Look at all those corporations that assembled together to outlaw a natural plant that relaxes you. Surely this must be the world of the Jew.
Are the Jews behind marijuana prohibition?
Fucking hippie
I used to be pro marijuana but then I realized I never met a pothead who wasnt brain dead retarded and could do nothing but spout pro weed rhetoric.
Weed creates worthless people
legalize all drugs. fuck wallstreet and boomers.
Well that is just like, your opinion man.
I personally have known many high functioning people who smoke weed.
as a weed smoker I wasn't pro legalization because the only difference for me was going to be tax.
Weed smells like shit. Even if you disregard all the other bad effects of smoking it...Who the fuck wants to live anywhere near people who smoke that garbage?
Absolutely disgusting.
They are behind both.
Literally any company outside of the military/government work that drug tests is unironically full of actual drug addicts; adderal and Xanax users are probably the worst humans on the planet. And the majority of buisness types do cocaine. Ask any construction foreman: 9times out of 10 they prefer stoners because they actually show up and work; alchohalics are unreliable and meth heads although workhorses are the leading cause of work place injuries...tldr it’s an herb
>prefer stoners
Wonder why American bridges keep breaking all the time
Everyone who smokes weed is a degenerate loser. Weed is nigger culture. If you smoke it, you are doing the kikes a favor. It is exactly what they want.
I smoke everyday. Got all A’s in my classes this semester, have a hot gf, invest in crypto /real estate , learning french /german on my own
Used to be prescribed anti depressants and adhd meds now I only use weed
Anyone who is crippled by weed is a loser degen
Imagine having to use a drug to alter your mental state because you cant handle reality. Pot heads are the biggest fucking losers. They also tend to be wiggers that work at Walmart and McDonald's.
My dick grew 2 inches when I started smoking
Agree, but the kike component of the culture is the motto ''smoke everyday, anytime''. WRONG. I only smoke weed when I finish my shift in the afternoon to play vidya or hang out in the bar. I can testify that here we have tons of people who smoke weed at the crack of dawn before going to work and they are completely useless and feeling tired before lunch break
It's totally
medicinal bro!
don't let big pharma
fool you man
*gasps for breath*
It's just a
*schizophrenic episode*
plant lmao
hemp directly competes with the petrochemical industry and kikes like rockefeller hate competition, problem was that hemp was constitutionally mandated to be grown so marijuana was used to create a license in order to grow hemp but the government refused to hand them out.
Growing Hemp is legal in most parts of the fucking world brainlet. If it was so great they'd use a lot more hemp products. Trader Joes has had hemp seed products for a decade or two..
In Western Europe, the cultivation of hemp was not legally banned by the 1930s, but the commercial cultivation stopped by then, due to decreased demand compared to increasingly popular artificial fibers. Speculation about the potential for commercial cultivation of hemp in large quantities has been criticized due to successful competition from other fibers for many products. The world production of hemp fiber fell from over 300,000 metric tons 1961 to about 75,000 metric tons in the early 1990s and has after that been stable at that level.
Weed doesn't have a hangover, and nobody goes on weed "Binges".
Also, only reduces your reflexes somewhat, it doesn't inhibit your motor skills.
I don’t find weed to be much different than alcohol, both are legal and come with pros/cons.
At the end of the day you either succeed or fail based on your own merit. If weed or alcohol somehow makes you contribute less to society you’re already a retard and would be the same shitty person with any other habit(video games, hard drugs, shitposting for entire days)
Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!
Chaotic-Good Accelerationism
And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))
This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Friday, EPIC
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.
Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills
Also these are becoming CLASSIC quick
>GTA RP vids
He will defeat the faggots and trannys at Google with Algorothmic Meme magic!!!
>Based Bible study!
Get blessed....
>''hurr durr whats the difference between Marijuana and industrial hemp''
the difference is hemp has around 0,3% THC while Marijuana has over 12%, making hemp not efficent as a drug