lose your house because you didn't mow the lawn
Be Americircumcised homeowner
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Buy the house salary cuck serf.
don't buy in a neighborhood with HOA
If I were that man I would wait until the police tried to kick me out of my own house. He’a old and lived his life, and would probably inspire some people to stand up to such tyranny
>Just unlock the ads, goy.
Ain't reading that shit, nigga.
>signs kike HOA agreement
>shocked when they proceed to get kiked
>the city can't fine you for overgrown grass
What? Cities do that all the time.
Literally never heard of that. Always an hoa
That is fucking ridiculous.
Trips of Truth. Knew a family that got kicked out of a multi million dollar home for not putting trash cans away in time. My mom's neighbor constantly complains about literally any thing she does to maintain her house and the HoA gets involved but throws an actual tantrum when he needs her to approve a change to his front yard and she refused. Fuck those guys across the street, bunch of potato niggers.
Some hoas are full of kikes, but they keep niggers out of the neighborhood
Sometimes the city can have ordinances that pertain to your house, often trash cans not being out away after pickup or keeping your lawn but they don't get to throw you it off your house and the fees aren't even that bad if you even get any as it's usually just a letter telling you to get your shit together. HoAs on the other hand will fine you with out hesitation and eventually with enough infractions take further action.
I'd honestly rather put up with niggers than enter into an agreement with a kike over my house.
Well that is what keeps niggers out
Well you're wrong. Hoas are the chemotherapy to the nigger tumors. It's sucks, but better than the alternative
Chemo doesn't work. I know two things that keep niggers out better than a Jew.
Ahem... GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES MOVE TO A RURAL COMMUNITY NOW. Seriously, just let shitlibs have the fucking metros.
stupid goyim you should have hired a landscaping company with migrant workers furthering their incentive to remain in your country illegally.
Redpill me HOA. Are you compelled to sign them, or can you just tell them to fuck off. What benefits do they provide for the signee?
Suppose I buy a house in a neighborhood that has HOA. Surely signing the document is optional, right?
how hard is it to pay some white niggers $30/mo to mow your yard?
When you buy property in an area with an HOA you agree to abide by the rules of the association. Just like if you move in an area you are agreeing to abide by the laws there. It behooves everyone to learn these rules before buying property and follow them after you’ve done so.
If you want that house you have to sign. Nothing stops you from buying a home elsewhere.
>live in rural northeast Texas on twenty acres of heavy woods
>housing development appears in the next twenty acre lot next door
>boomers developer tries to get me to sign on to his bullshittery so even though I own my land I would have to abide by HOA shit
>told him to fuck off
>tried to take me to court later
>judge threw it out
>boomer community next door calls the cops every time I go shooting
Fuck HOA niggers. I moved out of a city to escape the brown hordes. Now I gotta deal with the eternal boomers. Is there really no escape from people?
Your rights to opt out are controlled by the HOA.
[spoiler]You can't.[/spoiler]
Don’t buy in a HOA then
Whoops, meant for
Man, boomers call the cops over the tiniest shit. Looking nothing? Accidentally forget about something? Don't like something?
Call the cops.
>boomers want me to buy a house
lol. houses are "freedom" the same way a car is "freedom." freedom to endlessly have your wallet drained by kikes.
>houses are cheaper, rent is throwing your money away
idk about you but 30k is 2 years of rent.
You have to sign. You have to pay them monthly fees (plus tip). I live in a condo so my HOA actually does stuff like mows the grounds and does maintenance on the exterior of the buildings. HOAs in neighborhoods with houses might do things like shovel snow in the winter or just try to enforce a bunch of arbitrary retarded rules about your yard.
just dont be a fucking slob and take care of your shit and you wont have any trouble with them. HOA's are literally nigger repellent. Yeah it might suck having to cut your grass every single weekend or not have the trash by the curb the night before. Anyone who has lived around niggers can tell you those are small inconveniences to pay, to not deal with Shaquita and Jamal throwing ragers on a wednesday night or their million cousins and extended family throwing cig butts into your yard and listening to their shitty music on a beats boom box on full volume.
also just so ya'll know my dad lived in a house in a 30k "city" (more like a town) and got fined if he didn't mow his grass. ain't no hoa. the municipality can kike you too.
mow that lawn, citizen.
Buying the home is assent to the HOA agreement. HOAs suck and 9 out of 10 times their run by power tripping cunts who look for ways to abuse what petty authority they have.
I dont get how they have control over what happens on these plots of land when they do not own them. This is the most jewish thing I have ever heard
How else is HUD going to take the house and put a nigger family in it that will never ever cut the grass and will completely ruin the interior and exterior of the house in 3 months?
the land of free
Good job fighting it. Now put toilets all over your property like this guy in Scottsdale.
>Redpill me HOA
Its all a bunch of old fuckers that have nothing better to do than ruin the lives of younger home owners. The see us as entitled and dont deserve a home or career. They will do everything to make you miserable and you have to pay their fees. Bunch of power tripping boomers and ww2 vets, though the ww2 vets have all been getting killed by niggers and having their cars stolen, despite being HOA board members.
A few things to consider
>your mortgage and property tax is deductible (though less now than it used to be)
>over the long haul house prices and rent rise by about the inflation rate
Buying a house you’re going to stay in for at least a decade is a great investment. Probably the best you’ll ever have. Where people get hurt is when they’re forced to move during a downturn.
It's mean to make fun of Americans cus their parents thought it was a good idea to mutilate them. SO STOP
HOA/STRATA not even once.
>the edgy teen can't see past the next 2-3 years.
this is why no one feels sorry for young broke people.
something to consider
>the deduction is like 30% of the tax rate (20%) of that years mortgage INTEREST, not principle
>you're buying a shitshack that takes 30 years to pay off and will fall apart in 40
>the neighborhood may go detroit route or the bubble may burst, rendering your 30 years of payments utterly worthless
>a new roof costs 10k, which is an entire year of rent money
>apartment dwellers pay $0 in maintenance and repairs
>housecucks take 2 years to sell the fucking thing and move
>your utility bills are 10x what mine are. My average electric bill is $18.
>your commute is 2 hours a day longer than mine
wowee great investment wowzers hoo boy
Cities can fine you for that shit and they should. Just because you own property doesn't mean you can't follow the law or that whatever you do doesn't spill over. When yards get too overgrown you can get insects, rodents, snakes and all that shit spills out into other's people lawns. What you do on your property can affect your neighbors, it's why you need permits and inspections. Libertarians are lazy cunts who don't want to actually do anything. There was one guy in my city who was getting fined for an unkempt lawn and he was claiming it was a garden. I drove by his house and it was just weeds and rotting vegetables all over the front yard. Bugs and shit smell everywhere. Fuck lazy cunts.
Holy fuck, is this real? Approve his action with his property?
>le ebin ultimate Mega strawmen
Ill be sure to take your posts seriously now
>often trash cans not being out away after pickup
Someone explain this. Don't the trash man put back the trash cans after emptying them?
My friend lives in a place where that is slowly happening. The crime rate is going up but the hoa are still acting as if its what it used to be 25 years ago.
I want to see another man go crazy and go Kill Dozer 2 against hoa. Fuck those double niggers.
>Kill Dozer
A true American hero
Wow how absolutely cucked of dunedin. I spent my whole childhood here and now I live 10 minutes north in palm harbor. I knew the city government was full of assholes because my mom complained about them a lot when she was running her business but daaamn this is unbelievable. Is there a way I can protest in person to these fags?
These fuckers require permits for every little possible thing you could do to your house. We had to change our windows in secret because our neighbors were assholes and by law you need to spend hundred in permits on each window to be ((allowed)) to replace them. She had to spend an extra 1000 or so on a permit to build a shed in our backyard and a permit to build a fence. Burn down city hall.
I'm a licensed and practicing mortgage officer and I can tell you that any home is a liability, not an asset. Maintenance, taxes, and insurance will drastically outpace your equity in the home.
Usually it's the homeowners responsibility to take them to the curb and then take them back after they're emptied. If you're old or infirmed, they will do it.
>lose your house because you didn't mow the lawn
>forced to boomer
fuck wypipo...call a lawn service from your mother house the problem is fix...why are wypipo so inconsiderate and selfish piece of shits
Is it part of an HOA? I hate HOAs...But if the moron signed up...
what is this reeee meme? Please tell me about it.
There are advantages and disadvantages. Sure one CAN buy a house, but does anyone ever consider if they should? He made good points. It is a bit of a gamble, and personal expenses are much higher for an owner than someone who rents. Unless you buy a house on a lot of property far from people. Its really not worth it now a days. I mean ANYTHING goes wrong in my house, the landlord is compelled to fix it in a timely matter, or I get to not pay rent. Something goes wrong in a house I own...If I cant fix it..Im S.O.L.
So, until I can build my earth ship on some unincorporated land, ill keep my rental for now.
the HOA owns the deed to the house. they are basically renting the house for full price and can sell it for profit. but that so much risk. anyone who buys a house in a HOA is one of the biggest retards on earth
this is a new meme, I was gone for 1 week and everyone is telling me reeee. lol
This is fucking ridiculous, lmao. Nice going burgers.
uh...No...No its not..it is very old..several years at least.
I wonder if they would fine him if he was black?
I have a feeling that they only fuck around with easy target whites.
oh no no.. I know it is but two faggots have used it against my country. idk why. "land of the reeeee"
And they're paying a significant amount of money for the privilege of having post wall bull dykes tell them what they can and can't do with their own home. That's be like paying for the privilege of dealing with white people baaaaaaaaaaaad for years... oh wait, people fall for the college meme.
IDK...Frogs or something.
well, thanks for nothing foreskinless
>That's be like paying for the privilege of dealing with white people
yea fuck white people, amirite fellow kike
Citycucks btfo. Have fun with your jewish homeowners association up your asshole.
:( Thats mean. My kids arent tho. I legit resent my parents...Thanks for reminding me....
HOA's control everything about the appearance of your house.
>sorry, those are the wrong color flowers in your yard, you have to remove them.
>sorry, but a small portion of the roof of that little gardening shed you put up in your back yard to store your lawnmower in can be seen from the road, you have to remove it.
>sorry, but that window tint you installed in your living room is charcoal, you're only allowed bronze- you'll have to remove it.
>sorry, but that 1954 belair left a small oil spot on your driveway, it will no longer be allowed to enter the neighborhood.
>also, that truck with your company logo on the side has a dent in the tailgate, it will no longer be allowed in the community as well.
These are all actual HOA complaints people I've known have dealt with.
I-I am sorry user. You are a bad goy. And that's a good thing! Hope your kids will grow up to be another Hitler and have fruitful future. God bless!
lol. I have unironically fantasied about that.
Did you hear about the one last winter where the HOA wanted to fine someone because their car melted the snow in such a way that the shape left, looked vaguely like a penis? I could not live there without killing everyone.
Lurk moar for 2 years before posting faggot
lol that's the rule I set up. Glad to know people are on with it.
I will name my son Adolf.
I have tons of online accounts for phone ganes and other fremium accounts. I always bname my self Adolf H...because veryone is cucked and "Hitler" is almost always "Forbidden Characters" Stalin...or Dahmer...Or Vlad the impaller isnt tho
>think you're joking
>read last sentence
it's like looking into the abyss of hell. housecucks forever btfo.
I have same name in lots of games and forums as well. It pisses off people and they block me before I can even talk to them. Great tool to filter our normies. But it attracts muslims, especially Pakis. lmao
It’s not “your house” if the city takes it from you for not mowing the lawn. It’s the city’s house clearly.
Yeah...If you want to see how "free" you are...Dont pay taxes without filling a dissolution of corporation form first, see how "free" you stay.
These are anti-nigger laws/regulations. If you cannot abide by them, you must be a nigger.
You’re buying the wrong homes. I’ve made substantially more than I’ve put I on homes. Remember this is a leveraged investment. If you pay cash for a home then I can see you’re point.
not if you approach it right. if you buy with a plan to sell in 5-7 years it tends to work out well
>joining an HOA
I'm the head of an HOA and I enforce nothing because I hate HOAs.
You are flat out wrong. You ignore inflation inyour equation. The home you bought 30 years ago has since gone up 4-5X in value. I know people in 300k+ houses paying $350 a month while rentfags pay 900 for a 1 bedroom to which they get nothing when they move.
America chose the wrong side in WWII.
Rural retard here. When my nosy northern neighbors tell me how I should live, they are literally told to fuck off. Truly an awful people who can't assimilate, worse than niggers.
Jews aren't white kike. Getting the worst aspects of home "ownership" and the worst aspects of an apartment without any positive qualities of either and paying for the privilege... and that's a good thing? Fuck off kike, no amount of sperging over paint color will fill the empty hole between your lard legs or give you the willing company of anything larger than a cat.
i was literally saying HOAs are bad. how fucking bad is your reading comprehension
>Thinking white people want bitchy bull dykes commanding them
>Thinking they wouldn't prefer their own quiet homes possibly with large land lots
Not seeing how the fuck you were mocking HOAs with that.
white people are tricked by kikes because normal people believe everyone else isnt completely totally evil like kikes.
>See thread about mowing lawn
>Lawn needs to be mowed badly
>Different between today and tomorrow is 10 degrees
>Wondering if the city inspector will drive by today or if I can hold off.
Maybe I can just use the trimmer this afternoon and buy time.
This. A nigger and a kike will both rob you, but one of those will also kill you first.
My lawn's getting super bad but I've learned a lot about trying to fix my mower in the meantime.
I've been researching robotic mowers. I have a small incline of a hill causing me issues with going forward with it.
>buy a house in an area with an HOA
>complain about HOA rules
Move to a place with no HOA then
Isn't this good? Under National Socialism and Fascism this stuff would happen all the time. Nobody questions the State - the State will dictate exactly how high and how often you will mow your grass. If you do not obey, the State will give "your" property, to someone who will.
What's the problem?