Andrew Scheer is a limpdick corrupt politician who will do nothing to decrease your cost of living and who is beholden to the Food Doms, telecoms and money laundering operations who make your life hell and which have robbed your children of their future.
Oh Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
>Celery is $6 in Canada now
here's a price comparison collage to show canadians how bad they are getting dicked down into the dirt.
What would it take for leafs to get Maxime Bernier as PM?
Shabbos Scheer
>Andrew Scheer is a limpdick corrupt politician who will do nothing to decrease your cost of living and who is beholden to the Food Doms
Reminder the Milk Mafia and Cheesa Nostra filled out tens of thousands of fake CPC memberships last second and rigged the 2nd round vote of the CPC leadership election to make Scheer win despite Mad Max having a major majority first round and being the clear winner in the run off. Then last second all those ghost CPC memberships magically voted for Scheer who won with just over 50% of the vote.
During his celebration speech he chugged a carton of Neilson 2% Milk - Neilson being owned by Saputo Ltd, which controls 37% of the domestic dairy market. Saputo is owned by Lino Saputo a Sicilian Mafia member who is affiliated with the Rizzuto's of Montreal and the Bonannos in NYC.
I wonder why Scheer did this? Or could it be that it's an open secret the Mafia runs Canada?
$6 for less than zero calories. Amazing. Better start eating the dandelions in your lawn.
Eating unapproved dandelion is punishable up to 10years in jail
A miracle, rigged election, or both
Post link to where person with a few cows who sold unpasteurized milk without a license was shot by Food Police
Enough Canadians to care, and they don't yet.
And if we don't elect Scheer, memeflag, we re-elect Trudeau who is an even bigger limpdick that, in the span of 4 years, put our country in debt again and devalued our dollar by 25%. Provide a better solution to uncucking us and drop your shitty memeflag.
Trudeau the greasy bastard wont be back to parliament until may 27.
>PMO has just released Justin Trudeau itinerary for Monday. PMJT will not be in QP. And for the rest of the week he is travelling. Next week, the HoC is on a recess. PMJT still has not faced questions in the House over the Norman case. His next chance will be May 27.
>And if we don't elect Scheer, memeflag, we re-elect Trudeau
why does it matter? They're the same. Sheer is jewish.
>Trudeau the greasy bastard wont be back to parliament until may 27.
Canadian national state run media is trying very hard to memory hole this.
All politicians are Jewish
Voting is meaningless
He is not retard, lol.
>Voting is meaningless
low energy post
Bernier isn't based like you think, he still wants to let in a lot of immigrants
this, I dont think even 50%
sorry meant that not even half the country votes
He's got enough jew genes. He'll be full MIGA even more than Trump.
>based like you think
no one thinks things are 'based'
Even the most far right Canadian politicans will support some immigration cus they dont want to look like nazees
You fucking moron his dad was a catholic deacon.
Exactly, only scheer wants to turn down the immigration
his grandfather was jewish. crypto-jew.
also you're dumb, you big dummy
Groceryjew thread
Die for israel fellow white canadians
Dear groceryjew,
You obviously are obfuscating the process since all ballots for every round were cast before the vote was called.
Scheer is a deceptive Jew, just like you.
>Exactly, only scheer wants to turn down the immigration
That’s a flat out lie.
what is a grocery jew? and why do you hate israel so much?
He’s a converso, practicing his Judaism while pretending to be a Christcuck
>You obviously are obfuscating the process since all ballots for every round were cast before the vote was called.
Ughm the finalists aren't known until the ballots are tallied, how fucking retarded are you?
Low energy obfuscation
you post antijew hate in every thread. you clearly have something you want to tell us. so let it all out.
It was all computerized. Ballots contained multiple choices for each round of balloting.
The election was rigged from round 1, since round 13 could’ve been computed in seconds.
t. Schizoleaf
Did you check your blood glucose this morning and take your meds like the the good doctor told you to?
so what do we do? this shit cant go on for much longer, these are our elected officials and I lived close to halifax and hollllyyyy fuck its nothing but asian NPCs and liberal trannies and maybe the odd immigrant who agrees that we shouldn't bow to globalization because they ran from that shit, other then that, there is a fuck ton of muzzies, and im really getting stressed out about this whole ordeal however... we will see.. if trump/q come thru, we could have a chance
canada is mixed up with a lot of that shit
Hello sock puppet
Another great archive for those who claim you’re pro bernier.
I’m surprised you’re groceryposting today, isn’t that vice admiral supposed to be a thing?
Guess it’ll be another nothing
just out of curiosity how many screencaps of the 'groceryjew' do you have?
>Oy vey, who is this other person who uses exactly my images and memes that no one else uses?
>Must be a white male
Speaking of socks, compression stockings can really help people with your condition. Now, now, you don't have to thank me now. I'm only here to help.
he thinks we are all the same guy. when he reads this post he sees it as a man talking to himself.
Moronic leaf thinking trump and qtard religion will save him
My god, the eternal leaf boomer folks
Canada is done, just open the gates, 500,000 immigrants a year where i live every apu and swami al bashir from arabistania has a $28 an hour jobbdoing hr for a govt agency
>talking to yourself
I know! He's a lot of fun. I remember he would get so pissed off when I would recognize him. He still hasn't figured out how.
>Hearing voices in your head
Seek help
>you've never done that
Yes, I have.
I'm not making any money on this. This is ALL FOR FUN!
spotted the Dem
>Schizoleaf never used the term groceryjew.
holy shit user you're gonna put israel out of business with those memes
why do you ask, wealthy rag head?
Kek! Dumbass!
because he wants to interfere in the elections by using money and resources you mental midget
>accusing me of being two anons at once
ironic if you were a dirty jew
Check your ID, numbnuts!
It sure is.
Just letting the thread die huh?
Or will some (((new))) user spam pics now?
Nah! This thread had plenty of life in it. The post before this one was about a minute ago (You).
makes sense, 40$ per phone for 4 people plus 90$ internet
so much life
probably waiting to vice-admiral post
Thanks for bumping the thread, fren.
does it bother you that the admiral isn't being found guilty by your kangaroo courts?
couldn't care less.
(((scheer))) might.
Not gonna abandon a thread again huh?
that's hard to believe, given that you clearly care about these threads and seeing as how that matter is so much more consequential.
Nope. I've still got time to play today.
>posting the same meme
I'm in Michigan. I always have been, too.
so you've claimed, ann arbor nigger
you remind me of steve from deadwood
No, Battle Creek. I have since moved.
you remind me of a jew, specifically this kike
have you disavowed the celery you cant afford anymore yet?
why are you not posting the instore british prices?
i don't have a totally unnecessary mobile phone so i spend half of what the average household spends
also, i'm just one person.
good news!
every portion of the dendelion is edible
your government allows this state of affairs because it stalls the rate of organic political and cultural change
Why aren't you posting the instore british prices?
By identifying the fact of creativity’s relationship to technological advance, and technological advance’s relationship to increased growth and productivity, embedded self-consciously in the American System founded by U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and his mentor Benjamin Franklin, Lamontagne, a student of George Henri Lévesque and key member of the Gordon Commission twelve years earlier, established his commitment to defend the principle of empire. The most active defender of the American System during the 20th and 21st century, Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019) has subsequently described contrast between the forces active today the following terms:
“The most readily accessed example of the contrast of good to evil in modern times, has been typified not only by the goodness of the anti-monetarist principle on which the original Constitution of the United States of America was premised; it was also the same principle which had been adopted earlier by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. That principle, which modern society should trace back to such Renaissance geniuses as Nicholas of Cusa, has been demonstrated through the crucial quality of a leading contributing role specific to the included role of U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.” [32]
The british in-store prices... what are you hiding?
here you go fuccboi
post the in-store prices of british celery, lying jew
the idea that celery is 50p blows your mind huh?
Shit! Beat me to it!
*Me on the right
Figure you’d be all over the government plan for free tampons.
Oh wait, Scheer loves this idea too
tfw he's thinking it's a luxury good when it's a 50 vegetable in a real country.