Why are American millennials so poor?
Why are American millennials so poor?
Why do you make so many threads with simple, open ended questions and a somewhat related image and then never come back?
Well, a standard Jow Forums answer would be niggers, spics or kikes.
no unions
no jobs
millions of unpaid internships and training
>Why do you make so many threads with simple, open ended questions and a somewhat related image and then never come back?
Shhh, drink up all that paid propaganda.
Wasting time on image boards like this or trying to be a YouTube celebrity instead of honest work like burger flipping for 9 dollars an hour
I don't
I don’t know but whatever it is it’s their own damn fault! Nature is cruel and not everybody is supposed to reproduce anyway.
boomer posts
Why are jews such scum?
See, I can play too,faggot.
Immigration. Foreign imports. Boomers not retiring. Degrees being increasingly more worthless.
Would be interesting to see a breakdown by race. Roughly 12% of American millennials are black I guess?
Weird. In a year I'm going to graduate and be making $60k minimum starting. They should have majored in nursing instead of philosophy.
Granted one could live dirt cheap in the south so 20k a year is doing alright.
old fags need to triforce the fuck outta here user. its a shill safe space now. godspeed
lmao thinking anyone 30+ is a millennial hahaha wow you are dumb
not enough actual jobs that create. Too many service jobs that pay shit
>honest work like burger flipping for 9 dollars an hour
TFW flipping burgers and listening to angry Indians telling you, you didn't make their chicken tender enough.
Demographic decline. Too many spics and negros in the stats as whites get bred out. They have lower IQ and lower work rate. Productivity, wealth and wages will fall.
How good or bad is $33.000 a year? My cousin (22) earned that when she worked in a restaurant in USA
in your own homeland. multiculturalism is shit. we need to burn it all down.
>American education
This is the correct answer. As whites disappear accumulated wealth will disappear too. They can literally steal everything but they will inevitably squander it. Good case studies on this are Zimbabwe and south Africa. Their history will be repeated here.
After whites are gone only jews and asians will live in prosperity, and then the jews will mongrelize the asian countries too.
lmfao, what? how are these people so shit at life? I'm early 20s and make $75k americabux = 100k canadabux, can go up or slightly down depending on how much I decide to work
depending where you live in the US it could be enough to sustain one person decently or be poverty tier
Not all of us have parents to pay for college.
Maybe majoring in women's studies wasn't such a great fucking idea.
refusal to work
cheap labor from Mexico
cheap goods from China
>millenials in Colorado make way more than in Commiefornia
That really is the worst shithole on the planet.
>he thinks he's going to make 60k a year right out of the gate.
Hohohoho take it from a level 1 trauma center radiologist. You wont be making anywhere near that right out of the gate. Despite what they tell you in nursing school.
Statistics say otherwise.
Millennials are working more hours then your boomer parents.
That's literally my wife. How is it possible?
As a millennial, I make 85k.
That isn't a ton, but I can afford my home and stay at home wife.
I literally dropped out of college and paid off all my debt within a year. L2P lazy, dumb nigger. College is a detriment to you.
Millennials are 44% minorities.
>looks at chart
>looks at flag
you fucking know
33 dollars a year? Sounds like slavery
You literally googled the average RN salary. You won't make the average starting out. I guess it also depends on state, but trust me when I say you will not be making anywhere as much as you think you are.
They are poor because the central banks system is coming to an end. Their parents benefited from the system when the petro dollar system went online.
Haha. Who gave you those statistics? The *school*? Or (((US News)))? Nothing is as manipulated in this world as job stats and they are all ways looking for more ways to bring in nurses from the Phillipines to replace you.
Something something something....
I don't know. The economy never really recovered.
>millennials go to college and Google the average pay for jobs correlated to their major
>think that “median” pay means “starting” pay
>Be liberal dumbass
>Import immigrants
Gee I wonder why wages are so low, and housing is so expensive?
This. No unions, no worker rights, no job protectionism, flood of h1browns to drive wages down, most jobs created are temporary contracts, low wages, and/or part time work.
we've been fucked and this is the end result.
>hurr why no white babies
whites won't breed in poverty. you stupid neocons asked for this and you got it. "godda compete with chinuh hurr durr"
Because the job market is flooded with tons of competition (no matter how good of a fit you are for a job, there is always someone out there who will do it better for cheaper), labor is cheap as fuck, and the cost of living is getting higher and higher. Perfect shitstorm all came together over the past few generations.
that's what entry level jobs are for: to motivate you to build a career so you wont have to work them all your life
Yes, because state average incomes are overwhelmingly women's studies majors.
I swear, some people on here. It's the Jews and the open borders. Only a few people take majors like women's studies, and they all are women, who can always fuck their way into financial security if needed. When you talk about average incomes for generations there are other causes.
Because the goverment and the jews are robbing them of their money through rising taxes, inflation and usury
what's left after you shell out 50K a year to fill up your fridge?
Low blow Pierre :(
boomers did what they had to do to make a living in their current state of the union
millenials whine instead of using whatever's available to them like their grandparents did
Is that a median income or the mean? Is it per capita? The fuck is this map showing?
How come millenials in CA make less than in Louisiana?
What kind of bullshit is this map?
Because while unemployment is nearly nonexistent, underemployment is a pandemic. Degrees are worthless unless you are the upper echelon of GPA, with 5 years experience, and years of networking under your belt, which for most milennials is hard to acquire when you spend half your college years fucked up
Not really. Louisiana has, percentage wise more niggers than CA and yet, the income on this bullshit map is higher in LA.
Maybe working at a nursing home, but look up nurse salaries at university hospitals in states that post all public employee salaries and you will see that yes, in fact, nurses start out at that amount. There isn’t much upside beyond that, but nurses are definitely paid $60k/yr.
i thought i was repeating a funny meme you'd have laughed about with me but i guess it hit too close to home? hahahaha
100€ a week here because i'm a splurging bastard who never needed to work and is squandering his inheritance
check it out
Louisiana has unions, they aren't mandatory, like in CA. Now compare the income.
Having said that: this map is bullshit.
Literally how, I'm 20 and I make like max 40k a year
Funny an Engineering degree is still worth a lot. What are these degrees you speak of I wonder?
Your wife barks?
Will graduate next year in EE at a highly ranked school and will more than likely have to live in out of a car for a time and work at the absolute bottom rung. God bless muttistan.
>$9 an hour
Adjusted for inflation, that’s a little over half of min. wage in the 1950’s. If you’re seriously considering wasting your time doing that for 40hrs a week, you’re better off doing something illegal like the government does.
>just get an education
My parents got educations debt-free for very little money. Me? I’m 10s of thousands in debt, and that’s well below avg.
This is what happens with globalism, neoliberalism, when the country becomes drastically less than 90% white, and when nearly all of government spending GDP goes to things like protecting poppy fields—where COINCIDENTALLY heroin has become a major epidemic killing off and debasing young white males, while still others commit suicide in record numbers.
It’s almost like there is an orchestrated effort to genocide the last white generation. A generation of pussies.
The aspiration of this generation is not in making money. This is the last white American generation, wasting away playing vidya. Dying in record numbers. Voluntarily chopping their own dicks off. Might as well keep surrendering.
I'm assuming you went to some university and got yourself a meme degree followed by getting a meme job.
I was doing that too until I realized what a fucking crock of shit the whole thing is so I dropped out and hired on with a railroad.
Now I work outdoors and shoot the shit with the boys.
That's another thing I didn't know was so important, but when you work in a very male dominated profession work is so much more enjoyable.
That's not true at all. Thise statistics include charge nurses and ARPNs. Trust me, I literally work with them all night long. I literally just got off my shift at a University hospital. A basic RN just out of school is not going to be making the average salary. As stated before, those statistics include inflated numbers. It's different for every state, but making 60k in California is almost poverty level at any city big enough to have a university hospital.
No its not, unless you're retarded with money thats pretty good for a single person. Show me your expenses
Boomers had the greatest country, oppertunity and economy handed to them on a silver platter. Minimum wage was worth double what it is now and you could find your career just by looking in the newspaper.
They're mostly unproductive retards. They have no idea the opportunities that are all around us. They sit around and bitch that they can only work in walmarts or fast food restaurants, but the fact is that there is industry all around us.
Even if you get a job as a fucking secretary at a trucking company, that at least has more dignity than working in retail. It at least matters.
Millennials don't understand how the world works, don't understand what is going on around them, and only seek to blame, never to understand.
When I was a chef I competed against mexicans and trust fund kids - both worked for nothing. Fuck that.
>My parents got educations debt-free for very little money. Me? I’m 10s of thousands in debt, and that’s well below avg.
listen to this whiner
your parents didnt have free online education available like you do
fucking useless younger gens, i'm siding with the boomers on this one
you dont use the tools you ahve at your disposal and you whine you cant make it with what your grandparents had
Well I don't live in California so my expenses wouldn't really translate to well to the state that has the highest average salary for a nurse. Seriously, go look on glass door and then compare it to
They're significantly less. Why? Because as stated earlier nurse.org includes ARPNs and charge nurses in the statistics because they're still registered nurses. Nurses right out of school do not make the same salary as an ARPN.
I find this to be very true also. You gotta get creative when looking for jobs. There are so many jobs out there that your average person wouldn't even think to apply for because they have no idea they exist.
I seek out jobs like that, they're usually the best ones too.
>t. 100k per year millenial
Feels good man
Nah it's not so bad really but it's definitely expensive compared to our neighbours to the south.
and now you can move anywhere in the world, work from home, start a business with an internet connection and a phone and so on
i sold an appartment to a young entrepreneur who goes 3+ times a year to china, he had only compliments for the chinese people
>they work a lot
he said praisingly, implying french people do not
i know they dont from other small business owners
it's largely due to socialism around here but still some of it applies to jewmerica
falling into the obvious pitfalls then whining about it just makes you a bigger loser than learning from them
In case you wondered why some Jow Forumstards fervidly defend the current system...
The greatest generation basically handed them the fucking world after leveling every other industrialized country on the planet in WW2. What exactly did boomers do that was so hard exactly? Grow up in white communities with social trust, drive a new mustang that cost them like $3k, get a factory job around the corner from their family home, that job paid enough to start a family and get a house of their own before they were 20...then get into power in govt and companies only to send all those jobs overseas, turns housing into an investment market instead of a housing one, turn their once white communities they enjoyed brown, pass law after law restricting constitutional rights, push feminism, pride and just about every other disastrous movement while taunting their parents with the destruction of everything they built? Fuck you dude, I do alright for myself in this fucking mess we got in 2019, but the boomers are going to deserve the miserable last few years of their lives when their children treat them with the same indifference the boomers taught their children to have.
>that job paid enough to start a family and get a house of their own before they were 20
why do you think this was?
something something Freemasons
Digging the new L4D3 cast
My 2004 toyota just died. I liquidated my IRA to buy a 2008 toyota now. Im fucked.
t.33 yo Doomer
wonder (((who))) that would be
get off the ass and do something you retarded faggots
>summed up to a t
>My 2004 toyota just died
ever heard of tools ?
>doomer dumbass wrenches himself
Flag checks out
What a fucking bait thread. Because of globalist policies surpressing wages and the fed stealing our purchasing power. Now sage
>With this simple trick Juan lost 40 pounds and his will to live
>the glass is half empty
millenial mindset
>he doesnt know about oil and gas
Wew lad. The only jobs left in spicsafornia are min-wage forklift/warehouse or customer service (must be bilingual).
You niggers ruined my homeland
>the glass used to be half full when boomer came of age
>no job
>no wife
4th Reich will rise soon.
This data is 5 years old - it's right on the bottom of the image. So not surprising for then if you are considering that a huge chunk of millennials were in high school and college then.
>ever heard of tools ?
I dont want to put a new transmission in a 15 year old car.
it's too recent a model
cars used to be handiwork friendly
>unemployment is nearly nonexistent, underemployment is a pandemic.
>$9 an hour for flipping burgers
lol you wish. mcdonalds emplyees start at $7.25 and are capped at $8 where i live
I am aware of the fucked up system. But it’s goverments fault. Not free markets.