Man made climate change isn't rea

>man made climate change isn't rea...

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good reason to kike people out of more money

I look forward to the red people learning to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

Insurance jews at it again!

Insurance is communism
Spread the misery of one to many for money

>>man made climate change isn't rea...
It's the man-made part that people take issue with, dumbfuck.

>Zoom out on the graph.
They only show you the last few hundred years for a reason. The earth has been warming for 10,000 years. We're still coming out of an ice age, which is a result of natural heating and cooling cycles with the sun and the earth. Nothing in your picture indicates that the earth is warming due to me driving around, and not the giant nuclear explosion in the sky.

I love man-made climate change.
Pic related to control it.

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We are technically in an ice age right now, it being defined by the constant presence of an ice sheet at the poles.

Took a while, but I keked.

Nice map of places that are historically below sea level anyway you dumb shit.

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Earth was ice free in most of her history. But we are currently in a warm period and now going full force into a solar minimum.

Right. The current ice age that we're still in has been warming for 10,000 years, and it has nothing to do with us driving around town in cars.

Historically, the earth's natural state is much warmer than it is right now. Ice ages are the exception to the rule. We are naturally regressing back to our mean temperature, and it would be happening with or without human activity.

Such is clear to anyone who can form independent conclusions.

Yes, climate changes all the time. Plant more trees and pollute less if you want less heat or pollution.

This, nature’s indifferent march scares the shit out of the coastal liberal, climate change is naturally occurring and there’s nothing we can do about it but it sure gives you something to obfuscate the facts and virtue signal about. Anyway Mother Nature will correct some things for us, makes me wonder how niggers and tropical spics will cope with an ice age

Why are you lying?

You Jews have been pushing this shit real hard for the past few months, despite not mentioning it once for the better part of a decade. Don't think no one has noticed. I assume this is just to prop up your pet Puerto Rican in Congress, but I don't really care what your immediate goal is. Not buying it.

Here's a graph that shows the last 15,000 years. Hardly alarming.

Attached: Temp 15k yr.jpg (693x475, 50K)

>believe the insurance company goy

Where is the lie?

I want to believe but citation needed

Literally isn't real and only about 40% agree it is real.

>citing xkcd
God you reddit fags are cancer, fuck off

>shows the last 15,000 years.
>climate temps have only been measured consistently world wide for less than 100 years

Global warming is a run away effect so we can't fix it. Can't wait to choke with all you guys.

>40% agree it is real.

>actually only 40% think the climate is changing
>less than 20% believe its caused by man made methods
>media continues to shill the issue to people yet never address india an chinese

note: every 12,068 years the sun will let off a nova that will cook half the planet and cause a global cooling.
It will happen again very soon.

>imblying forcing the Mississippi River to discharge the way it does isn’t responsible for the loss of silt and marshland in the gulf.

>>climate temps have only been measured consistently world wide for less than 100 years

>scientists need thermometers to determine what the temperature was.

Bloody awesome opportunity to start an insurance business in those areas and make a fucking killing!

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You can Google it same as I did.

>Remember that story about the Native Americans walking across the Bering Strait?
>The part that's melted now?
>Did it melt because they drove across in inefficient gas mileage trucks, or did the giant ball of nuclear explosion in the sky have anything to do with it?

>measures temperature for 100 years
>calls himself scientist
>temperature rises
>we are doomed

Most of you idiots haven't had to pay insurance for anything yet and haven't realized it's a racket.

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In Louisiana, the land is sinking, the water levels aren't rising.
it's marshy wetland, of course there is a flood risk, the problem has arose because we stupid humans build in these marshy flood prone areas.

Don't worry, place out some anti-sea level rise fans that blow all that water away and you'll be fine.

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> built city below sea level in bowl
> dont take care of levees or sea falls
> blame floods on “climate change” to avoid liability for gross negligence
> stupid goyim eat it up

Did you know having an ice cap is an anomaly? did you know that the earth has been ice cap free for ~90% of its existence? did you know by definition ice caps only exist during ice ages? did you know we are at the tail end of a CURRENT ice age now? did you know the caps extended as far down as missouri/kentucky just 20,000 years ago and have been receding ever since that peak? did you know the caps are going bye-bye even if every person on the planet disappeared 20,000 years ago?

I've been making feeble attempts at this. Instead of denying say Yeah! I love global warming bring it on! A few shit islands drown, a continent of ice uncovered.

I always chuckled when one of my teachers would use a ruler or something stuck in the slots to change the temp. I always thought about something my dad always used to say about how locks only keep honest people honest.

They can tell the temperature from ice cores and fossilized wood etc read a fucking book or something.

....did you unironically just cite xkcd as if that were a real source?

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Oy goys, you gotta pay more because of the... uh... the changing climate! Yes, thats right..

So liberals trust insurers now? What a tweest

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>the land is sinking because the rivers that provide replenishing sediment have been walled in for 100 years, dumping all of that dirt straight into the Gulf, and any freshwater diversion project is blueballed by oyster farmers and shit who dont want their industry to be inconvenienced
>but sure, its global warming
Ok fag

How can climate change be real when we have been living underwater for 20 years after icecaps melted and flooded world?

>man made

Don't build your house below sea level. Problem solved.

Eco-facism now

>Expand the definition of Climate Change to cover damage to areas built behind dikes and below sea level who need pumping stations running 24/7 to prevent them from flooding from ground water seepage.
Here we go again.

>how could sea level rise possibly increase the flooding risk in flooding prone areas

The Nazi is right

Its a delta is supposed to flood

thats what makes fertile farmland

except sea levels are not rising

There’s not even supposed to be cities in that part of Louisiana, fucking retarded French niggers

this is science not religion, yet no poltards have an open mind on co2 affectinvg infrared radiation balance that arrhenius realized with a simple calculation in 1900 or so

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An insurer will say anything to get a rate increase

t actuary for a property insurer

>citing xkcd

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>except sea levels are not rising

Except the cause of this is post glacial rebound.

>Greenland ice core
>No source
>Not even Google can confirm a source on this

Why are you spending lies?



>poorly drawn Reddit comics are a source

>the land is sinking
true, we have that here too.
its a funny thing to see sometimes.

the climate always changes, sea levels have risen about 130 m since the last glacial maximum.Since around 3000 BC they are more or less stable.
Humans have to adapt.

That area was already built below sea level in the first place. Did you think I meant lesbian when I wrote Dike?

if anything the cooling is alarming

> what is a proxy


>All those (yous)'s
>not one argument
Am jealous

>>how could sea level rise possibly increase the flooding risk in flooding prone areas

then why does NASA observations you know
empirical evidence say the opposite?

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>insurers intend to bank off the fear pandered meme of climate change

>mind controlled goy intend to respond by attacking the right wing for not believing the lie

>sorry goy it was climate change that caused this we won't pay out your claim

Dear valued Dumb Goy Inc. customer
Unfortunately we will have to increase your premium because of the weather.
Sincerely yours
Schlomo Sheckelstein

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Goyim, we're very sorry that we're going to have to extract more shekels from you. If only you white people stopped procreating, started eating bugs, not travel anymore and let in more monke- uh, I mean doctors and engineers we wouldn't have to do this. You know this is the last thing we would want to do. Also please don't forget the 6 gorillion.

>read a fucking book or something
faggots like you with their bullshit opinion...
if you would maybe do some research on you own and dont just "believe" in science....
they cannot tell the temperature with fucking ice and fossiized wood are you retarded?
you cannot even explain how that would possibly work

Because it's wise to add to and accelerate natural global events. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan.

It's not real. It's insurance companies being the Jews that they are.