Coincidentally studies have concluded that Liberals tend to have higher IQs than their conservative counterpart...

Coincidentally studies have concluded that Liberals tend to have higher IQs than their conservative counterpart. Among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.

Interestingly Scientists were able to decipher the subjects political alignment with an accuracy of 71.6% just by observing their innate brain structure.

Liberals tend to have larger Anterior Cingulate Cortexs and more Grey Matter which means they're more likely to base decisions on scientific evidence, studies, and new information that transcends the old information. They're also more likely to question authority and social norms, feel safer and more secure, favor change, have empathy, be courageous, take risks, be open-minded, go against the grain, stand up for injustice, and resist conformity.

Conservatives, on the other hand typically have bigger Amygdalas which means they're more likely to make decisions off of emotions associated with fear and anxiety. The amygdala or primative Fear center is sensitive and ways heavily on their decision making. In fact during experiments when cons were made to feel safer their view became more Liberal. They're also more likely to resist change, defer to authority, conform / fall in line, have an attachment to Established norms, sensitive to major social order changes, willingness to limit certain liberties to maintain order, favor orderliness and possess emotionally held beliefs in mystical beings that can't be proven.

Other studies have found that older people and Conservatives are also much more prone to falling for scams than their Liberal counterpart.

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Kys chink nigger

i agree conservatives are retarded but you dont have to pretend the fucking shape of their heads are different

Brain structure analysis?

Well that rules out all shitskins then.

k but liberals are fucking retarded so, argument discarded

Ahhh yes scientific evidence, such as what an X chromosome and a Y chromosome are.

>Among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.

and what about high iqs?

1930s America had far more in common with Nazi Germany than modern America.

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Nice source. BTW the founding fathers would have hated Israel and what the rootless cosmopolitan elite are doing to this nation.

>people who basr thoughts on emotion instead of reason

Kys nigger lover

>no source
>it doesn't disprove conservative arguments


Also if IQ tests can be trusted that means that african americans are less intelligent and conservatives have all the reasons to discriminate them thus making the supposedly smarter Democrats wrong

They do. Of the average population.
But you see; every non-jew genius is fascist. That means that on the white scale, the smarter you are the more right-wing you get, after you surpass the leftist middle.

Somebody post that bell curve graph for this redditor to understand
also didnt read the rest of your post since you spaced out stuff, hence.

>lefty disproving a conservative argument
if they could do that they wouldn't need this thread

>a leftist conceding that anything can correlate to IQ or brain size
Woah, chill with the racism bro
also sage

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Thing is, the left wants to push a narrative that by being a conservative, anti-fag, anti-pedo/islam you're being just dumb or inbred.

An while I don't belive that IQ is the best possible measure for smartness I still passed the Mensa IQ test even though I'm to some degree conservative and mostly a supporter of autocracy.

>Liberals tend to have higher IQs than their conservative counterpart.
Bullshit. Niggers make up 30% of liberals and they are barely human.

All claims sourced from these scientific studies. Enjoy the truth.

All Conservatives have lower I.Q's because of ... studies...

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>political alegiance measuerd at "early adulthood"
Okay. Why didn't they go/publish results across a larger age range?
It is often said young people are more liberal in general, and that these views often change over time.

Your people also think that blood- type is so important that your job-aplications, dating-sites and personality-profiles require that info! How retarded, that fact that you believe that and how "libtards are smart" deal is laughable. Average IQ 105 indeed! Japan knows how to troll

Quote the relevant parts or get lost.

Also childhood IQ is irrelevant, it doesn't matter since you vote as an adult

None of these studies label "conservative" traits as negative. Why do you have to lie and editorialize?


>Conservatives, on the other hand typically have bigger Amygdalas which means they're more likely to make decisions off of emotions associated with fear and anxiety.


He is right though, the negroes should bring down the average IQ of liberals


What kind of outdated shit you trying to push faggot? None of these take into account that political shift that took place in and after 2016. The closest study is 7 years old.

Make like your grandpa and kys.

>Quote the relevant parts or get lost.
already did in the op
Yeah you def read 5 studies in 5 minutes, kys cuck
didn't know human brain structure changes in the course of 10 years

Because the left doesn't care about truth...
They only care about power.
The only time the truth is important is when it can be spun benefits their narrative.

You didn’t ask any niggers, did you?

I only need one word to debunk your entire post.


>already did in the op

Which is quote is from where?

>didn't know human brain structure changes in the course of 10 years


It's not like political allegiance can be flexible or anything

>They're also more likely to question authority and social norms
haha, good one

>Yeah you def read 5 studies in 5 minutes, kys cuck

I skimmed the most relevant parts, which you obviously did not. Link the specific quotes and page number or else you are just full of shit, you faggot loser english teacher.

Why do you have a problem reading a scientific article especially one about one you are trying to debate? I actually want you to read them so you can educate yourselves.

Those same studies saying whites are superiors to blacks?

Which quote is from where?

Hmm yet all minorities vote democrat in majority and only asians and whites vote republican... yet whites out perform other races in IQ tests...

Also if you account for income republicans on average earn 15k more than democrats yet income is correlated with intelligence...

I have read them, your cherry-picked quotes at the top do you no justice.


>Coincidentally studies have concluded that Liberals tend to have higher IQs than their conservative counterpart. Among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.
This sentence is found in none of your sources, IQ isn't even mentioned in any of the links you posted; you also posted the pubmed source twice.
All that remains after this is a lot of research pointing to genetic variance in personality traits, something noone here will seriuously argue against.
If you read a lot of papers frrequently you learn to skim them for relevant info.

Asians vote blue

More gray matter = less brain

This is a quote from your linked article retard.

>It appears individuals on the political right are not so much ‘fearful’ and ‘vulnerable’ as attuned and attentive to the aversive in life. This responsiveness and attentiveness, in turn, is consistent with the fact that right-of-centre policy positions are often designed to protect society from out-group threats (e.g. by supporting increased defence spending and opposing immigration) and in-group norm violators (e.g. by supporting traditional values and stern penalties for criminal behaviour).

From the discussion section.

doing some quick math on the time frames of posts and the length of the articles it seems you have superhuman reading speed. Care to explain?

>If you read a lot of papers frrequently you learn to skim them for relevant info.
Which is why you need to read them because that is paraphrased right from the article nearly word for word.

This one.

>decipher political affiliation from brain
>literally born that way
>oy vey we need to fix this
Quit being a politiphobe

Read this post faggot.

No shit, it's easier to change political leaning than it is your brain structure which is exactly what happened. How are you so fucking retarted that you didnt take this into account?

>liberal vs conservative

false dichotomy

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You do not need superhuman reading, just the familiarity of working with research articles. It is very easy to skim for relevant info.

Theyre wrong because they're cunning not because theyre stupid. Thats a dangerous mistake to make.

They still have larger than liberal amygdalas, which are related to fear emotions
You're probably an undergrad given your lack of reading comp.

He is likely an English teacher, so very retarded.

Trump supporters are the big gay


> I.Q. doesn't matter

where did he do that

>They still have larger than liberal amygdalas, which are related to fear emotions

Okay, fear is a very important survival mechanism. What is the problem? Liberals are collectively suicidal when it comes to immigration.

It's funny how they use IQ tests when it benefits them.

>Which is why you need to read them because that is paraphrased right from the article nearly word for word.
No, it may be paraphrased in your confused head, but this is stated in none of the three studies you posted. None of them even mention intelligence, let alone IQ.
I think you severely misunderstood these papers.

Do people really think that 120 is a high IQ? Can't even talk normaly with that

Nah, have more than an undergrad David-san. Don't you have an English class to teach?

Be smart yo!
Vote Democrat, my niggaz!
Add 9000 IQ points to your brain!
Niggaz invented penut-butter
LGBTQ so smart! So smart that they can use any bathroom they wish!
Feminists so smart, they don't need no man, dick or family!
Beta-Cucks so smart that they don't need no masculinity!
Democrats smart!
Orange Man bad!
U vote democrat?
U dumb fo' realz!

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We are not animals in the woods, is the problem Appeal to nature fallacy

You have not read them.

Why is it a coincidence. A coincidence with what. WTF are you embarrassing yourself for with words you evidently do not understand?
And you with your huge IQ.

see If you narrow this further down then you'll see that the atheist-libertarian is highest on this spectrum.
If don't come at this through mixed neuro-archetypes then there isn't much to it. You're also using shitty American colloquial language.

>Liberals tend to have larger Anterior Cingulate Cortexs and more Grey Matter which means they're more likely to base decisions on scientific evidence

Leftists love science until scientific evidence encroaches upon their religious comfort; namely race, sex, and class.
They're the most religious people there are.

We are animals in the woods. It is very arrogant of you to assume that human beings are somehow above their base instincts. What do you think our reptile brain is for? You are not nearly as educated or intelligent as you think you are.

I think you are overestimating most of them.

Most of them are in denial or in good faith, they are just wrong

The state of it it’s like a spoof. I’ve screencapped this.

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>Leftists love science until scientific evidence encroaches upon their religious comfort; namely race, sex, and class.
>They're the most religious people there are.


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>You are not nearly as educated or intelligent as you think you are.
What a great projection.

Go ahead and educate yourself. Also funnily enough I don't live in the woods.

>Coincidentally it’s 12:33 here. Totally.
>I don’t know what I’m talking about but I’m so much more cleverer than what other peoples is.

You live in ethno-state, while lecturing "conservatives" that they are fearful for wanting to become minorities in their own nations.

>linking wikipedia

Fuck off kike.

Wew! Hear that? It’s the loony alarm, OP has triggered it with all his masses of coincidental brain matter coincidentally.

I bet you didn't even control for countries where Jews and communists haven't subverted the educational system.

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It's been vice versa for a while, since politics shifted to the left a lot of smart people are running away from dems and a lot of authoritarian brainlets are joining dems.

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*for not wanting to become minorities.

He'll yeah, if Japan was being flooded with shit-skins looking for free gibs; while finna to rape some yellow school-girl..... Their "liberal" beliefs will vanish.

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Liberals only bring up a point if it serves to benefit them, it is their way.

>I misquoted to beef up my post and thought noone would notice.
>I am a lazy troll.
Why is less amygdala reliance preferable over more amygdala reliance?

Liberals are intelligent enough to think they are smart, but not intelligent enough to make rational political decisions. Most of them are on that annoying 100-110 scale where they overestimate their abilities. There are two types of "conservatives". The stupid ones are stupid enough to realize their condition and either trust somebody smarter than them or use their instinct and common sense which often turns out to be better than whatever the liberals come up with on their own. There are also lots of outliers on the conservative side who can think for themselves and make better decisions than liberals, their average IQ is brought down by the aforementioned masses.

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Bet that's a VPNigger

I've met ppl that had 3 or more college degrees and couldn't exist in the real world, so they parasite off the taxpayers.
They don't have one lick of common sense.

>those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4,
>those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood
>“very liberal” in early adulthood
>early adulthood
So... You have to be young and have zero life experience for this to work. Near.

"Look at me, I'm a special snowflake liberal with a liberal arts degree! I'm 40k in debt and can't find a job to pay it off! REE! SOCIALISM NOW! I'M SO SMART I BELIEVE IN SOCIALISM WITH MY 120IQ!"

"Well why didn't you get a degree in a field that could give you jobs no matter how mundane or boring it was instead of just getting it done like that? I'm now the owner of a start up and make 100k a year and more is on the way, which I came up with my 90 IQ intelligence, I'm not even in debt because my parents were well off enough to pay for my school. I'm also Conservative Capitalist just like my parents."

OP is just some kike teaching japs English. Bottom tier jew isn't even a Lawyer.

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>The highest cognitive ability independent of income (as an indicator of wealth and socioeconomic status), gender, age and education is seen amongstindividuals with a preference for center-right orientations (uncorrected IQ 105, corrected IQ 104).


>zero life experience; very liberal
Sounds about right. We just happen to be one big happy family bro.

>Liberals tend to have higher IQs
Then why does Japan ,S. Korea, and Israel have the highest iqs?
You some faggot weeaboo liberal English teacher who worships Japan and doesn't even realize they are conservative

How do they measure IQ of "very nationalist"?

>Coincidentally studies have concluded that Liberals tend to have higher IQs than their conservative counterpart
stopped reading there...studies also show hillary was going to win the 2016 election

are you the same low iq nippon faggit that can not cut it on your family's land?

>You live in ethno-state, while lecturing "conservatives" that they are fearful for wanting to become minorities in their own nations.
This is an attack on me and where I personally live while not addressing my argument, this is called an ad hominem, which is a logic fallacy.

Here is another source

>I misquoted to beef up my post and thought noone would notice.
You still have not read the articles you are attempting to display knowledge over.

Exactly, they were also very fascist before modern times and still are very conservative compared to western countries.

>conservatives are, "dumber" than liberals
Even if that were true, and it is not, that wouldnt mean you arent retarded.
>childhood IQ
Wow its nothing

Keep trolling bruh. Epic xD

Appeal to nature can be a fallacy, but not always. So I am not sure what your point is? Just like appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, but not in all cases.

low iq

>I still claim liberals have higher IQs

>child iq
This study is retarded and so are you