopting it in their own country.
For different reasons and different effects. And cell phones are dangerous, all testing that scored acceptable safety levels was done with the phone 5 inches away from the head
A lot of the panic has to do with the radiation that causes health risks at a much greater capacity than 4g. Israel developed it, but refuse to install it in their country. There are several red flags you may want to look into.
All G's (1,2,3,4,5,6G) are bad for you.
The cumulative EM dose is never accounted for and they only look at the immediate rates for a 24 hour period.
>So they have frying eggs in woman for the last 20 years.
Actually.... (5G Tech13.png)
Assuming I don’t have any 5g tech or equipment.
Is there other ways that it can have adverse effects on me?
Yes it's still being transmitted through your home and everywhere else you go.
Literally being transmitted through your body every day!
Just microwaves shooting through your nutsack the rest of your life. Surely nothing bad will come of this.
The concern would be new towers blasting Megawatts of millimeter radiation. Our wifi routers are maybe 2watts. All that new microwave radiation could be dangerous
someone also compiled this chart. is worth a look. (5G Tech7.png)
if you want to investigate 5G, go to pubmed and type in mm waves or millimeter waves. You will see they have been manipulating ion channels with these waves years before they were thought to use for communications.
>turn off wifi
>still exposed to wifi from my neighbors
yeah its harsh but if you turn your shit off, the neighbors wifi doesn't damage your cells as badly as your own wifi would. inverse-square law and all that. probably why the elite want to shove us into coffin apartments and irradiate the entire landscape with 5g and 6g--we cant escape it then
Just connect your PC to the internet socket with a cable like a real man!
You still get pozzed from isp towers outside. Phones, bluetooth, etc
We are so screwed.
It is not hopeless. The scientific community is already aware and studying the effects. People will seriously cut down on their usage or just stop using cell phones. It would probably be a blessing.
>The MMW/2dG co-treatment did not alter the keratinocyte ATP content, but it did slightly alter the transcriptome, which reflected the capacity of MMW to interfere with the bioenergetic stress response.
They are definitely able to adversely affect cellular processes, especially cellular repair mechanisms in the skin and eyes.
Daily reminder: 5G’s high bandwidth and low latency cellular mobile communications towers are designed for skynet killing machines. They actually call the surveillance grid Skynet in China as a reference to the terminator series of films. If you don’t believe me, just google it.
Also, Google was eatablished on the same day 1 month and 1 year after skynet was built in California in the Terminator. Coincidence or are they trying to tell us something?
bugly and fad
I hear a humming sound coming from my internet modem.
What could it be?
smol bump
the only people who think 5G is bad are chinese shills off their schizo meds
>5G was made by kikes
>Eternal Anglo supports it
5G is very safe schizo
Refute the 14 proofs above of your posts Eternal Anglo
sorry i dont respond to anti semites
>oy vey goyim 5g is safe
>how safe?
>very safe
>very very very safe
>stop questioning u natsee
You should all know by now its the 5g beast system.
What are countries without 5g?
I wonder for what it is used anyway?
Do people really need even faster internet on their phone literally anywhere?
Bluepilled af tbqh,f
Its for the microchip they are going to force on us.
It killed hundreds of birds in Korea after being turned on for 1 hour.
well sourced video about how it causes cancer and can affect your fertility and mental state
Nothing safe about it.
People holding conferences / who are supposed to be answering questions keep avoiding these questions like they'd catch aids from them. If theres nothing to hide why do all this sketchy shit?
Its holohoax-tier subversion & lobbying down to the last detail. AGAIN.
oy vey goyim, there is litterally nothing wrong with going to 5G alright. Just shut the fuck up and listen.
The wavelengths of the 5Ghz frequency are not harmful at all you stupid faggots, you have already been surrounded by them for over a decade. Do you guys even know what 5Ghz means?
Your wireless routers 5Ghz since 2010.
Your phones 5Ghz Wireless since 2012
You literally have been walking and living in a sea of 5ghz for years without even knowing, and guess what no one has died from it. You have more of a chance of Bill Gates showing up at your front door and giving you all of his money.
The studies are bullshit and coerced into giving the results they want.
Everything that concerns the general public is politics you absolute faggot
You absolute fucking moron
You actually think that 5G = 5GHz.
5G = 24-29GHz.
And look at how right you think you are too. Lmao. Arrogant fucks like you will be the first to drop off.
The drive behind 5g is it’s needed for autonomous cars and trucks. Helps big city people, not the Heartland.
Did all those birds really die in the Netherlands when they tested it?
How can an average joe take out a 5g tower in minecraft?
False, semiautonomous vehicles use cameras and lasers to drive themselves, gps is only accurate up to 30 feet
It's a political issue you dumb nigger
>shut it down
checks out
Literally nothing.
It’s a form of direct energy weapon.
Quiet, Jew.
Eat shit and die kike.
Just to clarify, due to the nature of the wavelength being used for 5G, it cannot penetrate through buildings as effectively. This means that small cells will be used within buildings. Small boxes releasing tons of radiation in every floor of every building instead of a few big ones on the roof.
>doesn't refute someones points
>expects us to take his magical word as law
They're using the same wavelength as this guy's explaining about at 2:10
Is it the Antichrist work through modern technology to seize control?
As this article suggests:
It's fine. The 5G scaremongering is coming from Comcast. Who will lose billions once it's rolled out.
Oil companies did the same shit to nuclear power.
great for the medical mafia...tinnitus & white noise hearing aids.
swiSSland isn't getting smart meters or 5G. can't imagine why.
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note: dr. carlo's his house burned down.
Nuclear power plants blowing up and melting down did that ya moron.
shut the fuck up kike, Ive studied radiation. Stop lying you fucking pigshit faggot
Say what you will, but the electrified way of life ends without nuclear power generation. Good luck getting your 'free' healthcare then.
only way to make a dent in deployment is to disconnect your scrying mirror.
doubt it will happen for the 2 generations that have only known wireless.
you won't get a landline from the cxrs. best you can do on a wired basis is voip.
protect yourself now. once ehs, there's no return.
shitcan the dual purpose virtual reality device/ankle bracelet.
5G is 5th generation you moron, nothing to do with its frequency
I could care less, Im ok with going back to log cabins. Fuck off pigshit kike
It has everything to do with frequency you dunce. They are using millimeter waves.
search lloyds of london/swiSS re exclusion 32.
insurance companies do not write exclusion clauses cuz they're gonna pay out.
these companies are not indemnified.
You can start by getting of the interwebs.
the name has nothing to do with the frequency.
it is not 5GHz
5G tech only exists because they plan to exploit a new spectrum of radiation.
It worked user thank you!
Israel banned it. Thats everything you need to know
higher frequency means more data. that's its purpose
So you admit it has to do with spectrum despite claiming the exact opposite earlier?
Only because it's loaded with chinky spytech ATM.
A while ago I read some articles that some firefighters got brain damage after they had to fight a fire next to a 5g tower.
there are some more troubling articles out there. I just fucking don't know in which folder I saved them. I seriously need a better system to order my files.
No he's right about the autonomous vehicles. They may use onboard sensors to actually navigate but they feed all that sensor data back to the company. They use it to heuristically train the ai's to handle real life traffic situations.
Also, GPS has nothing to do with 5G.
I saw a series on E4 about 5G causing a zombie apocalypse, since then I've been dreading the release of it.
/thread. you faggots should go to Jow Forums
This, I don't get why I'm seeing all these random ass threads about shit that has fuck all to do with politics.
your thinking is too binary to realize commerce is politics.
all comms go thru satellites at some point.
Not just that but other shit about incels and what not, mainly stuff that belongs in Jow Forums, /b/, /n/, and Jow Forums.
>same day 1 month and 1 year
>same day
Imagine being this schizo