Andrew Scheer is a limpdick corrupt politician who will do nothing to decrease your cost of living and who is beholden to the Food Doms, telecoms and money laundering operations who make your life hell and which have robbed your children of their future.
Oh Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
>Celery is $6 in Canada now
here's a price comparison collage to show canadians how bad they are getting dicked down into the dirt.
What would it take for leafs to get Maxime Bernier as PM?
Shabbos Scheer
>Andrew Scheer is a limpdick corrupt politician who will do nothing to decrease your cost of living and who is beholden to the Food Doms
Reminder the Milk Mafia and Cheesa Nostra filled out tens of thousands of fake CPC memberships last second and rigged the 2nd round vote of the CPC leadership election to make Scheer win despite Mad Max having a major majority first round and being the clear winner in the run off. Then last second all those ghost CPC memberships magically voted for Scheer who won with just over 50% of the vote.
During his celebration speech he chugged a carton of Neilson 2% Milk - Neilson being owned by Saputo Ltd, which controls 37% of the domestic dairy market. Saputo is owned by Lino Saputo a Sicilian Mafia member who is affiliated with the Rizzuto's of Montreal and the Bonannos in NYC.
I wonder why Scheer did this? Or could it be that it's an open secret the Mafia runs Canada?
$6 for less than zero calories. Amazing. Better start eating the dandelions in your lawn.
Eating unapproved dandelion is punishable up to 10years in jail
A miracle, rigged election, or both
Post link to where person with a few cows who sold unpasteurized milk without a license was shot by Food Police