
whats Jow Forumss take on circumcision i just watched a baby and it made almost puke.

Attached: circ.jpg (300x168, 7K)

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It's wrong

Mark of slavery

Attached: 290C4685-4D0A-42FA-9CD9-44EEA9B31014.jpg (501x720, 71K)

disgusting and exposes societies double standards


>be american
>get born
>give tip

Attached: 1557735381175[1].png (318x308, 167K)

trauma based mind control that causes brain damage through trauma that's sometimes powerful enough to make a male wish they were female

Attached: Circumcision Tragedy.png (1062x884, 642K)

In the western world this is mostly only done by North Americans, the reason for it is an arbitrary way of looking at hygiene and doctored stats. If good hygiene was unarbitrarily defined by lower smegma production then girls would get hoodectomies and labiaplasties after birth as well since they produce more smegma. However smegma is just like earwax for the genitals, it is an immunoprotective substance that aids the immune system, if you wash it off there are no health detriments from not mutilating your kids. The average age for full foreskin retraction is 10 years, this can take up to 18 since the penis can obviously still change. Phimosis or other mobility complications rarely need circumcision, Preputioplasty or Frenuloplasty can take care of over 90% of issues that circumcision would get recommended for. There are no proven health benefits to circumcision when it is not used against an evident persistent medical issue besides a 0.00033% reduction in penile cancer which is obvious since mass is removed from it, other than that penile cancer has an 85% survival chance and only occurs in 1/100.000 men, you have a higher chance of breast cancer than that.

>lose you penis to botched circumcision
>hit puberty
>all your friends are getting laid
>watch this gif
>>is2.Jow Forums.org/gif/1557296725368.webm

surely all cockless straight men an hero

Well, imagine an extraterrestrial being visits and learns of the practice. "You do WHAT?? To their DICKS?!?!? When they are BABIES?!?! You humans are FUCT.

Attached: Pedobear.png (100x184, 8K)

More boys die from botched cutting than from cock cancer.
Also an older man can decide to geht cut to avoid cancer because only old men get this

Should be illegal Jews need to fly to Israel if they want their kids mutilated

Yeah this is true, statistically in the USA, where infant circumcision is most common in the western world, 300.000 circumcisions would guarantee a prevention of penile cancer in a middle aged/older man, but at the same time in 300.000 of them over 30 will die. I also read that the circumcision deaths are manipulated by claiming other death causes. Other than that, pretty much no sane guy would chose circumcision voluntarily.

The USA still does about 900k of infant circumcisions, so that would be 3 prevented cases of penile cancer which have an 85% survival chance in exchange for over 100 deaths which is useless, circumcision is pretty much just organ harvesting afaik.

900k yearly*

Obviously barbaric nonsense pushed by kikes and it's fucking sad that this has to even be said
Anyone who does this to an infant deserves the death penalty

it's a biblical practice done in state/federal run
and funded public hospitals. why remove
the ten commandments from court houses if they
are going to continue to chop dicks per the bible.

Attached: 1556330032003.webm (798x720, 1.96M)

it's trauma based mind control with zero basis in the medical sciences. if you've ever wondered why jews are predisposed to mental illness and victim mentality, remember they all lose their foreskin as infants and that trauma remains in their brain for life. the babies go catatonic after the procedure because of the pain.

>it's a biblical practice
No it's not nigger

all true

Attached: Circumcision - neurology.jpg (720x427, 101K)

What an absolute disaster. Just imagine how many fucks the hospital staff could give, all those foreskins are just going to be sold on the black market for jewess plastic surgery and ritualistic purposes. It did not have to come to this.

more like talmudic

Attached: Talmud - Shabbath - circumcision.jpg (3240x4320, 3.24M)

it primes them for more trauma, namely the emotional kind through holohoax stories. some jews even develop survivors guilt (truly!)
remember this when you interact with them, they are essentially like rape victims.

All the kikes in this thread are trying to say infant circumcision is pedophili becausethey don't want it discussed at all, how fucking ironic.

hospital investors profit very well from the foreskin, and the company that produces cell cultures profit even more.
A long time ago someone told me that we're treated like cattle, back then I couldn't imagine how, now I don't have to imagine at all.

Attached: Circumsion - foreskin market.jpg (1763x2966, 480K)

While growing up in the city I used to live in an area close to a hasidic jewish community and noticed the changes in the kids as we all grew up. At the age of 12 is when the indoctrination goes full steam, any humanity is hammered out of them and the victimhood begins.

its ironic they call us goyim (cattle) when they are just as much cattle as the average goy

It really is pedo tier though

Highlighted for your convenience.

Attached: Shabbath 137b - Eng - Highlighted.jpg (3240x4320, 3.48M)

it is ironic, the ones who have lost the most of their humanity are conditioned to become narcissists

◄ Genesis 17:11 ►
You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the
sign of the covenant between me and you.

watching kikes getting shot in war will be fucking

That's actually pretty sad :/

>Wanting to protect newborns from having their genitals cut and sometimes sucked is pedo tier

Alright rabbi

You're not the brightest are you?

Cutting baby dicks is pedo tier faggot

Yes, we are talking about how we should stop that, read my posts a little more thoroughly

make them pay for the procedure by ceasing all subsidy of it

1How about you read mine?
2 You should have expressed yourself more clearly because
>trying to say infant circumcision is pedophili
sounds like infant circumcision is not pedo tier iyo

i didn't post bereshit(bear shit) you fucking kike.

Read Titus and Galatians now
I usually have those in pastebin.com but I'm at work rn



kill niggers

>whats Jow Forumss take on circumcision
Learned that most american get circumcised due to porn and was really surprised as to how and why the fuck you'd do that. Later down the line learned that kikes and mudshits do it as well; finally found out it was pushed on Americans because of some puritan weirdo thinking it would reduce masturbation.

The reason no attention is being drawn to the absolutely barbaric deed is obviously because of kike influence. The fact that kikes hold a fucking bris and see this as normal really says enough about the group as a whole and why they are to be despised.

Trust Your doctor he know the best, whats good for you,he may not be a Dr, just simple physician period.
