I just wrote an essay about mass immigration in my English exam...

I just wrote an essay about mass immigration in my English exam. I knew that I'm about to be screwed but I couldn't stop writing. Fuck it. Fuck moslems.

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>I couldn't stop writing
which points did you write down exactly?

The topic is writing about one of the biggest problems that human race will face in the next 30-50 years. I started with cultural conflicts, then switched to mass immigration and finally the messy (I literally wrote "messy") situation in Europe. I even mentioned that big corps are pushing the immigration agenda because they want cheap labors.

Do you live in Paris of rural France?

A small city where I can take a bus and 30 minutes later I'll be in the most dangerous city in Europe (actually I'm not sure if it's an "European" city).

Based and feel shoulderpatted

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based baguette

I ranted about immigrants in my english finals and got 15/15 points for it. Do it friend.

good,just be careful about it and maybe give them proof from the mudslim holy book that will be hard fact they cant deny

You're fucked senpai. Shouldn't have pushed the "immigrants bad" button in France.
Have fun getting slaughetered by both your school and your classmates lmaoo

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Please be the next Hitler

worrying about little shit like this is why whites are cucked

He's not worried he's just bored and wanted to read a few replies from his bros.
Fuck off gook.

That's it?

>redpilled baguette

That's what you can do?
Why Macron leads that shithole country instead of Le Pen? Why do French assist in destroying their own country?

Cringe and cuckpilled

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Did you include links to Jews?

Even one they shame you and ridicule you remember it’s ok to be white

Any man who hasn't killed (a living creature) is a cucked pussy and denying there humanity.

The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim

Tie a rope around your neck and kys faggot.

You'll publically be given a genuine, honest grade and your professors / teachers will read and mark it according to it's merits.

But secretly, you'll be "listed" and be given a negative social credit and from here on out your life will be slightly more difficult than your fellow mainstream students that follow the prescribed agenda.

What he said, go muslim all you like, in a muslim country. Europe and the Americas are NOT islamic so don't go here.

I did the same in 1980. Wrote an English paper in college denouncing national healthcare. Got an F from my libtard Kennedy loving professor. Took it to my economics professor who took it to the head of the English department on my behalf. It did no good, but I still look back on it with pride. Some things are just worth it.